
Script : [Cranky] Msg--Mail_KO_ReSP

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Thanks for the clothing!
I guess that shows the image
you have of me? I'm giving
you a present too! It's some
clothing I think will be a
perfect fit for YOU! Hah!


Thanks for the clothing!
I wear pretty much anything,
but when something really
doesn't look good, I just
wear it as jammies! All that
to say I got a gift for you!


I suppose the furniture you
sent me is what you like?
I'm going to think carefully
about how to fit it into my
room. In return, I'm sending
a little present for you too.


Thanks for the furniture.
Without realizing it, I think
my room got kind of boring.
The furniture you sent mixed
things up a bit. Try out this
gift as thanks! Hah!


Thanks for the furniture.
I think this would be a good
opportunity for me to really
broaden my horizons. Why
don't you try doing that with
this piece of furniture, too?


You know that furniture you
sent? I have the exact same
thing in my room already.
I guess this'll be a spare in
case one gets damaged. That
gives me peace of mind!


Thanks for the delicious
gift. It really didn't last
long. I snarfed it so fast,
I had to burp to taste it.
GAHAHA! Thanks!


Thanks for the present! It's
supposed to be a challenge,
right? Don't think I can grow
flowers? Challenge accepted!
The age of beautiful flowers
is upon us! GAHAHA!


Thanks for the nursery plant!
I think I'll plant it as a way
to remember something or
other. Though I guess I don't
need to make such a big deal
out of it. Meh, I will anyway!


Did you really send money?
What, are you my mom or
something? I'll take it, but I
don't want anybody getting
any crazy ideas, so I'm gonna
donate it all to charity!


Thanks for the music gift!
I'm guessing you thought
about me when you were
picking it out? It wasn't
exactly my usual, but I do
enjoy it all the same!


Thanks for the present!
I already have all the basic
tools like that, but if mine
ever breaks, it's nice to
know I have a spare!


Hey now, you gave me quite
a shock by sending me a
work of art out of the blue!
It's the real thing, isn't it?!
I don't really understand art,
but thanks all the same!


Do you remember? This is
the stationery you sent me!
It's funny how writing letters
makes you think a lot about
the person you're writing to!


Thanks for the letter! Are
you trying to tell me I need
to change up my wallpaper?
I guess it wouldn't be bad to
do that now and again. As a
thanks, here's a little gift!


Thanks for the letter! If I use
that carpet you sent me, I
feel like I'd have to change
a lot of my furniture as well.
I guess I'll think about it for
a bit. Anyway, thanks!


Sending me a fossil... What a
classy sort of present! Yup, I
really like it. Thanks! I'm just
not sure where I'm going to
put it. To thank you, here's
a little present. Enjoy!


Thanks for the letter! I don't
really know how to examine
fossils, so I guess I'll go take
it by Blathers's later. I'm
looking forward to seeing
what kind of fossil it is!


Thanks for the letter and
present. I feel like I should
return the favor. And so you
know, I'm not just giving you
something I wanted to get
rid of. So you better like it!


Thanks for the letter and
present. I feel like I should
return the favor. And so you
know, I'm not just giving you
something I wanted to get
rid of. So you better like it!


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