
Script : [Normal] FU_Sp_Prologue

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animHaving a new mayor is likedelay giving
fun_00060005 a power-up!


animI'm surprised you're not checking
out the colortown hallcolor.delay After all, it is
your new office!


animI know you're very busy,delay so I won't
keep you long.pageBreakanimBut once you've finished running
errands,delay I'd love a chance to chat


animHello again!delay I was part of the
welcoming committee at the
train station.delay I'm fun_00010005.
animI'd just like to saydelay I think
fun_00060005 is in good hands with
you as our mayor!


animOh,delay you must be the new mayor.fun_00010007 animIt's
so nice to meet you!delay I'm delayfun_00010005.pageBreakI think I speak for everyone when I
say we're all very excited about the
future of fun_00060005, fun_00070005!


delayanimdelayOh my!delay animYou're our new mayor,delay
animdelayright?fun_00010007 animIt's so nice to meet you.delay
I'm delayfun_00010005.pageBreakanimYou can count on my help in making
fun_00060005 an even better place to
animI feel very optimistic about our
future,delay fun_00070005!


animOh my!delay animYou must be the new mayor
everyone's talking about!fun_00010007 animNice to
meet you!delay My name is delayfun_00010005.pageBreakanimI look forward to seeing your grand
plans for our fair town unfold!


animHellodelay.delay.delay.delaydelay animOh!delay You're the new mayor,delay
right?fun_00010007anim Well, I guess that's kind of
old news by now.
animI'm glad we finally get the chance to
meet.delay I'm fun_00010005.pageBreakanimI can't wait to see how fun_00060005
grows and prospers with you at
the helm!


delayanimdelayOh, wow!delay animAre you the new resident
everyone's been talking about?pageBreakanimWelcome to fun_00060005!delay My name is
fun_00010005.fun_00010007 I'm really excited to
have a new neighbor!
animSince our town is pretty small,delay
everyone here influences how it
grows and changes.
animIt should be fun—getting to know
each other and working together to
improve fun_00060005,delay fun_00070005!


delayanimdelayOh, you're our new neighbor, aren't
you?delay animI'm sorry I didn't get a chance
to meet you at the train station.
But it's so nice to meet you now!delay
My name is fun_00010005,delay
animI love getting to know new arrivals.delay
Don't hesitate to stop me for a
chat anytime!


I don't think we've had the pleasure
of chatting before,delay animhave we? delay.delay.delay.delayanimOh,
right!delay animYou only moved here recently!
You must be fun_00000005.fun_00010007 My name is
fun_00010005.delay It's nice to meet you!pageBreakanimHave you already metdelay the otherdelay
animresidents in town?pageBreakanimEveryone's really quite nice, so
don't be shy,delay fun_00070005!








animMayor,delay I'd just like to say that you
were very inspiring at the ceremony
animOh!delayanim I beg your pardon—delayI forgot to
introduce myself.delayanim I'm fun_00010005.
May I call you fun_00000005?
animI look forward to getting to know
you,delay fun_00000005!


animMayor!delay I'd like to formally welcome
you to fun_00060005.delay My name is
animMay I call you fun_00000005?delay I hope to
become good friends,delay fun_00000005.pageBreakBut I know you're probably eager to
get started with your new duties,delay so
I'll leave you to it.delayanim See you soon!


animIs something wrong?delay animI know settling
into a new place can be tricky.animpageBreakanimHave you visited the colortown hall coloryet?delay
I'd say that's your first stop.


animHave you found a place to live yet?pageBreakanimIf not,delay visit colorNook's Homes colorin the
shopping district.delay They can help!


animLooking for the perfect place to
build your home?fun_00010007 animI know how that
goes.delayanim It's a big decision!pageBreakanimIf I might make a suggestion—delaythe
area by my house is pretty great.fun_00010007
animIt'd be nice to see you every day!


animSo you've found a place to live?delay
animThat's wonderful news!pageBreakanimDon't forget to go by the colortown hall
colorto let colorIsabellecolor know.delay animSounds like
you're almost finished moving in!











animI heard you bought a house!delay animHaving
a place of your own is wonderful.pageBreakanimIt also means you might be needing
a few thingsdelay.delay.delay.fun_0012000A


animDid you know the fun_001A0005 is
the official fruit of fun_00060005?pageBreakThey're quite delicious,delay and you can
eat them right off the tree.pageBreakanimJust face a tree that has fruit on it,delay
and press  to shake it loose.animpageBreakTo pick up your fruit, delaypress .delay
animActually, you can pick up anythingdelay
on the ground by pressing .
animYou can also sell fruit at colorRe-Tailcolor,delay
the town's recycling shop.pageBreakanimIn my opinion,delay selling fruit is the
best way to make money when
you're just starting out.


animOver time,delay you'll wind up with a lot
of things you don't need anymore.pageBreakanimAnytime you want to pare down,delay
just pay a visit to colorRe-Tailcolor,delay the
recycling shop in town.
animThey'll buy anything from furniture,delay
to clothing,delay to fish,delay to fruit.delay Their
prices are pretty good too!


animBy the way,delay have you picked up any
tools yet?fun_00010007 animI'm talking about colornetscolor,delay
colorfishing rodscolor,delay and colorshovelscolor.
animYou can use a colornetcolor to catch bugsdelay
and reel in fish with a colorfishing rodcolor.pageBreakanimThen you can sell your extra bugs
and fish at colorRe-Tail colorto make money!pageBreakanimI also suggest you buy a colorshovelcolor.fun_00010007
A  mark on the ground means
something is buried underneath.
If you dig up that spot,delay you just
might discover animburied treasure!fun_0012000A


animOh!delay Can I please get your opinion
on something?fun_000D0007


animSo, fun_00000005,delay where did you
decide to build your house?fun_00010008
Around here.
Over there.
Way over yonder.


animOh, silly me,delay I forgot to check delaythe
colorbulletin boardcolor!pageBreakanimHave you checked the colorbulletin board
in front of the train station coloryet,delay
I have!
Not yet...
The what?


animUm, fun_00080005?delay Would you minddelay
taking a picturedelay of us?fun_00010007 animYou can just
press  and  at the same time.
Or, if you want to wait for the
perfect shot,delay you can do that too.pageBreakTo get ready,delay press and hold down
 (or ).delay When you want to take
the picture,delay just press  (or ).
animYou can view the pictures you've
taken at any time from the
colorNintendo 3DS Camera colorapplication.
animThat's it!delay I hope you use your
camera to capture all the fun
we have together.


animListen to this! delayI have a terrible,delay
scary,delay TRUE story to tell you! pageBreakNot long ago, I was so tired that
I accidentally fell asleep without
animWhen I woke up,delay animI didn't remember
a thing from the day before!pageBreakanimIt was like the whole day had been
erased.fun_00010007anim I guess I learned my lesson:delay
it's important to save!
To do that,delay press colorSTARTcolor and then
select colorSave and quitcolor.delayanim Or to keep
playing, delaychoose colorSave and continuecolor.
animAfter alldelay.delay.delay.if we get the chance to
play together,delay I don't want to forget
how much fun it was!
animPlease make sure you're extra
careful about that,delay fun_00080005!


How do you likeanim it here so far?fun_00010007
animFeel free to stop and talk to us,delay
your neighbors,delay anytime.pageBreakWe're all pretty friendly here—and
we'll do our best to help you adjust
to life in fun_00060005.
animAnd of coursedelay you can always lean
on your secretary, colorIsabellecolor.pageBreakanimIf you stop by the service counter
at the town hall, she'll give you
helpfuldelay coloradvice on living in this towncolor!
animSo you see, fun_00000005,delay you have
lots of resources in town to help
you get settled in,delay fun_00070005.


animI'm sure there are plenty of things
you don't know about living here,delay
but don't let that stop you.
animEveryone here loves to socialize,delay
and we're always happy to share
what we know.
animAlso, delayif you ever find yourself
confused about something,delay animyou can
talk to colorIsabellecolor at the colortown hallcolor.
animShe'll give you lots of helpful coloradvice
on living in towncolor.




I bought this outfit the other day,delay
animbut I'm not sure I can pull it off.fun_00010007
animHow do I look?fun_000A0008
Not amazing


animYou really mean it?delay animI'm so happy!fun_00010007
Being told I look fashionabledelay gives
my confidence a little boost.pageBreakanimI'll keep wearing it then.fun_001B000A


animSo you think it looks OK!delay That's
good to hear.fun_00010007 animI think I'll just keep
wearing it then.fun_001B000A


animSo you think it looks pretty plain!fun_00010007
That's not technically a bad thing,
sodelay I'll just keep wearing it.fun_001B000A


animOhdelay.delay.delay.delay Not so good then.fun_00010007 animButdelay since
I'm already wearing it,delay I'll keep it on
for a while longer!fun_001B000A


Oh no!delay Do you really think it looks
that bad?!fun_00010007 animI supposedelay if you say so,delay
there's no way around itdelay.delay.delay.fun_000E0007fun_001B000A


delay.delay.delay.delayanimSay,delay I'm holding on to another
outfit I just bought.pageBreakanimWhy don't you wear this one to
celebrate your move here?fun_000F0007fun_0001000A


animIt's a unique style,delay I know.delay But I bet
you could make any outfit work.pageBreakTap  on the Touch Screen to look
in your pockets.pageBreakDrag the fun_00030011
onto yourself to wear it.delay Or tap on
clothing and then select colorWearcolor.
animOh!delayanim While we're on the subject,delay
I have a useful tip for you.pageBreakanimcolorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,delay
and colortanks colordon't have any sleeves.pageBreakanimIf you put your shirt on backwarddelay.delay.delay.
animyou're on your own,delay fun_00070005.


animWill you try it on for me?delay I'm sure
it'll look good on you, fun_00080005.pageBreakanimTap  on the Touch Screendelay to view
your pockets.pageBreakDrag the fun_00030011
onto yourself to wear it.delay You can
also tap clothing and select colorWearcolor.
animOh!delayanim While we're on the subject,delay
I have a useful tip for you.pageBreakanimcolorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,delay
and colortanks colordon't have any sleeves.pageBreakanimIf you put your shirt on backwarddelay.delay.delay.
animyou're on your own,delay fun_00070005.




delay.delay.delay.delayanimActually,delay animthis style wouldn't look
half bad on a guy either.pageBreakanimIf you like,delay take it as a "Welcome to
town!" present!fun_00100007


animOh, I know!fun_00010007 I bet this woulddelay look so
much better on you.delay animI'll give it to
youdelay as a housewarming gift!fun_00100007


animIf you want to wear it,delay tap  on the
Touch Screen to view your pockets.pageBreakDrag the fun_00030011
onto yourself to wear it.delay You can
also tap clothing to colorWear colorit.pageBreakanimOh!delayanim While we're on the subject,delay
I have a useful tip for you.pageBreakanimcolorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,delay
and colortanks colordon't have any sleeves.pageBreakanimIf you put your shirt on backwarddelay.delay.delay.
animyou're on your own,delay fun_00070005.


animIf you want to buy new clothes,delay
you should visit colorAble Sisterscolor.pageBreakIt's on Main Street,delay and they carry
lots of different styles.pageBreakanimOh!delayanim While we're on the subject of
clothes,delay I have a useful tip for you.pageBreakanimcolorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,delay
and colortanks colordon't have any sleeves.delay
animNow you know!


animIf you're interested in new clothes,delay
I recommend checking out the store
on Main Street called colorAble Sisterscolor.
animJust,delay uh,delay be sure you try stuff on
before you buy it.delay They don't take
returns.pageBreakanimOh!delayanim While we're on the subject of
clothes,delay I have a useful tip for you.pageBreakanimcolorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,delay
and colortanks colordon't have any sleeves.delay
animNow you know!


animOh!delay Around here, huh?fun_00010007 animI'm glad you
found a nice place, delayfun_00070005.


animOh, really?delay You decided to live over
there?delayanim That does sound lovely.


animOh my!delay So far away?fun_00010007anim I'll have to
come over for a visit sometime.delay
It sounds exciting.


animNow that you've picked a place
to live,delay I should send you a letter!fun_00010007
I love writing letters.
animIf it's not too much trouble,delay would
you send me the occasional letter
too, fun_00000005?
animYou can buy colorstationerycolor delayat the colorstore
on Main Streetcolor.fun_00010007 Once you've written
a letter, delaytake it to the colorpost officecolor.
Then they'll deliver it!delayanim Oh,delay I almost
forgot!delay animI like showing my friends
the letters I receive.
animSo please don't write anything that
would embarrass me.pageBreakanimAnd please don't write anything
that would embarrass you!


animOf course you have.delay I'll check it
later myself.fun_00010007 animThe bulletin board
is very useful.pageBreakYou can find out what's happening
around town and leave your own
messages too.
animSometimes a colorbirdcolor will stand on top
of the bulletin board.fun_00010007 animThat means
there's a new message.
animSo when you see a bird there,delay you
should definitely check the board.


animAh,delay so you haven't checked it either.fun_00010007
animWe really should. The bulletin board
is so useful.
You can find out what's happening
around town and leave your own
messages too.
animSometimes a colorbirdcolor will stand on top
of the bulletin board.fun_00010007 animThat means
there's a new message.
animSo when you see a bird there,delay you
should definitely check the board.


animOh, you haven't heard about it yet?fun_00010007
animThere's a large colorbulletin boardcolordelay right
in front of the colorstationcolor.
You can find out what's happening
around town and leave your own
messages too.
animSometimes a colorbirdcolor will stand on top
of the bulletin board.fun_00010007 animThat means
there's a new message.
animSo when you see a bird there,delay you
should definitely check the board.


animFor household goods, visit colorNookling
Junctioncolor.fun_00010007 And for clothes,delay go to
colorAble Sisterscolor.
animBoth shops are on Main Street,delay and
they both change their stock every
single day.
So even just window shopping is
really fun,delay fun_00070005.


animFor household goods, visit colorTimmycolor
and colorTommycolor at colorT&T Martcolor.fun_00010007 And for
clothes,delay go to colorAble Sisterscolor.
animBoth shops are on Main Street,delay and
they both change their stock every
single day.
So even just window shopping is
really fun,delay fun_00070005.


animFor household goods, visit colorTimmycolor
and colorTommycolor at colorSuper T&Tcolor.fun_00010007 And for
clothes,delay check out colorAble Sisterscolor.
animBoth shops are on Main Street,delay and
they both change their stock every
single day.
So even just window shopping is
really fun,delay fun_00070005.


animFor household goods, visit colorT.I.Y.colorfun_00010007
And for clothes,delay check out colorAble
animBoth shops are on Main Street,delay and
they both change their stock every
single day.
So even just window shopping is
really fun,delay fun_00070005.


animFor household goods, visit colorTimmycolor
and colorTommycolor at colorT&T Emporiumcolor.fun_00010007 And
for clothes,delay check out colorAble Sisterscolor.
animBoth shops are on Main Street,delay and
they both change their stock every
single day.
So even just window shopping is
really fun,delay fun_00070005.


You can buy just about any tool
you need from colorNookling Junction
coloron Main Street.


You can buy just about any tool you
need from colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor at
colorT&T Mart coloron Main Street.


You can buy just about any tool
you need from colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor
at colorSuper T&T coloron Main Street.


You can buy just about any tool you
need fromdelay colorT.I.Y. coloron Main Street.


You can buy just about any tool you
need from colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor at
colorT&T Emporium coloron Main Street.


You can buy just about any tool you
need from colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor at
colorT&T Emporium coloron Main Street.


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