Num | English |
| animWelcome to fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station!delay
animCan I help you with anything?fun_0005000F
No, not now. |
| animWelcome to fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station!delay
What do you want to do today?fun_0006000F
Visit another town.
Invite guests in.
Never mind. |
| Welcome to fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station!fun_00010007
animWhat can I help you with today?fun_0006000F
I'd like to take a trip.
Close the ticket gate.
Never mind. |
| All right. See you around!delay
Eek eek, aah aah! |
| OK then.delay I'll be here if you ever
need me for anything!delay Eek eek! |
| OK, I'll close the gate.delay This will
stop others from coming in,delay but
you can still message best friends. |
| Would you like to invite guests from
anima colornearbycolor town or a colorfaraway colortown?fun_0006000F
A nearby town.
A faraway town.
Actually, forget it. |
| Which would you like to go visit?delay
animA colornearbycolor town or a colorfaraway colortown?fun_0006000F
A nearby town.
A faraway town.
Actually, forget it. |
| animEek eek!delay Shall I get your local
wireless going then?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Nah. |
| animWell then, delayshould I switch from
Internet to local wireless?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Nah. |
| animEek eek! animI mean OK! animShall we
connect to the Internet?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Forget it! |
| It appears at least one of your
friends has opened their town
gate as well.
Do you still want animto open your
ticket gate or would you like to
go visit someone instead?fun_0005000F
Please open my gate!
Oh, I'll go visiting then! |
| What sort of friends would you like
to be able to visit your town?fun_0008000DendTag
All my friends!
Just my best friends! |
| animEek eek! Sorry to keep you waiting.delay
Let's open the gate!fun_00090007 |
| So you'd rather go to another town
delaythan have someone visit you?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, I'd rather travel!
No, I want visitors. |
| Looking for nearby towns to visitdelay.delay.delay.
fun_00020007colorPress to cancelcolor.fun_00030007 |
| animEek eek?delay So you don't feel like
leaving after all?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I want to leave.
I want to stay. |
| Sorry, delaybut I couldn't find any nearby
towns for you to visitdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakSince you're currently playing
colorAnimal Crossing: New Leaf -
Welcome amiibocolor... delaypageBreakanimyou can visit other colorWelcome amiibo
colortowns. animfun_00010007If you can't find a friend's
town, delaycheck if they are playing...
colorAnimal Crossing: New Leaf -
Welcome amiibocolor.pageBreakanimDo you want me to keep looking?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please.
Nah, forget it. |
| It looks like fun_00020011 is open to
visitors!delay animWould you like to travel
there right now?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
Nah, somewhere else.
Nope, forget it. |
| Here is a list of the available towns
at the moment.delay |
| Since this is probably the first timedelay
you're opening the gate, I'd like to
go ahead and explain a few things.
While online,delay color colorwill be displayed
on the colorlower left of the bottom
animWhile you're playing with someone
else,delay wirelessly or online,delay you can
check their colorTPCcolor by tapping colorcolor.
animEven if you don't have visitors,
color colorwill be visible if you're online.pageBreakIf you want to change your online
or wireless status,delay just come talk
to me and I'll get you squared away. |
| How exciting! delayThe next train should
be arriving any minute now.delay So let's
get you ready for departure,delay eek! |
| Have a good trip!delay
Eek eek, aah aah aah!fun_00090007 |
| Eek eek! You have no friends
registereddelay in your colorNintendo 3DS
colorfcolorcolorcolorriend listcolor.
You need to register friends in
order to visit faraway towns! |
| Looking for faraway towns
that you can visit... |
| Eek eek! You have no friends
registereddelay in your colorNintendo 3DS
colorcolorfriend listcolor.
If you want people to visit your
town from far away, you'll need to
register them in your colorfriend listcolor! |
| Welcome to fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station!fun_00010007
animWhat do you want to do today?fun_0007000F
I want to take a trip!
Open the gate.
End the online session.
Nothing. |
| animDo you want me to look for other
Yes, keep looking.
No, thanks. |
| OK, I'll be here if you need me for
anything!delay See you later,delay eek eek! |
| The ticket gate appears
to have been closeddelay.delay.delay. |
| The town has already reached
its visitor limitdelay.delay.delay. |
| Eek eek! Something's not workingdelay.delay.delay.delay
animDo you want me to try again?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Nope. |
| Eek eek! We couldn't connect for
some reason.fun_00010007 Please try again later! |
| It seems that someone in that town
is in the middle of a conversation.delay
animDo you want me to try again?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Nope. |
| animEek! delayThe train doesn't usually take
this long!delay You might want to try
again in a moment or so. |
| Welcome to fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station!fun_00010007
There is currently colordelayfun_00060004 colorvisitor in town. |
| Welcome to fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station.fun_00010007
There are currently colordelayfun_00060004 colorvisitors in
town. |
| Welcome to fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station!fun_00010007
There are colordelayfun_00060004 colorvisitors in town right
now! |
| animOK, delayeek!delay I'll leave the gate as it is. |
| So you want to end communicationdelay
and stop hosting visitors from
other towns, correct?
Well then, delayI'll go ahead and end
communication now. |
| Oh! delayanimLeaving so soon?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yep. Gotta go.
Nope, not quite yet. |
| Alrighty.delay Just let me know when you
want to return to fun_00060005. |
| animThat's a shame.delay It feels like you only
just arrived.delay animBut luckily, the train
should be here anytime now. |
| Good-bye! Farewell! delayTake care!delay
Eek eek!fun_00090007 |
Have a safe trip! Eek eek!fun_00090007
| I got a message from the dock that
you recently put in a request to ride
the boat out to the island.
If you want to go home,delay first cancel
the boat trip, and then come back
here! Eek eek! |
| animThe next train won't be coming for
a while.delay animSay! Why not finish your
resident registration while waiting? |
| Oh,delay something wrong?fun_00010007 If you don't
know how to get somewhere,delay check
the colormap on the bottom screencolor. |
| animHey! delayYou're the fun_0006000E who just
moved here from another town!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00000005, right?
Well, let's have a look at your new
colorTown Pass Cardcolor! |
| animOK, delayyou're all set!delay
Thanks for your cooperation. |
| Sodelay animwill you be traveling to another
town?pageBreakOr delaywould you like to invite friends
to fun_00050005?fun_0006000F
I want to travel.
Invite friends over.
Neither. |
| OK, first things first.delay I'll need to
check your colorTown Pass Cardcolor. |
| Well, everything seems to be in
orde—delay animfun_000B0007EEK EEEEEK!pageBreakThere's no picture on this colorTPCcolor!pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delayanimOh, right!fun_00010007 animcolorIsabellecolor must've
forgot to tell you.pageBreakanimNo worries!delay Happens all the time.animpageBreakOK,delay to get a picture, you'll need to
visit the colorphoto boothcolor over in the
colorshopping districtcolor.
animIt costs color500 Bellscolor.fun_00010007 Don't forget!delay
animCome back here when you're done! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimOK,delay thank you!fun_00010007 Nice picture, by
the way. delayYou're quite the looker!pageBreakanimWe sometimes get people who
haven't even had their picture
taken yet. animdelayEek delayeek delayeek!
animI'm guessing delaycolorIsabelle colormust forget
to tell people. She can be kind of...delay
distracted...delayat times.
animAnyway, here's your
colorTown Pass Cardcolor back. |
| You won't need to show me your
colorTPCcolor from now on.pageBreakanimMy memory's good, delayand you have
a really unique face. fun_00010007delayI mean, just
look at that fun_000A0007NOSE!animdelay Eekdelay eek!
animSo anywaydelay.delay.delay.delay
What can I help you with?fun_0006000F
Visiting another town.
Inviting friends here.
Nothing. |
| Oh,delay animdid you get your picture taken?delay
animCan I see your colorTPCcolor again? |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayHuh?fun_00010007 There's still no picture!pageBreakanimI know it's a pain, but can you go to
the colorphoto boothcolor in the shopping
district and get your photo taken?
It costs color500 Bellscolor.fun_00010007 Don't forget! |
| animYep, everything seems to be
in order here. delayThank you.fun_00010007
Here's your card back. |
| Eek! Due to colorParental Controls colorin
place on this colorsystemcolor,delay you can't
use the station.endTag
Ugh, fine!
color colorBut— I'm a parent! |
| Eek! Due to colorParental Controlscolor in
place on this colorsystemcolor,delay you can't
use the station.endTag
Ugh, fine!
color colorBut— I'm a parent! |
| Currently,delay the gate is open to allow
new visitors.delay animDid you want me to
close it?fun_0005000F
Close the gate!
Keep it the way it is. |
| Currently,delay the gate is closed to
prevent new visitors from coming.delay
animAre you OK with opening it?fun_0005000F
Open the gate!
Keep it the way it is. |
| animAs you wish! Eek eek! |
| Thanks for waiting! delayIf you want to
open the gate for visitors, just let
me know. Eek eek! |
| Thanks for waiting!delay If you want to
close the gate, just let me know!delay
Eek eeeeek! |
| Currently,delay the gate is closed to
keep new visitors from coming
in.delay animWhat would you like to do?fun_0006000F
Open the gate!
Open for best friends!
Keep it that way. |
| Welcome delayto fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station!delay
Eek eek, aah aah aah! |
| Sorry, but the train is currently outdelay
of service. delayPlease try again when
you wake up. |
| You know—delaythe people from this
town have never visited another
animIt makes me kind of sad. delaysizeEek eek...size |
| You know—delaythe people from
this town don't get out much.delaypageBreakanimI wish they'd visit some other
towns. It would really broaden
their horizons, delayeek eek! |
| You know—delaypeople from this town
have boarded fun_00090004 trains from
this station,delay eek eek! |
| You know—delaythe people from this
town have boarded more trains
from this station than I can count!
animThat's a whole lot of trains,
| You know—delaythis station hasn't been
used by any visitors from other
towns yet.
animIt makes me kind of sad. delaysizeEek eek...size |
| You know—delayonly one out-of-town
visitor has used this station.pageBreakanimI wish more people would come
visitdelay.delay.delay. |
| You know—delaythis is a pretty popular
town. In fact, this station has been
used fun_00090004 times by visitors. |
| You know—delaythis station has had
more visitors than we can even
count.fun_00010007 EEK EEK! |
| animHmphdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.endTag
What's the matter?
Snap out of it! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_00090007 |
| Oh! delayMayor fun_00000005!delay I'm glad
you're here! I wanted to talk to
you about something...
So delaythe railroad company that runs
this train station held a station
design contest a while back...
And now they want to remodel
some of the train stations based on
the contest entries.
It's crazy, but guess what?fun_00010007
animfun_0004000Efun_00050005 Station has been
selected for remodeling!anim Eek! |
| It's not surprising—animdelaythis station has
been used by so many people.delay
animIt's quite popular!
animButdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSdelayOdelayMdelayEdelay people don't think the
renovation is necessary, delayanimand they've
pushed to have the plans scrapped!delay
animI was really looking forward to it.
sizeEek eek...size
| That's where you come in,delay
Mayor fun_00000005!pageBreakIf you were to lend your support to
this project, the townsfolk would
definitely be on board.
animSo delayanimwould you be willing to take updelay
renovating the station as a colorpublic
works projectcolor?
Just think of what it could do for
fun_00050005! It could attract people
from all over the world!
The remodel plans are at the town
hall if you want to check them out.delay
Thank you, fun_0006000E Mayor.fun_0000000D |
| Also, just to let you knowdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakIf you open the gate for local
wireless stuff,delay you might get
visitors you don't know.
If you don't want to let anyone
else in while you're playing with
guests,delay you can close the gatedelay.delay.delay.
animIf that's what you'd prefer to do,delay
just let me know!pageBreakNowdelay go on and enjoy yourself!
fun_00020007 fun_00030007Eek eek! |
| Alsodelay.delay.delay.pageBreakWhile the gate is open,delay guests are
able to come and go, butdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakthere's a chance you'll encounter
people you don't know, especially
with local wireless play.
If you don't want to let anyone
else in while you're playing with
guests,delay you can close the gatedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIf you feel like doing that at any
time,delay just let me know!pageBreakNowdelay go and enjoy yourself!
fun_00020007 fun_00030007Eek eek! |
| animEek eek! Sorry to keep you waiting.delay
Let's open the gate!fun_00090007 |
| |
| |