Num | English |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!fun_00010007
animDon't talk. delayJust follow me to my
place!delayanim It's super important.delay I swear! |
| animFinally! It's delayfun_00080005!fun_00010007
animI've been camped out heredelay 'cause
I totally need to talk to you!
animBut I can't talk about it delayright here.delayanim
You need to come over to my placedelay
right away,delay fun_00070005! |
sizeanimsizedelayfun_000B0007fun_0009000DHAPPYsizedelay sizefun_000B0007BIRTHDAY!!!sizesizefun_000A000Ddelayanim
| animWe all got togetherdelay to plan a
special surprise birthday partydelay
just for you, delayfun_00080005!
animWere you,delay like, delaytotally surprised?!delay
animI wish you could've seen the look
on your face delaywhen you came in!
animNow take a DEEP breath and blow
out those candles! |
| animWe all got togetherdelay to plan a
special surprise birthday partydelay
just for you, delayfun_00080005!
animWere you,delay like, delaytotally surprised?!delay
animWe have to celebrate a day early,delay
since this year delayisn't a leap year.
animOK, delaytime to make a wish and delayblow
out the candles, delayfun_00070005! |
| animWe all got togetherdelay to plan a
special surprise birthday partydelay
just for you, delayfun_00080005!
animAnd since this year is a leap year,delay
we get to celebrate on your actual
birthday, delayFebruary 29th!
animOK, delaytime to make a wish and delayblow
out the candles, delayfun_00070005!
| animHey!delay You can't leave yet!delay
We went through a delayLOT of trouble
to get this cake, delayfun_00080005!
animThe least you can do is delaytake a deep
breathdelay and blow out the candles! |
| animStop right there, delayfun_00080005!delay
Where are you're going? delayYou can't
leave! delayanimYou're the star of this party! |
| animHey, delaywait a sec, delayfun_00080005!
Don't leave yet. delayYou have to blow
out your candles delayanimand make a wish! |
| animGreat job on those candles! delayAnd
now, delaywhat we've all been waiting
fordelay.delay.delay.delayanimPRESENT TIME! |
| animWe took up a collection delayso we
could get this for you,delayanim so you'd
better appreciate it! |
| animYou're, delaylike, delaya super-important part
of this town,delay fun_00080005. delayanimSo we
got you delaya really amazing gift! |
| animWe had to do something delayREALLY
special delayfor our bestest friend
fun_00080005. delayIanim hope you adore it! |
| animYour pockets are pretty full,delay so I
don't think delayyou'll be able to carry
your gift homedelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut never fear! delayI'll just go to the
post office later delayand mail it to your
house. delayanimSimple as that!
animNow go on and enjoy the party! |
| animHere you go! |
| animYou can't open it just yet!delay For
now, delayanimjust relax and enjoy this
epic party, delayOK? |
| animTime to go home,delay huh, delayfun_00080005?
delayanimWell, delaythanks for sticking around delaytill
the bitter end. delayanimThis has been fun!
animAnd you're a good sport delayfor letting
me drag you over here! delayanimThanks for
celebrating with us, delayfun_00070005! |
| animWe should,delay like, delayTOTALLY do this
again next yeardelay for your birthday.delayanim
It's been a blast, delayfun_00070005! |
| animBirthday parties make me, delaylike,delayanim
totally excitable!delay There's no delayway
I'll be able to fall asleep tonight!
animI wish we could throw a birthday
partydelay every single day!delayanim I don't even
care if it's someone's birthday! |
| animBe honest with me, fun_00080005—delay
animthis was an amazing party, delayright?delay
Of course it was!
animEveryone knows delayall you have to
do for an awesome partydelay is calldelay
fun_00010005! |
| animI hope all your birthday wishesdelay
come true this year, delayfun_00080005! |
| animCelebrating someone else's birthday
makes medelay animSO psyched delayto celebrate
my own birthday, delayfun_00070005! |
| |
| animIf I'm remembering right, you made
a pretty awesome birthday wish:delay
animI wanna help make your wish come
true, delayanimso I'm gonna go share it delaywith
everyone in town! |
| animAre you gonna blow out those
candles delayor what? delayanimI bet you can
do it delayin just one breath! |
| animAren't you gonna blow outdelay your
candles?delayanim I promise, delaywe didn't get
the trick kind delaythat won't go out! |
| animYou've gotta blow those candles
out soon!delay If you don't, delaythey're gonna
melt delayall over your beautiful cake! |
| |
| |
| animTake a look at the delayGORGEOUS
cake,delay fun_00000005.delayanim It's all for you!pageBreakanimYou should definitely make a wishdelay
before you blow out those candles.delayanim
Birthday wishes totally come true! |
| animAre you all ready to go? fun_00010007animThen
just take a delayBIG,delay deep breath anddelayanim
colorblow colorout all of those candles!
Just go, like,anim WHOOOOOOSH!
OK, now you try it! |
| animAll you need to do now delayis colorblow colorout
those crazy candles on your cake!delayanim
C'mon, delayI just KNOW you can do it!
It's super easy. delayJust take a deep
breath and go animWHOOOOOOOSH! |
| animOooh! delayAre you gonna tell medelay what
you wished for?delay Pretty please?pageBreakanimIf you tell me, delayI'll tell everyone in
town, delayanimso we can make delaySURE your
wish comes true!fun_0005000F
Here's my wish...
It's a secret! |
| animOh, delayI get it! delayYou wanna keep your
secret wishdelay a secret. delayanimThat's,delay like,delay
so very dramatic of you!
animWell, delayno matter what you wished
for, delayanimI hope it comes true by your
next birthday, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI can't believe that was your wish:
animThat's, delaylike, delayan awesome wish!
animI'm gonna spread the news around
towndelay about your wish.delay I'm suredelayanim
someone can make it come true! |
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