
Script : [Smug] ZK_Ev_Club_Sign

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animHuh? delayYou want me to sign a sheetdelay
to help build a club?anim I love clubs!pageBreakanimThat's nice!delay I always thought it'd be
great to have something like that in
town,delay fun_00070005!
animI'd love to cooperate,delay fun_00080005!
Where do I sign?


animWow,delay a true campaign to build
a club here in fun_00050005delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimNow, that's impressive! animIf it's OK,delay
can I be part of it?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005?


animA campaign to build a club?fun_00010007
animdelayI feel like I've already signed
for something like thatdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimOK, sure.delay I'm all in,delay animso I'll sign it as
many times as I can!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThere!delay I've signed it!fun_00010007 delay.delay.delay.delayanimOh,delay it seems
like I'm the first signaturedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimHah ha!delay animI got to sign BEFORE it
was cool to sign! My cred is solid.pageBreakanimOK, good luck, delayfun_00080005!delay Even if
the whole town is against you,delay animI'll
still be on your side!


animHere you go! I've signed it!delay animI'm so
excited for this,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimHey, if you get enough signatures,
animcan I just take credit for the idea?pageBreakI mean, animI HAVE been saying we
needed more culture in fun_00050005...


animI've signed it!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005, you can
put it up on the wall at your house,
OK?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005?
animOh wait!delay animIf you did that, we'd never
get a club, would we? animHmm...that is
quite a pickle...
animOK, just use it for the club! animYay!
I'm looking forward to the grand
opening soon!


animIs that it?delay animRemember to keep that
signature since it'll be worth a lot
someday! animHah ha!


animI wrote my signature!fun_00010007 delay.delay.delay.delayanimYou only
need one more signature to fill up
this signature sheet!
animIt must have been pretty tough for
you to get to this point!delay animTime for
the final sprint,delay fun_00080005!


animAnd...there!delay You have my signature!fun_00010007
animI've been practicing it for so long!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimOh, wait a minute!fun_00010007 animMy signature
put you over the edge there, didn't
it? That's all you need!
animTo be the very last signature...delay
Oh, animit must be fate!pageBreakanimFate and the trendiest guy in town!
animBehold the awesome power of my
signature! So strong it builds clubs!
animAll you have to do now is submit the
signature sheet!delay We're all counting
on you now,delay fun_00080005!


animAnd...there!delay You have my signature!fun_00010007
animI've been practicing it for so long!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimOh, wait a minute!fun_00010007 animMy signature
put you over the edge there, didn't
it? That's all you need!
animTo be the very last signature...delay
Oh, animit must be fate!pageBreakanimFate and the trendiest guy in town!
animBehold the awesome power of my
signature! So strong it builds clubs!
animAll you have to do now is submit the
signature sheet!delay We're all counting
on you now,delay fun_00080005!


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