Don't freak out,delay but I just saw fun_0002000Edelayfun_00030011!delay animWe need to stay,delay like, delaytotally calm. animExceptdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_000A0007AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! animIt's coming to get me!
animNo way!delay
Someone please tell medelay that is delayNOT fun_0002000Edelayfun_00030011! animThose things delayare so creeptastic!delay
Get it away from me right now delaybefore I completely freak out!
animNo way!delay
Someone please tell medelay that is delayNOT fun_0002000Edelayfun_00030011! animThose things delayare so creeptastic!delay
Get it away from me right now delaybefore I completely freak out!
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