Num | English |
| animDo you visit this town a lot?pageBreakanimThis is the sort of placedelay you want
to keep coming back to,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animIt's so nice here,delay I don't even wanna
go home. |
| animCamping always meansdelay eating tasty
food!pageBreakI wonder what tasty stuffdelay there is
to eat in this town, delayfun_00070005. |
| animIt's weird.delay Even though this isn't my
town,delay animI feel like I fit in perfectly,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animHey!delay Are you from this town?fun_00010007
animI'm here camping!pageBreakanimI pretty much just decided to camp
here on a whim,delay but it ended up
being an awesome decision!pageBreakI'll be seeing you around for a little
bit, delayfun_00070005. |
| animYou're from this town, aren't you?fun_00010007
animI'm having a great time camping
here! |
| animI'm here camping in town,delay so you'll
be seeing me around for a bit!pageBreakanimFruit, delayfish, delayshellfishdelay.delay.delay.delay What's delaythe
best thing to eat here?pageBreakanimA huh huh huh!delay You gotta eat the
local fooddelay when you travel,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animI'm trying to figure out where to
live.delay Near the sea?delay Or somewhere
with a ton of trees?
Some stores nearby would be nicedelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animMan, where the heck should I
live?! |
| animWhere should I live, where should I
live?delay animdelayMaybe I'll play rock-paper-
scissors with myself to decide! |
| animWherever I live, there's gotta be
lots of food nearby,delay fun_00070005! |
| animActually, I have something
important to tell you.fun_00010007 animI'm moving to
this town!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000011 invited me, and I
figured, why not?fun_00010007 animSo you and I are
gonna be neighbors soon! |
| animSo right now I'm just camping here,delay
but pretty soon I'll be moving to
this town for good!
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 invited me, actually.delay
animWe should hang out once I'm moved
in,delay fun_00070005. |
| animOh, hey, um, so fun_00000011 invited
me to move into this town!pageBreakanimWe're gonna be neighbors from now
on!delay So I'll see you around,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animTents are a lot more comfortable
than I thought.fun_00010007 animThey're so comfy,delay
I'm napping even more than usual. |
| animIt can be kind of a hassle building
a campfire,delay but it's definitely
worth it.pageBreakanimWarming my feet around the fire
is soooo sweet,delay fun_00070005! |
| animWhenever I camp, I think about what
life was like before we had all these
modern conveniences.
animI bet life back in the day was so
relaxing all the time,delay fun_00070005. |
| animEverything tastes better when
you're camping!pageBreakanimThe fresh air is like a megaphone
for food.delay It really bumps up the
flavors' volume! |
| animThe air in this town smells delicious!fun_00010007
If only I could bottle it and bring
it back home with me! |
| animI've camped in a lot of places,delay
but I really like this town.fun_00010007 animIt's, like,
thedelay bestdelay towndelay ever!delay
animIt's weird to say,delay but I kind of want
to live here!fun_0005000F
You should move here!
Um... |
| animMan, I'm bummed out.delay This town
seems like a really great place,delay but
I'll have to go home before too long.pageBreakanimIt delaybreaks my heart,delay fun_00070005.fun_0005000F
You should live here!
Yeah, that's sad. |
| animI had a funny dream last night that
I was living in this town!pageBreakanimIt seemed like I was having a real
good time too.fun_00010007 animSay, delayyou thinking
what I'm thinking?fun_0005000F
You should move here!
Cool dream! |
| animWell, I really love this town.delay
animCamping here has been a lot of fun,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animYeah,delay it is saddelay.delay.delay.delay animBut I gotta get
home.delay animI've got a lot of friends
waiting for me,delay fun_00070005. |
| animYeah!delay Maybe one day it'll come
true,delay fun_00070005. |
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