Num | English |
| animHaving a work of art in my place
really gives the room an elegant
feel.delayanim At least,delay that's the idea. |
| animI thought I'd bring a touch of the
outdoorsdelay indoors by keeping a plant
in here, delayfun_00070005. |
| animIt's so easy to relax when you listen
to the right music! |
| animI don't actually watch much TV, butdelay
animlately there's this one show I'm
completely hooked on. |
| animI think it'd be really fun to play an
instrument in a band,delay so I've been
practicing in my spare time! |
| animI set up my kitchen exactly to my
liking.delay My utensils are in alphabetical
order,delay from blender to spatula! |
| animMy bed may be small,delay but it's very
comfortable to sleep on. |
| animMy bed is so soft and warm!delay After
a full night's sleep, I always wake up
refreshed and ready to go! |
| animI love relaxing on my sofa with
a good book.delay It fits me just right! |
| animLatelydelay I've been enjoying lying on
my fun_00030011,delay my feet
dangling over the side while I read. |
| animThat chair is so comfortable,delay
I sometimes doze off in it. |
| If I take good care of my bug,delay do
you think someday it will come
animwhen I call it?delayanimdelay Here,delay Skippy! |
| animMy fun_00030011delay might
not look big, but it actually holds
a lot.
animIt holds so much that I let myself
buy a ton of books to put in it. |
| animWhen I brew coffee with mydelay
fun_00030011delay, it makes
my house smell sooo good! |
| animIf you look closely at gyroids,delay
animyou'll see how much personality
each of them has. |
| animI've been paying more attention to
what I wear lately,delayanim which has made
me rather picky about my outfits.delayanim
animSo I've started leaving my clothes
out to see them all at once. |
| animMy fun_00030011 might
come as a surprise.pageBreakBut I like to try surprising things
from time to time.delay It keeps my life
from getting stale,delay fun_00070005. |
| animI'm not really into makeup or things
like that,delay but I like having a vanity. |
| animI hope you had a chance to check
out my bookshelf. It's full of books,delay
of course!
animOh!delay One title I highly recommend isdelay
Have you heard of it? |
| animPlease excuse the cleaning supplies.delay
animI find that if I leave them there,delay
I clean up after myself more often! |
| Isn't my fun_00030011delay
wonderful?pageBreakanimI love staring at it and imagining
what the world was like way back
in prehistoric times. |
| animMy cares just melt away with some
freshly baked cookiesdelay and a cup of
tea from my tea set.delayanim |
| animDon't tell anyone this, butdelayanim
sometimes I put flowers in this
toiletdelay so it's like a huge vase. |
| animEven though I use my computer all
the time to keep in touch...pageBreakanimI still prefer letters to e-mail.delay
I guess I'm old fashioned that way. |
| animHaving flowers like my
fun_00030011 around is
good for the soul,delay fun_00070005. |
| animI try to clean out my refrigerator
on a regular basis.pageBreakanimWhen I find old leftovers in the
back,delayanim I make sure to have them
for dinner. |
| animSomething smells good?pageBreakanimTee hee!delay You must be smelling the
fun_00030011 over there!fun_00010007
animBut don't try any sneaky snacking! |
| animI like to weigh the ingredients when
I cook.delay That scale is to weigh bigger
things,delay like watermelons. |
| animYes,delay sometimes I like to play
video games on rainy days.delay
Doesn't everyone? |
| animMy fun_00030011delay is
adorable, isn't it?pageBreakI've loved stuffed animalsdelay ever since
I was a little girl.delay animSometimes delayI talk
to them. |
| animMy fun_00030011 is just
so cute!delay Looking at his little nose
always makes me smile. |
| animI don't know why,delay but caring for
bonsai trees helps me to relax. |
| animDid you seedelay my
fun_00030011?pageBreakHamsters are pretty great, don't
you think?fun_00010007anim Though I'm not sure how
I feel about keeping them captive. |
| animI leave my fun_00030011
out because I like to be reminded
of my childhood. |
| animHaving my fun_00030011
there ties the whole room together. |
| You probably didn't expect to see
fun_0002000Efun_00030011 in my
animBut I'm a more complicated person
than you might think,delay fun_00070005! |
| animMy wrestling matdelay is actually great
for doing yoga too! |
| animPlaying in my pool during the
summer helps me forget about
how hot it is! |
| animLately I've been enjoying long hot
baths at the end of my day. |
| animI ordered it by mistake!delay I got an
ordinary toilet delivered as well.pageBreakanimBut since I couldn't return this one,delay
I thought I'd use it for decorative
purposes. |
| animHaving colorful furniture like mydelay
fun_00030011delay brightens
up the whole room. |
| animI thought it'd be nice to play the
guitar in coffee shops,delay so I've been
practicing in my spare time. |
| animTrash cans aren't exactly glamorous
furniture,delay but they are necessary. |
| |
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