
Script : [Peppy] GE_FreeF_Easter

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animWe're totally celebrating spring
today! delayThis party is gonna be,delay
like,delay the most epic party delayanimever!
animSpeaking of epicdelay.delay.delay.delayI saw someone
dancing in the plaza. delayanimIs there a
dance-off planned? Dare I dream?!


animI'm,delay like, delaytotally freaking out right
now. delayI was fishing, right? delayAnd I
fished outdelay.delay.delay.delayaniman EGG.
animSomething wild is going on! delayYou
should totally go fishing today!


So I was off digging in the ground,delay
right? delayanimAnd I found an egg! delayNot, delaylike,delay
an old dinosaur egg or anything...
animbut a pretty little egg! fun_00010007animLet me know
if you see anything like that today,delay


animThe craziest thing happened!fun_00010007 I was
going around hitting rocks, delayanimand one
of 'em broke and I found this egg!
Now, delayanimI love hitting rocks and all,delay
but this takes the cake!delay animBroken
rocks AND pretty eggs!


animI was just standing over theredelay
minding my own business, delaywhen
suddenlydelay.delay.delay.delayaniman egg fell on my head!
animI was right under a tree when it
happened. delayanimDo you think fun_00040005delay
was playing a prank on me?


animYou'll never guess what I found
when I was diving in the ocean!fun_00010007
animAn egg! delayIs that wild or what?
animMaybe there are chickens delayliving at
the bottom of the seadelay.delay.delay.delay animYou should
go check it out, fun_00080005!


animI totally brought down a balloondelay
with my trusty slingshot. fun_00010007animAnd you'll
never guess what was in its box!
animAn egg! delayNo joke. delayAnd it's a pretty
sturdy egg too—delaynot a crack on it!


animI took a bite of this egg I found
earlierdelay.delay.delay.delaybut there wasn't any yolk
inside! delayanimI found a surprise instead!
animI guess delayI'm just one of the lucky
ones, fun_00070005!


animThere's definitely something specialdelay
about those eggs. delayanimThey're sure not
filled with yolk,delay I can tell you that!


animThere's definitely something specialdelay
about those eggs. delayanimThey're sure not
filled with yolk,delay I can tell you that!


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