Num | English |
| Do you remember the time
capsule we buried? I moved
out of town, so I can't dig it
up. Can you do that for me?
You can keep everything
that's inside! Enjoy! |
| If you look closely, there's a
big hole in the side of it.
It's proof that this is mine!
Oh, note to my future self:
don't go around hitting
things to release stress! |
| Every time I found another
one of these, I had to buy it.
Now, meh, I could take it or
leave it. I wonder what you
do every time you see one
now? You back to loving it? |
| I don't know why, but every
time I see this, my mind gets
really peaceful and I'm able
to relax. It's definitely my
favorite item! It's like some
kinda super stress reliever! |
| I just wanted to bury a time
capsule, so I put in whatever
was closest to my hand at
the time. Maybe I should've
planned this out a bit more?
Pff. Nah, that's not my way. |
| This is an experiment to see
if the price of a normal piece
of furniture goes up after
burying it. If there's really no
change, just sell it off to
fun_00000005 or something... |
| I'm putting my best outfit in
the time capsule in case of
some sort of emergency. So,
future me, are you in need of
your best outfit right now?
Is the world bleak and scary? |
| I just put my favorite set of
clothes in a time capsule for
a while. If they get moldy or
look lame in the future, then
just go ahead and give them
to fun_00000005... |
| It might be time to retire
this outfit. Well, I'll let it sit
in the time capsule for now.
Maybe I'll come back to it
and really love it again in the
distant future. Probably not. |
| Hopefully by the time I dig
up this time capsule, I'll have
aged enough that I look good
in this outfit for once... |
| I used to care what famous
people would wear, but then
I got this stupid piece of
clothing and stopped caring.
Maybe you'll care again in
the future? It's possible! |
| Good job finding the time
capsule! I got really excited
and almost forgot my age!
This is to show my gratitude.
Enjoy it! |
| Thanks for your help with
the time capsule the other
day. It can be embarrassing
when people see you digging,
but I had fun! Hey, hope you
enjoy this little present! |
| Thanks for helping me with
the time capsule. Now you
know one of my secrets!
Don't tell anybody, OK?
No, seriously. This is a gift
essentially to keep you quiet. |
| Thanks for helping me with
the time capsule. Now you
know one of my secrets!
Don't tell anybody, OK?
No, seriously. This is a gift
essentially to keep you quiet. |