Num | English |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| I tried all kinds,delay but in the end
I think I like colorKilimanjaro colorthe best. |
| I don't understand why some people
put milk in their coffee.pageBreakBitter coffee with colorno milk coloris the
best way to wake you up! |
| Putting sugar in your coffee seems
pretty pointless in my eyes.pageBreakI like my coffee colorwith no sugarcolor.delay
It's gotta be as bitter as possible
to wake me up! |
| |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| .delay.delay.delayanimdelayWhat?delay If you're trying to hit on
me,delay you might as well give up now!delay
colorGet away, shoo!color |
| .delay.delay.delayanimdelayWhat do you want?delay Don't tell me
you want to sit next to me... |
| .delay.delay.delayWhat?delay
Oh, it's you again? |
| .delay.delay.delayWhat is it?delay
If you've got nothing to talk about,delay
then leave me alone! |
| |
| .delay.delay.delayAhh,delay is that you again?delay I'm no
role model,delay but you're always
late, aren't you? |
| .delay.delay.delayHi there. |
| |
| When I heard that people were
getting into e-mail,delay I thought my
workload might let up, butdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimNo!delay We still work 24 hours a day,
and nothing has changed a bit!fun_00010007
Really,delay it's infuriating! |
| fun_001A000A |
| fun_0001000CdelayanimdelayOh,fun_0007000Cdelay before I forget,delay colorBrewstercolor,delay
I'd like two cups of coffee to take
home with me.pageBreakOne is for myself,delay and the other one
is for colorPellycolor!fun_00010007
And make 'em both hot, please!fun_0009000C |
| delayfun_0002000Cfun_0003000CdelayUnderstooddelay.delay.delay. |
| Before you became the mayor,delay I
was working at the town hall too.pageBreakOur previous mayor was always
sleeping, except for the days we
had events going on in towndelay.delay.delay.pageBreakIf you were the mayor back then,delay
maybe my work would've been a
little more enjoyable... |
| I used to work at the town hall way
before fun_001B0005 became the new
The previous mayor was always
sleeping, except for the days we
had events in towndelay.delay.delay.pageBreakIf fun_001B0005 was the mayor back
then,delay maybe my work would've been
a bit more enjoyable... |
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| Coffee and minty gum are
must-have items for me! |
| Before they built this place,delay I used
to make my own coffee every night
and take it to work.
I much prefer being able to come
by and pick up a cup or twodelay.delay.delay. |
| Haaa...delay colorBrewstercolor,delay I feel like you're
the only one who understands me.fun_0009000C |
| delayfun_0002000Cfun_0003000Cdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay. |
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| |
| Haadelay.delay.delay.delay I hope that guy doesn't
come bother me again at work
He does his job just fine,delay but I don't
like it that he's so flashy about it.pageBreakI wonder why colorPellycolor doesn't realize
how shallow he isdelay.delay.delay. |
| You seem to come here quite often,delay
but be careful about drinking too
much caffeine, all right?
I'm not one to talk,delay but I do always
try to watch the amount of coffee
I drink in one day. |
| Come to think of it,delay you always
come here so late.delay Do you get done
with work around this time?
Or are you actually just going in?fun_00010008
I just finished work.
I'm just now going.
I just dropped by. |
| Hmmdelay.delay.delay.delay So you're like me and you
work hard till really late, huh? |
| I seedelay.delay.delay.delay I guess we both work night
shifts, huh?fun_00010007
Well,delay keep up the hard work! |
| animI seedelay.delay.delay.delay
colorI shouldn't have asked...color |
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