Num | English |
| animRed as red gets, fun_00080005?!fun_00010007
animHmm. delayWhat does THAT say
about me, fun_00070005?fun_0001000A |
| animJust sort of red, fun_00080005?fun_00010007
animWell, delayI wonder what that means
about me, fun_00070005.fun_0001000A |
| animOrange?delay animHmm. delayThat's interesting,
fun_00080005.delay animBut there are different
kinds of orange, you know.fun_00010009 |
| animAround the yellow end of the
spectrum, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animI didn't see
THAT coming, fun_00070005.fun_00000009 |
| animSo you must think I'm some sort of
mad bull or something!fun_00010007 But I swear
I'm not. delayanimI'M NOT!
animWhoa, delaythat settles it, fun_00080005.delayanim
No red flowers for me. |
| animHmm. delayThe color of love, is it?delay
OK, I'll admit it.delay animI'm a romantic soul
under all this 'tude, fun_00070005.
animSo delayred it is, fun_00080005. delayThanks
for helping me figure that out. |
| animWhat, delayyou think I can't handle red to
the extreme?fun_00010007 Well, delaydo you?delayanim I'm as
extreme as the next guy!
animWhoa, delaythat settles it, fun_00080005.delay
animI think I've got issues at the red end
of the spectrum, fun_00070005. |
| animI see myself as more passionate
than that.delay animBut if that's how YOU
see me, fun_00080005...
animWell, I trust you. delayI guess I should
express myself with more gusto,
less cool. delayanimThanks for being honest. |
| animTangerine, for instance.fun_0001000A |
| animLike salmon. delayNo, really. delayThat's
sort of an orange. delayanimI think?delay
Maybe it's closer to yellow.
animI guess salmon is a slippery sort of
color. delayanimBut I'm pretty hard to pin
down too, fun_00080005! |
| animPumpkin, for example. delayanimHmm. Why
are so many orange colors named
after food?
animMaybe orange really is very me.delay
I do enjoy a good snack.delay animI guess you
had me figured out, fun_00080005! |
| animBut what kind of yellow...?delay
Canary yellow?fun_00010007 animWait—delaywhat?!delay
Do you think I'm flighty?
animSorry. delayI'm jumping to conclusions.
I didn't mean anything by it,
animI just get a little crazy when it
comes to finding my place on the
color wheel, fun_00070005. |
| animBut there are so many kinds of
yellow, fun_00080005. delayWhich one
is specifically ME?
animMaybe a sort of banana yellow...?delay
Yeah, I feel like I'm going bananas
half of the time, fun_00070005.
The other half of the time, delayI'm cool
as a cucumber.animdelay Man, how mixed
up am I, fun_00080005?
animHey, wait!delay animThat makes me a
banana-cucumber smoothie!delay
animYeah, there's no one like me! |
| So could I get some advice from
you, fun_00080005?fun_0001000A |
| animWhat do you like most in people,
Style, of course!
The little things.
Whatever... |
| animWhat do you like most in people,
Style, of course!
The little things.
Whatever... |
| animSo you like people with style,
fun_00080005?delay animYes, that makes sense.fun_00010009 |
| animYou like people with personality?delay
animThat's so you, fun_00080005.fun_00010009 |
| animThe little things?delay animYou do have a
good eye for detail, fun_00080005.fun_00010009 |
| animSo you like whatever?delay animBut you have
to be a little picky, fun_00080005.fun_00010009 |
| animI mean, delayseriously. delayI've noticed how
careful you are about the way
you dress, fun_00080005.
That's why I think this town got a
whole lot more fab once you
moved here, fun_00070005. |
| animSo delaydo I cut it? delayI'd like to think I'm
fashion forward.delay animUnless you think
I'm fashion backward...
animHey, delayif I was so backward that I was
a fashion dinosaur, delayyou'd tell me,delay
right? delayanimRRRoWRR! delayFashdelayion delayramdelaypage!
animWait, wait. delayI'm OK.delay animWow, you really
know how to push my buttons,
fun_00080005. |
| animNo wonder I'm sort of fascinated
by you.delay animYou're like a mannequin
that's come to life, fun_00080005.
animYeah, that's you all right.delay
A one-fun_0006000E window display.delay
animVery nice, fun_00070005! |
| You've got so much integrity.delay
animI have to admire that just a bit,
animNow I know you'll never tell me a
lie if my outfit is pretty clownish
for the day, fun_00080005. |
| animYou see right through superficial
stuff, don't you? delayIt's like you
have X-ray vision!
So delaywhen you use your superpowers
to look past all my style, what do
you see? fun_00010007animA stylin' skeleton, I hope! |
| fun_0001000A |
| fun_0001000A |
| animNow, wait. delayThe little things...delay
What exactly do you mean?pageBreakanimDid I forget to wash my face?
Or trim my unibrow? animUgh, is there
fun_000E0005 on my chin?!
animHold on, fun_00010005. delayTake a deep
breath. delayAnd...animdelaylet it out.fun_00010007 Whew,delay animwent
to pieces there for a second. |
| animNow, delayby little things...delaydo you
mean microscopic?fun_00010007 animAck! delayAm I
crawling with germs?!
animGet them off! delayGet them OFF!delay
Get them—animpageBreakanimGross. delayNow they're on you.delay
animSorry about that, fun_00080005. |
| animI mean, if our friends didn't say
what was wrong with us,delay
it would be...delayfun_000A0007animCHAOS!
animWhat if I went out with my shoes
on the wrong feet? delayI would just
walk in circles delayall delayday delaylong!
animSo, fun_00080005, do me a favor?delay
Obsess about my footwear as
much as I do, delayOK?delay animThanks! |
| animWhat I'm saying is, delayif friends
didn't point out our every flaw,delay
it would be...delayfun_000A0007animINSANITY!
animWhat if I'm wearing the same thing
as the next guy? delayWhat delayif?!delay
We'd look exactly alike!
animSo, fun_00080005,delay the next time you
see two of me walking around?delay
Tell one of us to stop it.delay animThanks! |
| animHere's what I mean by that. delayIf our
friends didn't point out our
mistakes, delayit would be...delay Well...?
animActually, what am I saying? delayI'm hard
enough on myself as it is.pageBreakanimYou're great just the way you are,
fun_00080005! delayDon't ever let anyone
tell you otherwise, fun_00070005. |
| animSo, I'm wondering something
about myself, fun_00080005.delay
Am I cool or clueless?fun_00010008
You're cool!
Totally clueless.
Hmm. Not sure. |
| animWhew! delayGood to know. delayThought
I'd lost it, fun_00070005! |
| animClueless?delay delay.delay.delay.delayanimIt's cool, right?fun_0001000A |
| animYeah, I guess I am, fun_00080005.delay
animI'd have to be pretty clueless to
ASK if I'm clueless, fun_00070005. |
| Or is it that I'm...delayanimmysterious?delay
Yeah, that's me. delayfun_00010005, delaythe
man of mystery...
animJust TRY to figure me out.delay
animYou can't!delay animNo one can!delay animMwa ha ha! |
| Not sure, fun_00080005? delayI guess that
makes me cool as fun_000E0005.delay
animYeah, I said it FIRST!
animWait.delay I don't even know if that
sounded awesome or not.delay
animI'm so not cool, fun_00070005. |
| animSo, delayyeah. delayA zesty sort of orange?delay
I'm OK with that, fun_00080005.delay
animThat's me to the core. |
| animSo, delayyeah. delayA sweet sort of orange?delay
That's fine by me...delayanimas long as it's
the seedless kind, fun_00080005. |
| animPeople like you are like magnets,delay
always attracting friends with
truly good qualities, fun_00070005.
That must be why people around
here always talk about you.delay animYou're
good to the core, fun_00080005! |
| animYou know, that's why you're
proving so popular here in
Everyone wants a good friend who
won't judge them all the time,
fun_00080005. animdelayGood work. |
| But, wait. delayWhat little things?delay
You talk to me all the time, delayso what
do you mean, fun_00080005?
animAm I little? delayTiny? delayAnt sized?delay
animWatch out! Stay back!delay
Don't step on me!
animHold on. delayI'm still me sized.delay animWow,
you really got inside my head,
fun_00080005.delay animBut I'm cool now. |
| animSo delaywhat little things do you like
about me, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animCan we
go through the whole list?
It's a long list, right? delayA mile long?delay
Twenty miles long? delayanimNo, no, don't
tell me. delayIt'll just go to my head. |
| animSo delaywhat little things do you like
about me, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animCan we
go through the whole list?
It's a long list, right? delayA mile long?delay
Twenty miles long? delayanimNo, no, don't
tell me. delayIt'll just go to my head. |