Num | English |
| animWhat did you say?!delay fun_00010011
wants to talk, and you were sent
to fetch me?
animdelayI wonder whydelay.delay.delay.delay Maybe we'lldelay animfinally
get to exchange fashion secrets?pageBreakanimAh. Heh. Just kidding, of coursedelay.delay.delay.delay
animOK. delayShould I just follow you,
fun_00080005? animThat would be best.
animPlease take me to fun_00010011,delay
delayfun_00070005. |
| animWhat?! delayfun_00010011 really wants to
talk to me?pageBreakanimBut to send you here instead...delay
animOh, fun_00010011 must be shy indeed.pageBreakanimHeh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay animAll right!delay I have no reason
to say no to a rendezvous.pageBreakI'll follow you,delay animso please take me to
Château de fun_00010011 right away,
delayfun_00080005. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay Let's go a little slower!
Running is making my hair look like
I DIDN'T just wake up! |
| animW-wait for me,delay fun_00080005! All this
running is wrinkling my clothes! |
| animWhy are you in such a hurry?
Where's the fire?endTag
Oops, my bad!
Gotta be somewhere... |
| animYou're walking too fast,delay fun_00080005!endTag
Oh, I'll slow down!
Gotta be somewhere... |
| animHuh?delay animAre you sure fun_00010011's
house is really THAT waydelay.delay.delay.delay?endTag
Sorry—wrong turn!
Something came up. |
| animHm. Did you get lost by any chance,delay
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimI don't think fun_00010011's house is
that way, animobviously, delayfun_00070005.endTag
Sorry, my bad!
Something came up. |
| animUh, this isdelay.delay.delay.delayanimnot fun_00010011's
place, is it?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimAre you OK?delay animPlease escort me
to the right place,delay fun_00080005!endTag
Sorry, my bad!
Something came up. |
| animWhat happened,delay fun_00080005?delay
animWe're still going to see fun_00010011
today, right?delay Did plans change?endTag
No change! Let's go!
Something came up. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay are we there yet?
We've been walking so long that my
shoes are out of fashion.
animAre you sure we didn't get lost?delay
If so,delay I'd like to go back home now.delay
Sorry! |
| animAh, delayI almost forgot! fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay
There's something urgent I need to
take care of right this second!
animI'm sorry, delaybut I'm going home now! |
| |
| |
| animHuh? delayIs that so?delay animI thought this was
the chance for the three of us to
become closer friends.
animAll right, delayI'll do something about it
on my own thendelay, delayfun_00070005. |
| animYour feelings seem to change quite
often, huh?delay animLike the weather on a
chilly mountain.
animWelldelay.delay.delay.delayyou created this opportunity
for me,delay so I'll take care of the rest
on my own, animlike I always do. |
| animLet's take it easy and walk just a
bit slower,delay fun_00080005! |
| animYou know, chivalry shouldn't be
dead, even if I'm a boy. Think you
could be a bit nicer? |
| animThis isn't a good time to just go
wherever we want, delayfun_00070005.delay
animC'mon, we should really hurrydelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animAll right, fun_00080005!delay Let's keep
going, but take it easy and don't
rush so much!delay animSavor the journey! |
| |
| |
| animHuh? What?delay fun_00010011 wants to
talk to me?pageBreakanimdelayMmmdelay.delay.delay.delay That seems like it was quite
a while ago.delay I'm probably not even
needed anymore.
animI doubt fun_00010011 remembers you
were sent to get me.delay Hm. animWhy is it
I'm so unimportant to you two? |
| animWhat? delayfun_00010011 is calling for me?delay
animBut it's been a while.delay animAs in, a very
long while.
It's fun_00010011,delay so I bet fun_0007000E already
forgot about our meeting anyway.pageBreakanimWelldelay.delay.delay.delayif I'm really needed,delay I'm sure
I'll be called again. |
| animWhat? delayfun_00010011 wants to see me?pageBreakanimI'm sorry, fun_00080005!delay I've got
something to take care of and
can't go with you nowdelay.delay.delay.delay
animThanks for coming all this way to
let me know, though!pageBreakDon't worry. I'll be sure to pass by
fun_00010011's house when I go for
a walk today, delayfun_00070005! |
| fun_00010011 is animcalling me over?pageBreakanimAt a time like thisdelay.delay.delay.delay You're working
too hard,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimI heard there's a guest visiting you
right now.fun_00010007 You should really take
care of that first.
animAs for fun_00010011,delay just leave it to
me,delay fun_00070005. |
| animHuh? delayfun_00010011 is calling me over?
delayIs that really true, fun_00070005?pageBreakanimIt must be something rather crucial
if you're being sent to find me on
such short noticedelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut, heydelay.delay.delay.delayyou don't have timedelay animto
worry about that! You have other
things to take care of first!
animI'll be waiting here when you're
done with your other errands. |
| |
| animfun_00010011 wants to talk to me?pageBreakanimYou'redelay.delay.delay.delaysuch a hard worker,delay
fun_00080005! Maybe TOO hard!pageBreakanimYou've got a guest coming to visit
town soon,delay right?fun_00010007 animYou should really
prepare for that!
About fun_00010011?delay Leave it to me.delay
animI've got this,delay fun_00070005! |
| animAh,delay are there visitors?delay animYou don't
really have time to be hanging
around here, right?
animI'll deal with fun_00010011delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimYou should take care of important
guests first! |
| animIsn't your friend coming to visit
town soon,delay fun_00080005?pageBreakanimDon't worry about fun_00010011!delay
animI can handle it myself!pageBreakanimYou should go ahead animand get things
ready for when your friend arrives,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animIsn't your friend coming to visit
town soon,delay fun_00080005?pageBreakanimDon't worry about fun_00010011!delay
animI can handle it myself!pageBreakanimYou should go ahead animand get things
ready for when your friend arrives,delay
fun_00070005! |