Num | English |
| animThere's a rumor going around that
you're fun_0002000Efun_000A0005delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimAs far as rumors go,delay that's not
half bad. delayanimI've certainly been called
worse. |
| animYou know what fun_00000011 wants
for fun_0005000E birthday?delay Go on,delay guess!pageBreakanimIf you guessed
you're right! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000011's birthday is coming up;delay
animhave you thought about what you're
going to get fun_0005000E?
animI know fun_0005000E likes fun_00120005,delay
so maybe a gift relating to that
would be a good idea. |
| animI've been thinking a lot about
fun_00000011's birthday.delay It's coming
up, delayyou know.
animI want to pick out the perfect gift.delay
Something unexpected,delay but
delightful. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animDid you know that fun_00000011's
birthday is tomorrow?delay animAnd I still
haven't found a gift!
animI know fun_0005000E likes fun_00120005.delay
Maybe that's where I should startdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animIt's fun_00000011's birthday today!delay
animAre you excited for the party?delay I
sure am!
I hope you picked out a good gift.delayanim I
think fun_00000011 is really going to
like what I'm bringingdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animYou know, delayI haven't seen fun_00000011
around fun_00050005 lately.delayanim Isn't fun_0005000E
the mayor?
animIf I didn't show up to work for a
month, delayI'm pretty sure I'd lose my
job.delayanim What makes fun_0005000E so special? |
| animI just realized that I haven't seen
fun_00000011 in ages.delayanim I wonder where
fun_0005000E been.
If you see fun_0005000E, delaycan you give fun_0005000E a
message? anim"fun_0003000Efun_00070005, I miss
you!" |
| animFor some reason,delay fun_00000011 has
always reminded me of you.pageBreakanimIs it because you're both smart and
funny? delayNah.delayanim I think you both have
the same shirt or something. |
| Guess what fun_00000011 wants for
fun_0005000E birthday. fun_00010007Give up?delay fun_0005000E wants
animI think it would be really nice if we
could make that wish come true.pageBreakanimWhat do you think,delay fun_00080005?delay Can
you help me let people in
fun_00050005 know?
animI think the more people know,delay the
more likely it is to happen. |
| animIn case fun_00000011 hasn't told you
fun_0005000E,delay fun_0005000E birthday is the fun_000F0004 of
next month!
animI think fun_00000011 is a little bit shy
about telling people, delayso I thought I'd
spread the word.
animPick out a thoughtful gift,delay and I'll
see you at the party.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey, delayit's almost fun_00000011's
birthday! delayYou know what that
means,delay right?animdelay Shopping!
animIt would be nice to have more time
to shop, delaybut fun_00000011 was shy
about when the party would be.
animOh well, delaythat just means it's time
for a turbocharged shopping spree.delayanim
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animIt's fun_00000011's birthday
tomorrow!delayanim I'm probably more
excited than fun_0005000E is!
animOh! delayanimDo you still need to pick out a
gift?delay Well,delay you have a little time.pageBreakanimJust don't hand fun_00000011 a couple
Bells and call it good, delayOK? delayThat's
one of my pet peeves. |
| animYou know that today is fun_00000011's
birthday,delay right?delayanim Did you get fun_0005000E a
animI think fun_0005000E really appreciate some
small token. delayanimRemember,delay it's the
thought that counts. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!delayanim I have to tell you about
this weird dream I had the other
animThere was this person named
fun_00000011 who was kind of
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay I wonder if I'll ever
see them againdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animOh!delay I just remembered a dream I've
been meaning to tell you about.delayanim You
know fun_00000011 from fun_00020011?
animWell, delayI dreamed that fun_0005000E was
fun_0002000Efun_00040011. delayanimIsn't
that weird? |
| |
| |
| |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delaythat's great news!delay
animI'd like to think that I helped play
some small part in your successdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animWell, delaydon't give up hope yet.delayanim I'm
still rooting for you! |
| animWell, delaydon't give up hope yet.delayanim I'm
still rooting for you! |