
Script : [Uchi] OT_Re_FirstC

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animOh, wow,delay fun_00080005! delayIs it really
you?pageBreakanimYou haven't forgotten me, delayhave
you?delay It's me, delayfun_00010005!pageBreakanimWell, delayas you can see,delay I've moved to
fun_00050005. delayIt looks like we're going
to be neighbors again!
animI'm sure we'll run into each other
again soon enough.delayanim I can't wait to
catch up!


animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay I can't believe my
eyes.delayanim It's fun_00080005,delay isn't it?pageBreakanimYou remember me, delayright?delay
fun_00010005?delay I used to live in
animWell, delayI finally bit the bullet and
moved here to fun_00050005.delay It's
great to be here.
Of course,delay animI was going to make the
rounds and introduce myself as
soon as I finished unpackingdelay.delay.delay.delay


animfun_0003000Efun_00080005? delayIs that you? delayanimWe meet
again!pageBreakanimYou remember me,delay right?delay I'm
fun_00010005! delayWe go way back, delaydon't
animAnyway, delayI just moved to fun_00050005,delay
so I'm sure we'll be seeing more of
each other. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animHey!delay I didn't know you lived in
fun_00050005.delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay right?delay
Good to see you!
animWe've met before, delaybut don't worry
if you can't remember my name. delayIt's
fun_00010005,delay in case you forgot.
So I guess we're neighbors! delayanimLet's
get together soon and catch up.delay


animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay I can't believe my
eyes.delayanim It's fun_00080005,delay isn't it?pageBreakanimYou remember me, delayright?delay
fun_00010005?delay I used to live in
animWell, delayI finally bit the bullet and
moved here to fun_00050005.delay It's
great to be here.
animCan't wait to see you around town,delay


animWow, delayis that really you?delay
fun_0003000Efun_00080005? delayanimLong time no see!pageBreakanimI just moved to fun_00050005 about a
week ago, delayso I knew there were a
few people I hadn't met.
animBut I had no idea YOU lived here. delay
How cool!pageBreakanimI guess we're stuck with each other,delay
aren't we? delayGood to see you again,delay


animWow, delayit's fun_00080005!delay animDo you
remember me?pageBreakanimThat's right,delay I'm fun_00010005. delayGood
to see you again.pageBreakanimYou know,delay I've actually been living
in fun_00050005 for a while now.delay I
guess we've just missed each other.
animWell, delayI hope we get to meet up more
often. See you soon!


animWell, delayI was wondering when you'd
come around and say hello. delayanimI've
been here for over a month!
animYou remember me, delayright?delay I'm
fun_00010005 from fun_00020011.pageBreakanimAnyway, delayI'm glad you finally noticed
that I live in fun_00050005 now.pageBreakanimLet's get together sometime soon
and catch up. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


Ahdelay.delay.delay.delayahdelay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_000B0007ACHOO!pageBreakanimOh,delay sorry about that.delay I'm a little
under the weather. delayanimBut waitdelay.delay.delay.delay
I know you. delayYou're fun_00080005!
animI'm fun_00010005. delayRemember me? I
just moved here from fun_00020011.pageBreakanimAnyway, delayyou better run before I
sneeze again, delaybut we'll catch up
later.anim fun_00010007animfun_000B0007ACHOO!


animYou again?delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay animHa! delayYou
just can't get enough fun_00010005,delay
can you?
animAhhhdelay.delay.delay.delayyou're only visiting. delayWell,delay I
just moved to fun_00050005, delayas you
can see.
animAnyway, delayyou should come back and
visit again soon.delayanim fun_0003000Efun_00050005 is a
fun placedelay.delay.delay.delay


animfun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay Is it really you?delay animHow
did you know where to find me?pageBreakanimOh, you're just on vacation?delay animYou
didn't spend months stalking me
because of an unhealthy obsession?
animNot gonna lie—delayI'm a little
disappointed.pageBreakanimWell, come stalkdelay.delay.delay.delayerdelay.delay.delay.delayVISIT me in
fun_00050005 again sometime, delayOK?


animfun_0003000Efun_00080005? delayDid you come all the
way to fun_00050005 just to find me?pageBreakanimOh, delayyou're on vacation. delayWell,delay uh,
delayhave a good time. delayanimBe sure to check
out Main Street.
animI'll be here in fun_00050005 if you
decide to come visit again.delay


animHey, delayif it isn't old fun_00080005!delay How
are you?pageBreakanimJust in town visiting, delayeh? delayWell,delay I
finally decided to move to
fun_00050005 for good!
animFeel free to come back and visit
anytime. delayI'll be here!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animWow,delay it's fun_00080005!delay Great to see
you!pageBreakanimI had a change of heart and decided
to move here to fun_00050005.delay It's
been great!
animBut I still remember the good times
when we knew each other in that
other town. delayanimTake care,delay OK?


animfun_0003000Efun_00080005? delayDo you remember me?fun_00010007
animIt's fun_00010005! fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimIt's so good to see you here in
fun_00050005!delay I miss spending time
with you.
animYou should come back and visit
more often,delay OK?delay We'll have fun_0002000E
fun_000E0005 and catch up.


animWell,delay where have you been? delayIt's
about time you came looking for
animWhat?delay You're just on vacation in
fun_00050005? delayanimOh dear,delay this is
animAnyway, delayI've been here for about a
week,delay and I really like it. delayAlthough I
do miss our old town sometimes.
animYou should come back and visit
again sometime, delayif this wasn't too
awkward for you. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay


animWow,delay is that you,delay fun_00080005? delayYou
look well!pageBreakanimDo you remember me?fun_00010007 animThat's right,delay
I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimHow's everyone back in town?delay I
live here in fun_00050005 now.pageBreakanimIt's actually been a while since I left.delay
animI was hoping someone would
eventually come visit.


animHah!delay Is that really you,delay delayfun_00080005?delay
animWhen was the last time we saw
each other? delayIt's been ages!
animWell, delaylong story short,delay I decided to
move to fun_00050005. delayThe town has
been good to me.
animI'd love to see more friends from
back home. delaySend 'em my way, delayOK?


animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay is that you? delayHow odd
to run into you like this!pageBreakanimWe met before; delaydo you remember?delay
I think I was on vacation
animAnyway,delay great to see you!delay I finally
decided to move here to fun_00050005
for good.
animAs you can see,delay I haven't been here
long. delayanimBut maybe when I get settled,delay
I'll see you around town sometime.


animHaven't I seen you somewhere
before?pageBreakanimOh!delay You're fun_00080005, delayaren't you?delay
That's right!delay animWe met when I was on
vacation in another town.
animAnd now you're here visiting
fun_00050005, delaymy new home! delayYep,delay I
just arriveddelay.delay.delay.delay See the boxes?
animAll right, delayfun_00080005. delayMaybe I'll see
you around.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animI'm having the weirdest sense of
déjà vu right nowdelay.delay.delay.delay You just seem
so familiar.
animWait—delayfun_00080005?delay Is that you?fun_00010007
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay it IS you! delayHow's it
animMy name is fun_00010005,delay just in case
you forgot. delayHow funny to see you
here in fun_00050005!


animHave we met before?delay You seem
awfully familiardelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimOh,delay it's you!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay You
remember me,delay right?delayanim I'm
fun_00010005.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animWell, delaya lot has happened since the
last time we saw each other. delayI live
here in fun_00050005 now.
animI feel like we're meeting up again
for a reasondelay.delay.delay.delaylike we're meant to be
good friends or something.


animHave we met before?delay You seem
awfully familiardelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimOh,delay it's you!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay You
remember me,delay right?delayanim I'm
fun_00010005.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animWell, delaya lot has happened since the
last time we saw each other. delayI live
here in fun_00050005 now.
animI feel like we're meeting up again
for a reasondelay.delay.delay.delaylike we're meant to be
good friends or something.


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