Num | English |
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| You've got a weird look on your
face, fun_00080005.delay animIs everything OK?fun_0005000F
You won't believe this!
Everything's OK. |
| animfun_000B0007HUH?!delay What do you mean
fun_00010011 has a copycat?!pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI know it's colorApril Fools'color, but you
can't fool this dude!delayfun_00010007anim I appreciate
the joke, though! |
| animAre you sure?delay You looked awfully
panicked there... |
| Since it's colorApril Fools'color,delay animdo you
suppose something exciting is gonna
happen? |
| |
| |
| animIs everything OK, fun_00080005?delay
You look kind of shell shocked.fun_0005000F
It's nothing. |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay What do you mean
fun_00010011 has an impostor?! |
| animOK,delay if you say so. |
| animI never imagined I'd meet my own
copy.delay Man, that was crazydelay and kind
of scary.
Still, it might have been fun to hang
out with other me some more,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animThat cat who was impersonating
me did a pretty amazing job.pageBreakanimIf I see her again,delay maybe I can get
her to share some of her secrets
with me,delay fun_00070005. |
| animI'm so relieved you figured out I'm
the real deal!pageBreakanimI knew you'd see through that
trick, delayfun_00070005. |
| animThat cat sure is mysterious.delay
And creepy,delay fun_00070005. |
| |
| |
| animThere's something strange going on
at fun_00010011's place.delay I wonder
what's happening! |
| animThat cat looked exactly like me!delay
Talk about weird... |
| |
| colorApril Fools' Daycolor always brings out
all sorts of weird and crazy stuff.pageBreakanimWeird and crazy are right up my
alley, though,delay so I'm actually pretty
psyched,delay fun_00070005. |
| |
| animIt wouldn't be colorApril Fools' colorif
something weird didn't happen,delay
animI gotta put my thinking cap on and
come up with a way to keep from
being fooled, delayfun_00070005. |
| |
| |
| animTraveling on colorApril Fools'color?delay You like
to live dangerously, huh!pageBreakanimEveryone in fun_00050005delay is out to
trick each other today! |
| animEveryone in town is celebrating
colorApril Fools'color by telling a whole
bunch of tall tales.
animNo one is falling for mine, though.delay
I think I have to work on my poker
face,delay fun_00070005. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animWelldelay.delay.delay.delay fun_00010011delay was definitely
born on fun_000E0004 fun_000F0004.pageBreakanimWith that hint,delay figuring out who the
real fun_00010011 is should be a snap! |
| animOh,delay here's a tip that might help you
figure out who the real fun_00010011
is!fun_00010007 animfun_00010011's life motto! |
| animWhoever knows that saying is the
real deal,delay fun_00070005! |
| animYou know,delay here's a fun fact that
might help you sort out who the
real fun_00010011 is.
animI hear the real fun_00010011 is a whiz
at fun_00180012. |
| animHmm.delay Well, here's something that
might help you figure out who
the real fun_00010011 is.
animIn fun_00010011's family, fun_0008000E is
actually the fun_00160012.delay
And that's a fact! |
| animHmm.delay Well, here's something that
might help you figure out who
the real fun_00010011 is.
animfun_00010011's dream is to be fun_0002000E
fun_00170012.pageBreakSo the real fun_00010011 would
definitely mention that fact to you! |
| |
| |
| animfun_000B0007Huh?!delay Someone's running around
pretending to be fun_00010011?!pageBreakanimSo that means this time it's
fun_00010011 who's getting pranked!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00080005! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!fun_00010007
Be cool and help fun_0008000E out just like
you helped me! |
| animfun_000B0007Huh?!delay Someone's running around
pretending to be fun_00010011?!pageBreakanimSo that means this time it's
fun_00010011 who's getting pranked!pageBreakanimI hope you'll have better luck
helping fun_0008000E than you had with me,
fun_00080005! |
| animfun_000B0007Huh?!delay Someone's running around
pretending to be fun_00010011?!pageBreakanimAw, come on!delay There's no way I'm
falling for that,delay fun_00070005!delay |
| animThere's only one fun_00010011 in
fun_00050005 with a birthday of
fun_000E0004 fun_000F0004!
So even if there is a faker,delay animI'd be
able to figure out who the real
fun_00010011 is, delayfun_00070005! |
| animAnd besides, even if there was a
faker,delay I wouldn't be fooled!delay
Nope, fun_00070005!
anim'Cause only the real fun_00010011
would use animdelayTHIS life motto! |
| animThere's only one person who lives
by those words!delay And that person
is fun_00010011!
Figuring out who's the real one
would be easy!delayanim |
| There's only one fun_00010011 in
fun_00050005 who is any good at
So even if a faker appeared,delayanim it'd
be super easy to pick out the
real fun_00010011! |
| There's only one fun_00010011 in
fun_00050005 who's ALSO the
fun_00160012 in fun_0008000E family.
So even if a faker appeared,delayanim it'd
be super easy to pick out the
real fun_00010011! |
| There's only one fun_00010011 in
fun_00050005 who dreams of
becoming fun_0002000Efun_00170012!
So even if a faker appeared,delayanim it'd
be super easy to pick out the
real fun_00010011! |
| animI heard some arguing from
fun_00010011's house.pageBreakanimMaybe delayfun_00010011 is getting
pranked too.delay animNow I'm getting all
stressed out,delay fun_00070005. |
| fun_00010011 hasn't left fun_0008000E house in
a long time!fun_00010007 animI really hope nothing
bad happened to fun_0008000E. |
| animI know it's colorApril Fools'color,delay but I'm
totally telling the truth!delay Honest,
delayfun_00070005! |
| If I get pranked again next year,delay
promise me you'll help me out! |
| Hey,delay did you know? |
| fun_00010011 was born on fun_000E0004
fun_000F0004!fun_00010007 animSo we gotta throw fun_0008000E a big
party on fun_000E0004 fun_000F0004!
animI know it's colorApril Fools'color,delay but I
promise this is the truth,delay
fun_00070005! |
| The words that fun_00010011 lives by
aredelay.delay.delay. |
| animEveryone's gotta have a life motto,delay
and that one is fun_00010011's.pageBreakdelayanimHuh?delay You don't believe me?delay
animI know it's colorApril Fools'color,delay but I'm
totally telling the truth! |
| fun_00010011 is really, really good at
fun_00180012!delay animI was really
surprised when I learned that.
animA huh huh huhdelay.delay.delay.delay I know it sounds like
I'm pulling your leg,delay but I'm
totally not,delay fun_00070005. |
| In fun_00010011's family, fun_0008000E's the
fun_00160012.pageBreakanimYou know,delay now that I think about it,delay
animI guess that makes a lot of sense!pageBreakanimWhat's that?delay You don't believe me?fun_00010007
animWell, fun_0008000E's the one who told me
that,delay so it has to be true! |
| animApparently, fun_00010011's life dream
is to be fun_0002000Efun_00170012
someday!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animIt's a very fun_00010011-like dream,
don't you think?fun_00010007 animI know it'scolor April
Fools'color, but I'm not fooling! |
| |
| animSomething weird is going down delay
at fun_00010011's place.delay I really want
to know what's happening.
You should go check up on fun_0008000Edelay once
you don't have any visitors in town!delay
animTo be honest,delay I'm a little scareddelay.delay.delay. |
| animThat fake me looked so much like
me,delay he almost had ME fooled.fun_00010007 animNow I
wish I'd talked to him more.
animI'm really curious about how he
pulled off a disguise as good as that
one! |
| animI knew something crazy would
happen on colorApril Fools' Daycolor!pageBreakanimI also have the feeling that REALLY
crazy stuff could happen when we
don't have any visitors in towndelay.delay.delay. |
| I wonder what surprises are in store
for today!pageBreakanimFor some reason,delay I feel like
something big is going to happendelay
once your friend leaves. |
| animIt's just a fact of life.delay Weird stuff
happens on colorApril Fools' Daycolor,delay
animEven so,delay no one's gonna be pulling
any pranks on THIS guy!pageBreakanimI don't know if that's actually true,delay
but I figure projecting confidence
never hurts,delay fun_00070005. |
| animEveryone in town is buzzing about
how something big is gonna happen
animI bet once your company goes
home,delay that's when the real
weirdness is gonna start. |
| animEveryone in town is buzzing about
how something big is gonna happen
animI bet once your company goes
home,delay that's when the real
weirdness is gonna start. |