Num | English |
| fun_00040009 |
| animTonight is a very special event
called colorTsukimicolor!delay It's special 'cause
we get to eat dango rice cakes!
animAnd of course,delay it's also special
'cause the moon is extra pretty
tonight,delay fun_00070005! |
| animDid you know that tonight is
colorTsukimicolor?delay We're gonna stare at the
moondelay and eat dango rice cakes!
animI hope the moon hurries up and
gets here soon,delay fun_00070005! |
| animToday is colorTsukimicolor!delay animDo you know
what that is, fun_00080005?fun_00050008
Of course!
Haven't a clue. |
| animThat's great, fun_00080005!delay animOf course
a globe-trotter like you would know
all about holidays in other places!
animDoes that mean you've developed
a taste for dango rice cakes too?pageBreakanimWell,delay it's great you like them, but
don't expect me to share any with
you,delay fun_00070005. |
| animfun_000A0007Huh?!delay You really don't know what
colorTsukimi coloris?!fun_00010007 animThen you've never had
dango rice cakes either, huh?!
animA huh huh huh!delay We'll have to get you
some, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThe moon is so pretty today.pageBreakanimI feel like if you wished upon that
moon,delay anything you could think of
would come true! |
| animToday is colorTsukimicolor!delay animI'm gonna chill
out and gaze up at that big, buttery
moon all night, delayfun_00070005. |
| animWhoa!delay The moon is SO round
tonight, delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimAround here we say delaythere's a rabbit
up there making mochi!delay Lucky
delayanimfun_000B0007It's not fair!sizedelay sizeI want to eat some
mochi too! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animSince it's colorTsukimi colortonight,delay I'm gonna
eat my weight in rice cakes,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animYaaawndelay.delay.delay.delay Looking at the moon has
made me all sleepy.delay animI hope I have
cool dreams tonight! |
| |
| |
| animI've always had the sneaking
suspicion there are people living on
the moon.
animToday is colorTsukimicolor,delay so I'm gonna try
communicating with those moon
people telepathically.
animfun_000B0007B-beep delayfun_000B0007bee-beepdelayfun_000B0007 b-b-bee-beepdelay.delay.delay.delay
animsizeWhoa!delay I got a reply!delay
sizeIt says...pageBreak"There'sdelay nodelaybodelaydydelay here!"delaypageBreakanimAw, man!delay Why are they completely
ignoring me, delayfun_00070005? |
| animI've always had the sneaking
suspicion there are people living on
the moon.
animToday is colorTsukimicolor,delay so I'm gonna try
communicating with those moon
people telepathically.
animfun_000B0007B-beep delayfun_000B0007bee-beepdelayfun_000B0007 b-b-bee-beepdelay.delay.delay.delay
animsizeWhoa!delay I got a reply!delay
sizeIt says...pageBreak"We'redelay vedelayrydelay budelaysydelay rightdelay now!delay Calldelay
backdelay ladelayter."delaypageBreakanimAw, man!delay I guess I should've known
they'd be extra busy on the day of
the moon festival, delayfun_00070005. |
| animI've always had the sneaking
suspicion there are people living on
the moon.
animToday is colorTsukimicolor,delay so I'm gonna try
communicating with those moon
people telepathically.
animfun_000B0007B-beep delayfun_000B0007bee-beepdelayfun_000B0007 b-b-bee-beepdelay.delay.delay.delay
animsizeWhoa!delay I got a reply!delay
sizeIt says...pageBreak"We'redelay sordelayrydelay wedelay misseddelay you.delay
Pleasedelay leave adelay mesdelaysage,delay anddelay we'lldelay
calldelay youdelay back."delaypageBreakanimAw, man!delay I got their voice mail,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animI've always had the sneaking
suspicion there are people living on
the moon.
animToday is colorTsukimicolor,delay so I'm gonna try
communicating with those moon
people telepathically.
animfun_000B0007B-beep delayfun_000B0007bee-beepdelayfun_000B0007 b-b-bee-beepdelay.delay.delay.delay
animsizeWhoa!delay I got a reply!delay
sizeIt says...pageBreak"We'redelay sordelayrydelay wedelay misseddelay you.delay
Pleasedelay leave adelay mesdelaysage,delay anddelay we'lldelay
calldelay youdelay back."delaypageBreakanimAw, man!delay I got their voice mail,delay
fun_00070005! |