
Script : [Smug] ZK_Sp_Prologue

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animYou'd better head to the colortown hallcolor.delay
That's where all the big decisions
about fun_00060005 are made!


I can see it already! delayYou're going
to make fun_00060005.delay.delay.delayanimamazing!pageBreakanimTo get started, head to the colortown
hallcolor.delay animThe awesome colorIsabellecolor is going
to be your assistant. delayLucky you!


animSo, Mayor. What's your first big
decision going to be?pageBreakanimIf I was the mayor, I'd make today.delay.delay.delay
animfun_0004000Efun_00130005 Day!pageBreakanimYeah, delayprobably why I'd be a crummy
mayor. delayHey, head to the colortown hallcolor
so YOU can get started!


animHey, it's the mayor! delayanimHey, hey, hey!
I've got a bunch of ideas about
how to make fun_00060005 great!
animBut, delayum, delaynever mind.delay I should give
you a few days to settle in.pageBreakSorry. I'm just so excited that we
have a new mayor! delayanimWhat? Who
am I? delayanimI'm fun_00010005!
I know you'll make fun_00050005
amazingly awesome. delayYeah, I can't
wait to see what you do!


animHey! Who are you? delayYou must just
be visiting fun_00050005, right?pageBreakanimWait. No! delayYou're the new mayor
that everyone's talking about!delay
Good to meet you!
I've been wishing that someone
would show up and make this
town really amazing.
And.delay.delay.delayanimhere you are!fun_00010007 Yeah, I should
wish for more stuff! delayHow about.delay.delay.delayanim
a new fun_000F0005?
Ugh, delayanimthat didn't work. delayBig letdown.
delayanimAnyway, I'm fun_00010005, and I'm
sure you're going to do a great job!


animYou! delayYou're—! delayYou're our new
mayor, right?pageBreakanimI'm a big fan, fun_00080005! delayYeah,
I'm fun_00010005! delayI can't believe
you're finally here!
animI know you haven't done anything
yet, but you will! delayAnd I know you'll
make fun_00050005 massive!
animBut, delayuh, delayno pressure or anything.delay
animYou do whatever you want,
Mayor! I'm sure it will be great!


animWell, delaywell, delaywell.delay.delay.delaylook who we have
here! delayThe new mayor, right?pageBreakanimWhat?! Who am I?fun_00010007 I'm.delay.delay.delayanimfun_00010005!pageBreakanimUgh, I guess if you haven't heard
of me, I'm not such a big deal.delay
Well, not yet. delayBut someday.
animAnyway, you ARE a big deal, Mayor.delay
animI'm really looking forward to seeing
what you do with fun_00050005.


animHey, we meet at last, Mayor!delay
I'm fun_00010005. Sorry I didn't catch
your big arrival in town.
animI was starting to think you were
angry I didn't show up, since you
haven't come to chat.
animBut never mind that. delayI know you're
busy, Mayor. So let me say the
thing I've wanted to tell you.delay.delay.delay
Make fun_00060005 the best town on
the entire planet! delayIn the whole
animYeah, I've got high hopes that
you're going to do a great job!


animHey, you're the new neighbor,
right? delayI'm fun_00010005, but you can
call me.delay.delay.delaywell, fun_00010005.
animHeh. Sorry. I'm still working on the
perfect nickname. delayHasn't come to
me just yet.pageBreakanimWell, I know we're going to be good
friends. So I'm glad to give you lots
of tips about life here in town!


animHey! No way! delayThere's a new person
in town? delayAnd I didn't hear about
it until now?
animI wonder if fun_001C0005 even knows
you've moved in... delayMaybe I'll tell
the mayor later on.delay.delay.delay
animOK, let's start over here. delayMy name
is fun_00010005, and I'm sure we're
going to hit it off, fun_00000005.
Feel free to bug me about anything.delay
I've got tips galore about how to
make it big here in town.


animHey, who are you? delayWait, wait—delaydon't
tell me. delayI think Mayor fun_001C0005
told me you were coming.delay.delay.delay
animUgh, sorry. delayMy memory is terrible.delay
But I know for SURE that we're
going to be good friends.
animI'm fun_00010005. Come chat with
me anytime, fun_00000005!








animHey,delay you must be the new mayor!delay
animWelcome to fun_00060005!pageBreakanimYou're a mayor,delay but you look a lot
younger than I expected.fun_00010007 animWell,delay it's
not a big deal, I guess.
animAs long as you love fun_00060005 and
do the best you can for fun_00060005,delay
everyone will be happy!


animHey,delay are you the new mayor?delay
animWelcome to fun_00060005!pageBreakanimYou're a mayor,delay but you look a lot
younger than I expected.fun_00010007
animI guess that doesn't matter.
animAs long as you love fun_00060005 and
do the best you can for fun_00060005,delay
we'll all be happy!


animHey, have you registered at the
colortown hall coloryet? delayanimYou should really
get that done first.


animYou been to colorNook's Homescolor on colorMain
Streetcolor yet? delayanimYou need to find a place
to live, and that's the place to go.


animLooking for a spot where you
want to live? delayYeah, hard decision,
I know. We've all been there.
But I'll make it easy.delay.delay.delay animLive near
my house, fun_00080005!


animHey, I heard you decided where
you want to live, fun_00080005.pageBreakThat's great news! But you'd better
tell them at the colortown hall colortoo.delay
animYeah, crucial step, fun_00070005.











Have you been to colorMain Streetcolor yet,delay
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimcolorTimmy and Tommy's storecolorcolor colorsells
a variety of things,delay ranging from
useful tools to furniture.
animAnddelay for all your housing needs,delay
including real estate and exterior,delay
there's colorNook's Homescolor.
That's run by colorTom Nookcolor, just to
let you know.pageBreakanimThen for all your clothing needs,delay
like buying or designing clothes and
stuff like that:
the colorAble Sisterscolor tailor shop!
It's really great for fashionistas
like yours truly.
animOh, and colorLabelle colorat the accessory
shop is so mysterious and helpful,
not to mention beautifuldelay.delay.delay.
animHuh?delay What were we talking about?fun_00010007
animOh, welldelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimAh! Right! delayanimThere's also colorBlatherscolor's
colormuseumcolor for bugs, fish, art, and even
fossils. It's the whole package!
Basically, colorMain Streetcolor is great, so
you'll never be bored,delay fun_00070005!


animHave you shaken one of our town's
fun_001A0005 trees yet?delay animQuick
way to get a snack.
animKnow how to shake a tree yet?delay
Face it, and then press . All the
good stuff will fall down.
animAlso, if you're all snacked out, take
your fruit to colorRe-Tailcolor.delay You can sell
fruit there.
animDo you know how to pick stuff off
the ground? delayanimJust press .delay Easy,
animYou might want to head down to
the beach too. delayThere's plenty there
to scavenge and sell.


animHere's some huge info for you,
fun_00070005.delay.delay.delaythough maybe it'll
be more important down the line.
animSoon you're going to have more
stuff than you have space for
inside your house.
animWell, if you want to get rid of some
things, why not at least make a
chunk of change?
animSo sell your old stuff at colorRe-Tailcolor!pageBreakNot just furniture, but also fruit,
shells, bugs, fish, and fossils.
Just about anything, really.
Because selling stuff will get you
more Bells for buying stuff.pageBreakBut...delayI guess delaythen you'll have MORE
stuff you don't want.delay animYeah, vicious
cycle, I know!


animBuy any equipment yet? delayThe colornet coloris
great for catching bugs, and the
colorfishing rodcolor is, delaywell, delayfor fish.
animYou can sell what you catch at
colorRe-Tailcolor. Easy source of
money, if you ask me.
animHeh. I suppose that goofy owl at
the museum would love them too.delay
Have you met colorBlatherscolor yet?
animOh yeah, then there's the colorshovelcolor.delay
That's some crucial gear too.pageBreakanimYou know those  marks around
town? delayDig on those spots. You
won't be sorry.
So buy those three tools as soon
as you can. delayanimYou'll get rich, delayI tell
you, delayrich!fun_0012000A


animHey! delayCheck this out!fun_000D0007


So where did you end up settling
down in town?fun_00010008
Not far.
Sort of far?
Crazy far!


animHey, checked out our town's
colorbulletin boardcolor yet today? The one
in front of the colorstationcolor?fun_00010008
I did!
Not yet.
What's that?


animHey, what?! delayanimSorry. I thought I saw
someone taking pictures of me
again, fun_00070005!
animHeh. I really shouldn't tell you how
to take pictures.pageBreakanimThe last thing we need around here
is some shutterbug snapping
pictures of us all the time.
animBut I'll tell you. delayPress and hold 
to prep the camera,delay and then press
 to snap the picture.
animOr vice versa if you like to go right
to left or something.pageBreakYou can view all your photos in the
colorNintendo 3DS Cameracolor application.pageBreakanimHah! I bet you could snap us doing
all sorts of crazy stuff! fun_00010007animBut, wait.
You won't, right?
animWhew! delayI'd better watch my back,


animThat reminds medelay.delay.delay.delay I have something
important to tell you,delay fun_00080005.pageBreakanimWhen you want to stop playing,delay
press colorSTART colorand then select
colorSave and quitcolor.
animcolorSave and continuecolor might be a good
choice as well.pageBreakanimdelayAnyway, if you don't save,delay all the
things you've done up until thendelay
will vanish like a bubble.
animIf you want to leave a legit record
of what you've done for future
generations,delay animthen you'd better save!


animHey, Mayor, how are you liking your
new town? delayI hope you're making
friends with everyone.
animUgh, I know too well that you can
also make enemies of people too.delay
If you're mean, that is.
animI never try to be mean.delay.delay.delaybut I just
rub people the wrong way
sometimes, fun_00070005.
animAnyway, we've all got useful tips
about town life, and maybe the
occasional request too.
Hey, and if you need colormore advicecolor,
you can also ask your assistant,
colorIsabellecolor, at the colortown hallcolor!
She's just the nicest, plus she'll
sometimes provide tools for new
residents if they need them!


animHey, how are you liking your new
town, fun_00080005? delayI hope you're
making friends with everyone.
animUgh, I know too well that you can
also make enemies of people.delay
If you're not nice, that is.
animI never try to be mean.delay.delay.delaybut I just
rub people the wrong way
sometimes, fun_00070005.
animAnyway, we've all got useful tips
about town life, and maybe the
occasional request too.
Hey, and if you need colormore advicecolor,
you can also ask colorIsabelle colorat the
colortown hallcolor, fun_00070005.
Besides verbal help, she's been
known to hand out some needed
tools now and then, so go see her!




animSo.delay.delay.delaywhat do you think? I just
bought this new look!fun_000A0008
Wow, great


animReally? I wasn't sure, but if you
say it's great.delay.delay.delaywell, you've
got to be right!
animSo this is my new look. delayAt least
until I change it again. delayanimI do that
a lot, fun_00070005.fun_001B000A


animA pretty good style for me, you'd
say? delayYeah, I agree.pageBreakThen I'll call this my new go-to look,delay
at least until I decide I'm sick of it.delay
animUm, delayI do change my clothes a lot.fun_001B000A


animWow, in the middle is never a good
thing when it comes to style.delay
That's what I say, anyway.
animI'm tempted to change into
something else, but maybe I'll stick
with this a little longer.fun_001B000A


animYou sort of.delay.delay.delaydon't like it?fun_00010007
animWait—that's not a bad thing!delay
Fashion is ugly a lot of the time!
Isn't it? delayI think I heard that.delay
animYeah, I'm sure of it.pageBreakanimSo I'm going to keep wearing it
until everyone knows it's great!delay
At least a little longer, anyway.fun_001B000A


animNo way! delayYikes? delayFor real? Seriously?delay
You're not kidding?pageBreakanimGet it off of me! delayOff, off, off!delay
I really gotta try on clothes at the
store before I buy!fun_000E0007fun_001B000A


animHey! How about you try on a new
look too? Here—take this.fun_000F0007fun_0001000A


animOpen your pockets by pressing 
on the Touch Screen, and select the
fun_00030011 I gave you.delay
Then choose colorWear colorto put it on!
animDon't worry!delay I'm sure it'll look
great on you!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimOh, another thing!delay We break our
clothes into a few categories here
in town, depending on sleeve length.
There are colorshirtscolor, colorteescolor, and colortankscolor,
or you could also say long sleeves,
short sleeves, and no sleeves.
animKeep this in mind if you're as
fashion oriented as I am!


animOpen your pockets by pressing 
on the Touch Screen, and select the
fun_00030011 I gave you.delay
Then choose colorWear colorto put it on!
animDon't worry!delay I'm sure it'll look
absolutely great on you!
animOh, another thing!delay We break our
clothes into a few categories here
in town, depending on sleeve length.
There are colorshirtscolor, colorteescolor, and colortankscolor,
or you could also say long sleeves,
short sleeves, and no sleeves.
animKeep this in mind if you wanna
be an expert of town fashion!




animHey! How about you try on a new
look too? Yeah, take this!fun_00100007


animHey! How about you try on a new
look too? delayYeah, take this! delayI think
it'll look good on you.fun_00100007


animOpen your pockets by pressing  delayon
the Touch Screen. Then select the
fun_00030011 I gave you.delay
Now choose colorWear colorto put it on!pageBreakanimBy the way,delay we break our clothes
into a few categories here in town,
depending on sleeve length.
There are colorshirtscolor, colorteescolor, and colortankscolor,
or you could also say long sleeves,
short sleeves, and no sleeves.
animKeep this in the back of your mind
when you're shopping later on!


Just so you know,delay if you need some
clothes,delay check out colorAble Sisters colorin
the shopping district sometime!
animOh, another thing!delay We break our
clothes into a few categories here
in town, depending on sleeve length.
There are colorshirtscolor, colorteescolor, and colortankscolor,
or you could also say long sleeves,
short sleeves, and no sleeves.
animRemember this for your
future fashion purchases!


Just so you know,delay if you need some
clothes,delay check out the colorAble Sisterscolor
over in the shopping district!
animAnd don't forget to try it on
before you buy it,delayanim all right?pageBreakanimOh, another thing!delay We break our
clothes into a few categories here
in town, depending on sleeve length.
There are colorshirtscolor, colorteescolor, and colortankscolor,
or you could also say long sleeves,
short sleeves, and no sleeves.
animKeep this in mind if you wanna
become a true fashionista!


animNot far? delayGood choice. delayThis part
of town is really nice.


animSort of far? delaySmart choice. delayYeah,
this part of town delayright around
here delayanimisn't optimal.


animSeriously? delayCrazy far away from
where we are? delayWhy's that?delay
animOh, never mind.delay.delay.delay
I'll stop by sometime and see for
myself. delayAnyway, good for you,


animAnd hey, what would you think
about writing letters now and
then, fun_00080005?
animNo pressure. It's just that everyone
around here loves getting letters.pageBreakanimFirst, buy some colorstationery colorat the
colorstore coloron Main Street.delaypageBreakAfter you write out your letter.delay.delay.delay
take it to the colorpost officecolor and then
send it to the lucky recipient!
animJust keep one thing in mind! animWe all
have a bad habit of showing our
letters to everyone. animEVERYONE.
animSo be careful what you write.
Your letters WILL get around.delay animI've
learned THAT lesson the hard way.


You did? delayUh, was there something
good today? delayNever mind. I'll go
there and read it myself.
animThere's often news about upcoming
events or special visitors. You can
leave your own notes too.
animNow, here's a big tip. If you see
a little colorbird coloron the board, that
means there's new.delay.delay.delayuh, delaynews.pageBreakanimBut the weird thing is that you
won't see that bird at night.
You'll see a.delay.delay.delay
animWell, I won't spoil it for you.delay
Who will be there? delayWho? Who?delay
animHah ha! delayI crack myself up!


animYeah, you should. delayBecause there
could be something good on
it today.
animThere's often news about upcoming
events or special visitors. Have you
left any of your own notes yet?
animNow, here's a big tip. If you see
a little colorbird coloron the board, that
means there's new.delay.delay.delayuh, delaynews.pageBreakanimBut the weird thing is that you
won't see that bird at night.
You'll see a.delay.delay.delay
animWell, I won't spoil it for you.delay
Who will be there? delayWho? Who?delay
animHah ha! delayI crack myself up!


animThe bulletin board near the station
is where we post all our big
announcements, fun_00070005!
There's often news about upcoming
events or special visitors. You can
leave your own notes too.
animNow, here's a big tip. If you see
a little colorbird coloron the board, that
means there's new.delay.delay.delayuh, delaynews.
animBut the weird thing is that you
won't see that bird at night.
You'll see a.delay.delay.delay
animWell, I won't spoil it for you.delay
Who will be there? delayWho? Who?delay
animHah ha! delayI crack myself up!


By the way, you can buy equipment
at colorNookling Junctioncolor over on colorMain
Streetcolor, fun_00070005. Super fun!


By the way, you can buy equipment
at colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store, colorT&T
Martcolor, over on colorMain Streetcolor.
It's really useful!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


By the way, you can buy equipment
at colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store,
colorSuper T&Tcolor, over on colorMain Streetcolor.
It's real convenient,delay fun_00070005!


By the way, you can buy equipment
at colorT.I.Y. colorover on colorMain Street colorwhen
you want, fun_00070005. So great!


By the way, you can buy equipment
at colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store, colorT&T
Emporiumcolor, over on colorMain Streetcolor!


By the way, you can buy equipment
at colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store, colorT&T
Emporiumcolor, over on colorMain Streetcolor!


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