Num | English |
| animI was waiting for you,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimDo you remember?delay When I was on
my camping trip,delay you asked me if I
wanted to live here.delay
animI took your advice and decided to
move to fun_00060005,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimSodelay I'm officially a resident of your
town starting todaydelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd I'm really
excited about it,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey, fun_00080005!delay I actually just
moved in today!pageBreakanimdelayWhen I came here on my camping
trip,delay I didn't intend to move, butdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimWhat you told me gave me the last
push I needed,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimI'm still trying to get settled,delay butdelay.delay.delay.delay
animanyhow,delay I'm glad to be part of
this town and your life! |
| animHey, fun_00080005!pageBreakanimI trusted what you told me about
your town,delay so I decided it'd only
make sense to move to fun_00060005!delay
delay.delay.delay.delayanimHope I'm not being a nuisance!
animI mean,delay I'm already here, so there's
nothing that can be done anyway!
animI'm looking forward to living here
in your town,delay fun_00080005! |
| animI was waiting for you,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimDo you remember?delay When I was
living in fun_00020011,delay you asked
me if I wanted to live here instead.delay
animWell, turns out I did,delay so I moved to
fun_00060005,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimI'm officially living here starting
todaydelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd I'm really excited
about it,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay I actually just
moved in here today!pageBreakanimdelayWhen I was having problemsdelay
while in fun_00020011delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimyour kind words gave me the last
push to move,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimI'm still in the process of organizing
all my stuff, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI'm really happy
to be here now! |
| Hey,delay fun_00080005!delay Do you remember
me by any chance?pageBreakanimWe met the other day when I was
camping here!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimI moved to fun_00060005 because you
suggested it'd be a good ideadelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimAnyway,delay we live in the same town
now!delay That makes me super excited!
Aren't you excited,delay fun_00080005? |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimDon't tell me you forgot about me!delay
You invited me to live in your towndelay
when I was camping the other day!
animThat's why I packed up and moved
here to fun_00060005!pageBreakanimAnyway,delay I live in town now,delay so come
by to visit me anytime,delay fun_00080005! |
| Hey,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimThat day I was campingdelay.delay.delay.delay
Well, you persuaded me to
move to this town, so I did.
animIt feels really nice to have a safe
place to go home to at the end of
the daydelay.delay.delay.
animWell,delay now we'll be living in the same
place!delay animI'll be counting on you from
now on,delay neighbor! |
| Hey,delay fun_00080005!delay
Do you remember me?pageBreakanimWe met just the other day while
I was camping in fun_00020011!delaypageBreakanimYou suggested I should move to
fun_00060005delay.delay.delay.delay animSo I did! Hah ha!pageBreakanimAnyway,delay we'll be living in the same
town from now on!delay animAnd I'm super
excited about it,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimDon't tell me you forgot about me?delay
You invited me to live in fun_00020011delay,
remember? It wasn't that long ago!
animThat's why I'm in fun_00060005!pageBreakanimAnyhoo,delay now that I have a house in
town,delay feel free to come visit me at
any time,delay fun_00080005! |
| Hey,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimThat daydelay.delay.delay.delaywhen we were both in
fun_00020011,delay you persuaded me to
move to this town,delay so I did!
animIt feels really nice to have a safe
place to come home to at the end
of a long and tiring daydelay.delay.delay.delay
animWell,delay now we'll be living in the same
town!delay animI'll be counting on you for
help in the future,delay neighbor! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimNo,delay I'm not here campingdelay.delay.delay.delay
I actually moved into town!pageBreakanimI made the decision after you
persuaded medelay.delay.delay.delay You remember
whendelay.delay.delay.delay When I was camping?
animdelayTime flies!delay It's been a while since
thendelay.delay.delay.delay animOh,delay animbut it's nice to see you
again at last,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI moved to this town after you
persuaded me.delay You still remember
the day you convinced me, right?
animdelayTime's really flown since thendelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay
animOh!delay But it's nice to see you again
at last,delay fun_00080005! |
| animAh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimNo!delay This time, I'm not here
campingdelay.delay.delay.delay I live here now!pageBreakanimYou're the one who asked me to
come live heredelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakBut you didn't notice that I moved
in until just now?delay Isn't that a little,
uh, mean? Yeah?
animIt's been a while since I moved indelay.delay.delay.delay
animOh well.delay It's still nice to finally see
you again,delay fun_00070005! |
| animAh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakI took your advice and moved to
your town!pageBreakanimYou asked me to live heredelay.delay.delay.delay But you
didn't notice I moved in until now?delay
That's kinda mean.
animIt's already been a while since I
moved indelay.delay.delay.delay animBut oh well.delay It's nice
to see you again,delay fun_00070005! |
| animCough cough!delay animYou'redelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00080005,
right?pageBreakYou asked me while I was camping
to come and live heredelay.delay.delay.delay So I moved
to this towndelay.delay.delay.delay
But soon after I moved in,delay I caught
a colddelay.delay.delay.delay animCough cough!delayanimpageBreakI'd feel bad if I got you sick toodelay.delay.delay.delay
Let's chat another time when I'm
feeling better! |
| animCough cough!delay animYou'redelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00080005,
right?pageBreakI moved to this towndelay.delay.delay.delaybecause you
asked me todelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakBut as soon as I came here,delay I caught
a colddelay.delay.delay.delay animCough cough!delayanimpageBreakCareful not to get sick as welldelay.delay.delay.delay
It'd probably be better if we sat
down and chatted after I'm better. |
| animHey,delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while agodelay I visited fun_00060005
while camping,delay and a person named
fun_00000011 asked me to move here.
Well, I took fun_0005000E advice, and now
here I am, new to town!pageBreakanimI'm a resident of fun_00060005 as of
today!delay Very nice to meet you,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animHey,delay my name's fun_00010005.pageBreakanimI came here for a camping trip a
bit ago, and I really hit it off with
a person named fun_00000011delay.delay.delay.
animdelayfun_0005000E asked me if I wanted to move
to fun_00060005, and, well, animthat's why
I'm here now! Nice to meet you! |
| animHey,delay my name is fun_00010005.delay I'm a
wandering traveler of sorts.pageBreakanimWhen I came here to camp the other
day,delay a person named fun_00000011delay
came to talk to medelay.delay.delay.
animfun_0005000E asked if I wanted to live here.delay
animdelayThen I became mesmerized by fun_0005000E
serious eyesdelay.delay.delay.
animAnd that's why I live here now!delay
Nice to meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHi there!delay My name's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while back,delay I met fun_00000011delay
over in fun_00020011, and fun_0005000E tried
to persuade me to move heredelay.delay.delay.delay
And, well, that's the reason I live in
this town now!pageBreakanim I'm also a brand-new resident of
fun_00060005 starting today.delay Nice to
meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHey! My name's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI got to know a person named
fun_00000011 in fun_00020011 a little
while agodelay.delay.delay.
animdelayfun_0005000E suggested that I move to
fun_00060005.delay animAnd that's the reason
I live here now! fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey,delay my name is fun_00010005!delay
animI'm a wandering traveler.pageBreakanimThe other day,delay when I was in
fun_00020011,delay a person named
fun_00000011 came to talk to medelay.delay.delay.
animfun_0005000E wanted me to live here!delay
animdelayMmm, it was hard to say no
to fun_0005000E kind eyesdelay.delay.delay.
animAnd that's why I live here now!delay
Nice to meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHey,delay my name's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimWhen I was camping in fun_00060005,delay
a person named fun_00000011 asked
me to move heredelay.delay.delay.delay
That's why I'm in this town!pageBreakanimI'm also a full-fledged resident of
fun_00060005 now!delay Nice to meet you,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animHey!delay My name is fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI came here for camping a while
back and got to know a person
named fun_00000011delay.delay.delay.
animdelayfun_0005000E asked me to live in fun_00060005,delay
animso that's why I'm here now! Nice to
meet you, fun_00070005! |
| animHey there!delay My name is fun_00010005!delay
animI'm a wandering traveler of sorts.pageBreakanimWhen I was camping here a bit ago,delay
a person named fun_00000011 came to
ask me if I'd like to live in town.delay
animdelayI became mesmerized by fun_0005000E silly
facedelay.delay.delay.anim And that's the reason I live
here today!delay animQuite a story,delay yeah?delay
Nice to meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHey,delay my name's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimAnd yes, before you ask, I am
a real fun_001F0005. Let's get that
cleared up first, all right?
animAnyway, when I was in fun_00020011
before,delay someone named fun_00000011delay
asked me to move to this towndelay.delay.delay.delay
And that's why fun_00010005 the
fun_001F0005 lives here now!pageBreakanimNice to meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHey!delay My name's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI got to know some person named
fun_00000011 when I was visiting
fun_00020011 a while agodelay.delay.delay.
animdelayfun_0005000E the one who asked me to
move to fun_00060005.delay animThat's why
I live here now! Nice to meet you! |
| animHey,delay my name is fun_00010005!delay
I'm a wandering traveler. animSorta.pageBreakanimAnyway, the other day, over in
fun_00020011,delay a person named
fun_00000011 came to talk to medelay.delay.delay.
animfun_0005000E wanted to know if I'd like to
live here in fun_00050005.pageBreakanimdelayI became mesmerized by the way
fun_0005000E voice soundeddelay.delay.delay. animAnd that's why
I live here now!delay animWhat a story,delay huh?
animNice to meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animOh?delay This is my first time meeting
you, right?delay animMy name is fun_00010005!pageBreakanimdelayWhen I came camping here,delay a person
named fun_00000011delay talked me into
moving to town,delay fun_00070005.
animEnough about medelay.delay.delay.delayanim Huh?delay animAhh,delay your
name is fun_00000005? animGlad to finally
meet youdelay.delay.delay.delay
animWell,delay I'll most likely see you around
soon,delay fun_00080005! |
| animOh?delay This is the first time we've
met, isn't it?delay animI'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimdelayThe other day in fun_00020011,delay a
person named fun_00000011 talked
me into moving here,delay fun_00070005.
animBut tell me, what's your name?delayanim Ahh,
delayso you're fun_00000005?delay animThought I'd
never see youdelay.delay.delay.delay
animWell,delay nice to meet you at long last,delay
fun_00080005! |
| animOhdelay.delay.delay.delay animI guess there were still some
peopledelay I hadn't talked to in town
just yet,delay fun_00070005!
animI'm fun_00010005! Nice to meet you!pageBreakanimdelaySome time agodelay when I was camping
here,delay someone named fun_00000011
asked me to move into towndelay.delay.delay.delay
animWell, I did, but it happened a while
agodelay.delay.delay.delay animOh well, always nice to meet
someone new! |
| animOhdelay.delay.delay.delay animI guess there were still some
peopledelay I hadn't talked to yet here
in town,delay fun_00070005.
animI'm fun_00010005! animA while back,delay when I
was trying to decide where I should
move after living in fun_00020011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreaksomeone asked me if I wanted to go
ahead and move to fun_00050005delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimThat person's name is fun_00000011!fun_00010007
But it was a while agodelay.delay.delay.delay animStill,delay it's
nice to finally meet you! |
| animAchoo!delay delay.delay.delay.delayanimWe haven't met before,delay
have we? Nah, I didn't think sodelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakI'mdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010005.delay The other day,delay
I went camping in fun_00060005delaydelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakA person named fun_00000011 asked
medelay.delay.delay.delayif I wanted to go ahead and
move to this towndelay.delay.delay.delay
But as soon as I moved indelay.delay.delay.delayI caught
a colddelay.delay.delay.delayanim ACHOO!pageBreakanimI'd feel bad if you also got sickdelay.delay.delay.delay
So let's chat another time when
I'm feeling better. |
| animAchoo!delay delay.delay.delay.delayanimThis is the first timedelay
we've met, right?delay I'mdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010005.pageBreakSomeone named fun_00000011 asked
me to move heredelay.delay.delay.delayso I diddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakBut as soon as I moved indelay.delay.delay.delayI caught
a colddelay.delay.delay.delay animAchoo!pageBreakanimI'd feel bad if you also got sickdelay.delay.delay.delay
So let's chat when I'm feeling
better in a few days. |
| animHey,delay my name is fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while ago,delay when I was camping in
fun_00060005,delay someone tried to
convince me to live in this town.pageBreakanimThat's how I decided to move heredelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut guess what? animI found out that
person doesn't live here anymore!delay
animMan, isn't that just such a bummer?
animButdelay if I hadn't moved,delay I wouldn't
have met so many new friendsdelay.delay.delay.delay
It might just be fate! animLike it or not,delay
I'm part of fun_00060005 now!delay Nice to
meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHey,delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while ago,delay someone in fun_00020011
tried really hard to convince me
to move here.
animThat's actually how I ended updelay
in this towndelay.delay.delay.delay animBut guess what?
animThat person's left!delay Just gone!delay
animI mean, can you believe it? animBut thendelay
if I hadn't moved,delay I wouldn't have
met youdelay.delay.delay.delay
I believe this must be fate. animLike it
or not,delay I'm part of fun_00060005 now!delay
animNice to meet you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHey,delay my name's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimWhen I was camping in town a while
ago,delay I got to know someone kinda
cool from the areadelaydelay.delay.delay.
animdelayThat person tried to convince me
to move into town,delay fun_00070005.
animAnd that's why I live here now!
animBut that person up and left town!
animOh well, I'm not mad anymore.delay
animI'd rather just make more friends. |
| animHey!delay My name is fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI met up with someonedelay a while agodelay
in fun_00020011delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimdelayThat person was pretty nice and
tried to convince me to move to
fun_00050005,delay fun_00070005.
animThat's actually why I live here nowdelay.delay.delay.delay
animButdelay that person is gone! Can you
believe that?
animI'm not moving again, though, so no
worries!delay animNice to meet you! |
| animWhoa,delay this is the first time we've
met, isn't it?delay animI'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimdelayWhen I came here for a camping
trip,delay someone tried to convince me
to live heredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut that person doesn't live heredelay
anymore, and I moved based on
that conversation! Isn't that crazy?
animTime flies!delay It's been quite a while
since thendelay.delay.delay.delay animAnyway,delay nice to meet
you at last,delay fun_00070005! |
| animOh,delay this is the first time we're
meeting, isn't it?delay animI'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimdelaySomeone in fun_00020011delay convinced
me to move heredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut that persondelay doesn't live heredelay
anymore! Yup, up and moved away!pageBreakanimTime flies!delay That was actually quite
a while agodelay.delay.delay.delay animAnyway,delay nice to meet
you at last,delay fun_00070005! |
| Oh,delay I guess there were still some
people I hadn't talked to yet in
town.delay animI'm fun_00010005!
A while agodelay when I was camping
here,delay someone invited medelay to move
into towndelay.delay.delay.
animBut that person's already moved
somewhere else! You believe that?pageBreakanimWow, that was a while agodelay.delay.delay.delay
animAnyway,delay nice to meet you at long
last,delay fun_00070005! |
| Oh,delay it seems like there are still
some people I haven't talked to yet.delay
animI'm fun_00010005! Nice to meet you!
A while agodelay when I was visiting
fun_00020011,delay someone invited me
to move out heredelay.delay.delay.
animAnd yet that person doesn't even
live here now that I've moved in!pageBreakanimBut that's old newsdelay.delay.delay.delay animThough I hope
you don't decide to move away
now,delay fun_00070005! |
| animCough cough!delay delaydelaydelaydelayanimThis is the first time
we've met, isn't it?pageBreakI'mdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010005!delaypageBreakThe other daydelay I was camping here
in fun_00060005, having a good timedelaydelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakAnd someone invited medelay.delay.delay.delayto move
to this town.pageBreakSo I diddelay.delay.delay. But after looking around
town,delay I found out animthat person
doesn't live here anymoredelay.delay.delay.delay
animAnd as if that isn't bad enough,delay
I caught a colddelay.delay.delay.delay animCough cough!delaypageBreakanimI'd feel bad if you got sick toodelay.delay.delay.delay
Let's chat again when I feel better. |
| animCough cough!delay delaydelaydelaydelayanimThis is the first time
we've met,delay isn't it?pageBreakWell, I'mdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010005.delaypageBreakThe other day, while I was still
living in fun_00020011,delay I was planning
to move. But I didn't know wheredelay.delay.delay.
That's when somebody told me to
move to this towndelay.delay.delay.delayand that's just
what I diddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakButdelay I looked around the whole town,delay
animonly to find out my friend doesn't
live here anymoredelay.delay.delay.
animAnd to make things worse,delay I caught
a cold immediatelydelay.delay.delay.delay animCough cough!delaypageBreakanimI'd feel bad if you got sick toodelay.delay.delay.delay
So let's chat once I get better. |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while ago,delay I went camping in
fun_00060005 and fun_00000011 was
able to convince me to move heredelay.delay.delay.delay
animThat's how I ended up in town.delaypageBreakanimSodelay I'm a resident of fun_00060005
starting today!delay animI hope we can be
good friends,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while ago,delay in fun_00020011,delay a person
named fun_00000011delay tried really hard
to convince me to move into towndelay.delay.delay.delay
animSo I ended up listening to fun_0005000E and
moved to fun_00060005!pageBreakanimNowdelay I'm a full-fledged resident!delay
animI hope we can be good friends
from here on out,delay fun_00080005! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimWhen I was camping in town before,delay
I got to know a really nice person
named fun_00000011delay.delay.delay.delay
animdelayfun_0005000E tried to convince me to move
into town,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimAnd that's why you see me here
today!delay animLet's take this chance to
become better friends,delay fun_00080005! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while ago, in fun_00020011,delay I got to
know someone named fun_00000011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimdelayfun_0005000E tried to convince me to move
to this town,delay fun_00070005...
animAnd it actually worked!delay
animSo let's use this chance to become
better friends,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimdelayI was camping in town a while ago,
and a person named fun_00000011
tried to convince me to move.
animAnd for whatever reason,delay I agreed
and moved here not too long ago!pageBreakanimSorry for not saying hello sooner!delay
I hope we can become good friends,delay
fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimdelayWhen I was in fun_00020011 the other
day,delay a person named fun_00000011
tried to persuade me to move here.
animAnd, well, whatever fun_0005000E said really
stuck. So here I am, a full resident
of fun_00050005!
animSorry for not saying hey sooner,
though!delay I still hope we can become
good friends,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay if it isn't fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimIn fun_00050005,delay there's a person
named fun_00000011, right?pageBreakanimWhen I was camping,delay fun_0005000E tried
to convince me to move here.pageBreakanimThat was actually a while agodelay.delay.delay.delay
animAnyway,delay it's good to see you
again,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHiya, fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimIn fun_00050005,delay there's a person
named fun_00000011, right?pageBreakanimWhen I lived in fun_00020011,delay fun_0005000E
tried to convince me to move here.delay
animWell,delay I guess it worked.
animAnyway, that was a while agodelay.delay.delay.delay
animButdelay it's good to see you again,delay
fun_00080005! |
| animCough cough... delaydelaydelaydelayanimYou're fun_00000005,
isn't that rightdelay.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakWhen I was camping here the other
daydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakA person named fun_00000011 tried to
convince medelay.delay.delay.delayto pack up and move
to this town.
animButdelay as soon as I got heredelay.delay.delay.delayI caught
a colddelay.delay.delay.delay animCough cough!delaypageBreakanimI'd feel bad if you also got sickdelay.delay.delay.delay
So let's chat when I feel better. |
| animCough cough...delaydelaydelaydelaydelayanim Oh, hey, you're
fun_00000005, rightdelay.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakThe other day when I was in
fun_00020011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakA person named fun_00000011 was
able to convince me to pack up
and move to this towndelay.delay.delay.
animBut as soon as I got here,delay I caught
an awful colddelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimCough cough!delayanim I'd feel bad if you
got sick toodelay.delay.delay.delay So let's catch
up when I'm feeling better, OK? |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while ago,delay when I was camping in
fun_00060005,delay someone tried really
hard to convince me to live here.
animI gave in and moved to this town. anim
Guess what ended up happening?pageBreakanimdelayIt seems that person just up and
moved out of heredelay.delay.delay.delay animSelfish, right?pageBreakanimBut if I didn't move here,delay I wouldn't
have met you,delay so it might all be
worth it, don't you think?
animAnyhoo,delay I'm officially a resident
of fun_00060005 starting today,delay and
I'm happy about it,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while agodelay when I was in
fun_00020011,delay someone tried really
hard to convince me to move here.pageBreakanimSo I ended up moving,delay animbut can you
guess what happened?pageBreakanimdelayI got word my friend had up and
skipped towndelay.delay.delay.delay animCan you believe
that? Isn't that awful?
animBut at the very least it's given me
a good excuse to spend time with
you again.
animAnyway,delay I'm a part of fun_00060005
starting today! animAnd guess what?
animI'm excited about it,delay fun_00080005! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimWhen I was camping in town a while
back,delay I got to know somebody who
happened to be pretty cooldelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimdelayIt actually convinced me to come
live in this town,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimBut now that I'm here, that person
ISN'T! Yup, just up and moved way!pageBreakanimWell,delay I'm not planning on moving
again anytime soon, so let's use
this chance to grow our friendship! |
| animAh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimA while ago, when I was in
fun_00020011,delay I got to know
someone kinda cooldelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimdelayThat person tried to convince me
to move into this town. Tried and
succeeded, I should say! Hah ha!
animThat's how I ended up heredelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut that other person's totally
left town already!
animI think I'll still keep right on living
here, though. The town's really
grown on me! fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimThe other daydelay somebody tried to
convince me to move to this town,
and now here I am,delay fun_00070005!
animButdelay that person doesn't livedelay here
anymoredelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimWow, time flies!delay It's already been a
while since thendelay.delay.delay.delay animAnyway,delay come by
and see me again,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimThe other day, when I was in
fun_00020011,delay somebody tried to
convince me to move to this town.
animBut that person moved away and
doesn't live here anymoredelay.delay.delay.
animCan you believe that?!
animWow, time really zips by, huh?delay
I've lived here for a while now.
animI hope I see you more often! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimdelayWhen I was camping here,delay somebody
tried to convince me to make the
move a permanent thing.
animI did, but it seems that person
doesn't live here anymoredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimdelayOh well. That was a long time agodelay.delay.delay.delay
animAnyway,delay hope to see you around
more often,delay fun_00080005! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!pageBreakanimSomebody tried to convince me
to move to fun_00050005, and, well,
I guess it worked.pageBreakanimSo I ended up moving here from
fun_00020011,delay but that person no
longer lives in this town!
animdelayThat was a long time ago, thoughdelay.delay.delay.delay
animAnyway,delay I hope to see you around
again sometime, delayfun_00080005! |
| animCough cough!delay animdelaydelaydelaydelayHey,delay aren't you
fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.delay? I thought so!pageBreakSomebody convinced me to live
heredelay.delay.delay.delayand I ended up moving into
town and everything.pageBreakButdelay I looked around only to learn my
friend doesn't live here anymoredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimTo make matters worsedelay.delay.delay.delayI caught a
nasty colddelay.delay.delay.delay animCough cough!delayanimpageBreakI'd feel bad if you got sick toodelay.delay.delay.delayso
let's chat when I feel better. |
| animCough cough!delay animdelay.delay.delay.delayHey, aren't youdelay
fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.delay? Yeah, I was rightdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakThe other day, in fun_00020011delay.delay.delay.delay
I was trying to decide where
I wanted to move todelay.delay.delay.pageBreakSomebody convinced me I should
move heredelay.delay.delay.delay So I followed that
advice and here I amdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakBut I looked around everywhere in
this towndelay.delay.delay.only to find my friend
doesn't live here anymoredelay.delay.delay.
And to make things worsedelay.delay.delay.delayI caught
a colddelay.delay.delay.delayanim Cough cough!delaypageBreakanimI'd feel bad if you got sick as welldelay.delay.delay.delay
Let's catch up when I'm all better. |
| animHey there, delayfun_00080005!pageBreakanimYou remember me, don't you?delayanimdelay We
met at the campground? delayYou invited
me to live heredelay.delay.delay.
animdelayAny of this ringing a bell?pageBreakanimAnd here I always thought I had a
memorable facedelay.delay.delay.animdelay Anyway, I moved
here! I live in fun_00060005 now.pageBreakanimSo delaynow that I'm a citizen of your
towndelay.delay.delay.delayI hope you remember to tell
everyone what a big deal I am. |
| animYo, delayfun_00080005delay!
It's me, the one and only delayfun_00010005.pageBreakanimDon't tell me you've forgotten me
already! delayI wouldn't be here if you
hadn't invited me to this town!delay
animBut you did,delay and now I'm all moved
into fun_00060005.pageBreakanimSpeaking of, delayyou oughta come over
and see the house I built.delay It's state
of the art, delayfun_00080005. |
| animHey hey, delayfun_00080005!delay
Yes, it's me, the famous delayfun_00010005.pageBreakanimWhen you invited me to live heredelay.delay.delay.delayI
thought we'd be hanging out more!delaypageBreakanimdelayTime really flies, delaydoesn't itdelay.delay.delay.delay?anim
Well, delayit's good to see you again,
delayfun_00080005. |
| animCough cough!delay
animIs thatdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00080005?pageBreakI can barely see you through the fog
of my illnessdelay.delay.delay.delay I doubt you could
even recognize ME like thisdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakAfter you invited me to live here,delay I
moved right into town! delay.delay.delay.delayanimCough!delayanim
But then this cold moved into me!pageBreakI'd hate to spread this horror to
youdelay.delay.delay.delay Let's meet up delayonce I'm feeling
a little betterdelay.delay.delay. |
| animHey, delaydo I know you? You probably
know me—I'm fun_00010005.pageBreakanimI was staying at the campground delaya
little while back, delayand I made such an
animI was asked to move here! pageBreakanimStarting today, delayI'm a proud citizen
of fun_00060005.delay animYou'll be seeing a lot
of me from now on, delayfun_00070005. |
| animHey heydelay!
The name's fun_00010005,delay the game's
being awesome.
animSeriously though, delaythe other day I
was staying at the local campground
and someone came up and saiddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanim"You seem awesome! How about
you bring your awesome to THIS
town full time?"delay
animdelayI was deeply moved delayby such a
sincere invitation.pageBreakanimAnd delaythat's why I'm here now. delay
See you around, delayfun_00070005. |
| animWhoadelay.delay.delay.delayanimis that somebody new?!delay
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005delay! We gotta meet! animI'm
A while back delaysomeone at the town's
campground delayinvited me to come
move to this town.delay
animAnd whaddaya know? delayI did!animdelay That's
just how I roll!pageBreakanimAhh, good timesdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Well, delaynice to meet
you! |
| animAaa-CHOO! delay
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimUh, delayhave we met? animIf we haven'tdelay.delay.delay.delay
I'm fun_00010005delay!
animI moved here afteranim getting an invite
delayfrom someone down at the
animBut as soon as I got heredelay.delay.delay.delay
I came down with this ridiculousdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimAAAH-CHOOO!pageBreakanimYou better get outta here before I
spread this to you!delay Let's hang out delay
animonce I'm healthy againdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHey, delayfun_00080005!delay
animDidn't we cross paths at the
campground?delay It's me, delayfun_00010005.pageBreakanimActually, someone else I met at the
campground invited me to come live
in this towndelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI've always been a popular guest,delay
so I moved right in. pageBreakanimStarting today, delayI'm a citizendelay of
fun_00060005! delayanimIt's a pleasure to
meet you, delayfun_00080005! |
| animOh, delayfun_00080005!delay
animI bet you didn't know you were
meeting the infamous delayfun_00010005!pageBreakanimI'm kind of a big deal around here.
delayanimSo big, in fact, someone insisted I
move to this town!
animSo here I am!delay animI will see YOU later,
delayfun_00080005. |
| animGood to meet ya, delayfun_00080005delay.
You can call me delayfun_00010005.pageBreakanimI'm not originally from this town,
animbut you wouldn't know it by just
looking at me.pageBreakThis town fits me like a glovedelay.delay.delay.animor
should I say—I fit this town!delaypageBreakdelayAnyway,anim it's always nice to share
my story with someone new! delayCiao,
delayfun_00080005. |
| animCoughdelay.delay.delay.delay
animYou're delayfun_00000005, delayright? pageBreakanimI was invited to this town a while
back,anim but I've been a real mess ever
since... delayCough!delay
animIt's like delayas soon as I got heredelay.delay.delay.delaythis
cold just ATTACKEDdelay.delay.delay.delay
animCough cough!delayanim
animYou better keep your distance.delay I'll
see you again soon.delay animHopefully when
I'm all better.delay.delay. |
| animCoughdelay.delay.delay.delay
animYou're delayfun_00000005, delayright? pageBreakanimI was invited to this town a while
back,anim but I've been a real mess ever
since... delayCough!delay
animIt's like delayas soon as I got heredelay.delay.delay.delaythis
cold just ATTACKEDdelay.delay.delay.delay
animCough cough!delayanim
animYou better keep your distance.delay I'll
see you again soon.delay animHopefully when
I'm all better.delay.delay. |