Num | English |
| animOh! delayYou're fun_00000005, right?pageBreakfun_00090002Officer colorCoppercolor, at your service!
delayfun_00010007I live to serve and protect the
citizens of fun_00050005! |
| fun_00090002Good day, delaycitiz—delay Er...delayvisitor!delay
Welcome to the fun_00050005
police station! |
| fun_00090002Please enjoy your stay,delay visitor.fun_00010007
And don't hesitate to report any...
delaysuspicious activity. |
| fun_00090002Good morning, fun_00000005!delay
You're certainly up early. |
| fun_00090002Good morning, fun_00000005! |
| fun_00090002Good afternoon, citizen. |
| fun_00090002Greetings,delay citizen!delay We're moving
into the later part of the day,delay so
be on the watch for mischief! |
| fun_00090002Good evening, delaycitizen!delay
I hope you're not walking around by
yourself at this hour. |
| fun_00090002What are you doing out at this hour,
delaycitizen?delay I sure hope you're staying
safe, young fun_0006000E. |
| animanimHow can I be of assistance?fun_0005000F
What's new in town?
I'm just chatting. |
| fun_00090002Understood!delay
Until next time, citizen! |
| Just another peaceful day in
fun_00050005, delaycitizen! delayNo mischief to
speak of. |
| Well,delay the town gate is open,delay so we
may receive visitors from other
towns. I'm keeping an eye out. |
| It seems we have a visitor from
another town. I wonder where our
guest is from. |
| It seems we have two visitors from
out of town! They'd better behave
themselves. |
| We have THREE visitors from
out of town! animdelayI might need to
call for backup. |
| animBy the by,delay animis there something you
require of me?fun_0006000F
I found something...
Anything unusual?
Nope, carry on! |
| animYou picked up a dropped item?delay
fun_00090002You have my gratitude, citizen,
for performing your civic duty!
animWhile I'd like to get out there and
find the owner right away, I cannot
leave my post for even a momentdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakfun_00090002Citizen!delay I hate to ask,delay but you would
be doing this town a great deed by
searching for the owner in my place! |
| |
| Yep, this here is the lost and found
for fun_00050005.pageBreakWe've had no luck finding thedelay
owners of any of these itemsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakAnything here look familiar?fun_00010007
Wait. What am I thinking?!pageBreakThere's no way any of this stuff is
yours—delayyou're from out of town! |
| As you can see here,delay I've started a
collection of lost items that have
been found around town.pageBreakanimNo one has claimed them,delay so I'm
animlooking for someone to take them
off our city's hands.
Let me know if you see anything
you like,delay citizen! |
| Looks like you've got yourself
fun_0002000Efun_00030011 there.
animDo you want to keep that item?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll take it.
Never mind. |
| That's our collection of lost items
found from around town.pageBreakanimNo one has claimed them,delay so I'm
animlooking for someone to take them
off our hands.
animYes, it looks like you've got yourself
fun_0002000Efun_00030011 there.
animDo you want to keep that item?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll take it.
Never mind. |
| Oh well. Maybe someone else will
want it. |
| animYour pockets are too full to carry
any more,delay citizen. |
| fun_00090002It's all yours,delay citizen! |
| |
| fun_00090002Welcome to the fun_00050005 town
police station!fun_00010007 Please enjoy your
visit to our town, citizen! |
| Well, the colorfortune-tellercolor is open for
business in the event plaza.pageBreakOnce I get a break, I'm going to go
ask her if any crimes will be
committed today. |
| Someone's setting up a tent for
colorRedd's Gallerycolordelay in the event plaza.pageBreakI might alter my patrol route a little
to get a closer look. |
| I hear colorSaharah coloris in town. I believe
she is out selling wallpaper and
carpeting. |
| Every colorSunday morningcolor,delay colorJoan colorcomes
to sell turnips.delay It's great for people
who love turnips,delay I suppose. |
| I've received reports of a rather
stylish giraffe over in the event
plaza today.
Apparently she has made it her duty
to critique any fashions that pass by
her.delay animI'm not so sure I approve! |
| You haven't heard? There's a storm
brewing off the coast, citizen!pageBreakThe rough waters will often cause
foreign objects to wash up on our
shore, fun_00090002so watch your step! |
| Hmm... Well, mailman colorPetecolordelay usually
makes his rounds on colorweekdays colorat
color9 a.m. colorand color5 p.m.colorpageBreakanimSpeaking of which, delayhe recently
brought me an important package.
fun_00090002Official police business, you know. |
| I saw colorPhineas colora little while ago.pageBreakHe walks around town giving badges
to well-behaved children. A bit of an
odd fellow, but harmless enough. |
| I just saw colorLeifcolor from the garden
shop walking around town!pageBreakanimI wonder where he was going. |
| We received an application for a
camping permit today.pageBreakanimI wonder who's planning on camping
in fun_00050005.anim Hopefully not some
sort of troublemaker! |
| |
| |