
Script : [Characters] NPC_Jonny_Quiz

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animThis place is an island!delay Yup,delay an
island in the middle of the ocean,delay
which is where I'd put an island!
animIt's famous for giant heads carved
out of rocks.delay animEver seen 'em?delay
Some are buried, though.
animI hear they're called moai, and there
are something like 887 of 'emdelay just
facing out to sea.
Maybe they're watching for me?delay
animWow!delay Thanks for lookin' out for
me, rocks,delay animbut I gottadelay ROLL!
delay.delay.delay.delayanimJust kidding!delay animI don't think I've
ever met these bunch of heads
before!delay animI'm sure I'd remember them.
animThough, then again,delay I DO seem to
have a habit of forgetting things
when I get tossed to seadelay.delay.delay.
animDoesn't matter.delay I feel like I've got
to pay my respects to them.delay animIt's the
sailor in me, I suppose.
animThat's why I have to get to that
island at any cost!pageBreakanimSo do you know the place I'm
talking about?


animSo this place, it's got some sorta
lake-dwelling beastie of the deep.pageBreakFrom what I can remember,delay she
peeks her cucumber-like neck up
from the lake just to mess with you.
I think her name was something
likedelay.delay.delay.delayNe...delayanimfun_000B0007Nessie! Yeah! That's it!pageBreakanimAlso, let's see...delay animIt's pretty famous
for something called bagpipes.delay
Ever seen 'em?delay Like a sack o' pipes!
animSometimes people dress up in things
called kilts to perform with them!delay
It's pretty neat to see firsthand!
animThink I'd look good with a kilt and
bagpipes?delay I've been considering
taking it up for a while...
animOK,delay do you have ANY idea where
this country might be?


animIn this country I'm headed to,delay the
people do a traditional dance while
keeping their hips lowered!
fun_00040007animIt's called the Cossack dance!delayfun_00050007
animIt looks like a very uncomfortable
position, if you ask medelay.delay.delay.
animPlus it's pretty tricky,delay but,delay hey,delay
who's keeping track?animdelay It's a sight
to behold,delay so give it a try.
fun_00040007animIt looks kinda like this!delayfun_00050007 animWell, they do
it a lot better than I dodelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWhile it's on my mind,delay this country
is also famous for matryoshka dolls!pageBreakIf you pop open one of those dolls,delay
animanother one is inside of it!pageBreakanimIf you pop that doll open,delay
animyou'll find another doll!pageBreakanimIf you pop THAT doll open,delay
animyou'll find ANOTHER doll!pageBreakanimIf you pop that doll open...

animfun_000B0007sizeJust how long is this
supposed to go on for?!sizepageBreakanimAnyway,delay I just love the simplicity
of the endless dolls within dolls!pageBreakanimNow then,delay do you have any idea
where I'm trying to get to?


animThe place I'm headed has a sorta
famous symbol of something cool
called a merlion!delay Ever seen one?
It has the head of a lion but the
body of a fish.delay It's actually a very
mysterious creature.
animHey, did you know I have the head
of a seagull and the body of a
seagull too?
delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimfun_000B0007sizeThat's where you're
supposed to laugh!sizedelaypageBreakDon't leave me hanging! Gah!pageBreakanimOK,delay animyour humor is as prickly and
hard as a durian,delay animwhich so happens
to be the national fruit of this place.
animAnyway, what do you think?delay Have
an idea where I was headed?


animWhen you think of this country,delay
you probably think of Vikings.delay
Big, strong guys with dragon boats!
animI was a viking once,delay animbut I could
never get the hang of pillaging,delay so
I gave it up for standard sailing.
animPlus this country isn't just Vikings.delay
Nah, it's also mermaid princesses!delaypageBreakanimThey say that REAL mermaids
actually live there.delay Real ones!delay
animNot those fake, manatee ones!
animOh, lovely mermaid princessdelay.delay.delay.delay
I was on my way to your country
to meet you at last!pageBreakanimWow!delay I can't wait a second longer!delay
Do you have an idea of where I was
most likely headed?


The country I was headed for is
sorta famous for a statue called
the Manneken Pis!
animI'd be a little ashamed to be seen
doing something like he does in
public.delay He sure is gutsy for a kid!
animBut you can't forget the most
important thing:delay animthe chocolate
from this country is delicious!
animThis place has lots of restaurants,delay
and since I'm such a foodie,delay I'm sure
I'll be stopping in each one of them!
animOr maybe not.delay I have a sensitive
stomach,delay so I always make sure
to stop before I get too fulldelay.delay.delay.
animAnyway, that's what that place
is like.delay Does it ring a bell?


animWhen you think of the country
I was headed to,delay you instantly think
of flamenco dancing!
Those nimble steps!delay The music!delay
animIt's a very passionate dance!pageBreakanimYou've also got the dangerous and
exciting birthplace of matadors.delay
animSuch daring and bravery!
animIn fact, everyone gets in the spirit
once a year when one of the towns
lets a bunch of bulls run free!delay animCrazy!
animThere's also a very famous building
that's still under construction after
more than a hundred years!
animIt's been worked on by people for
generations,delay but they still aren't
done with it!delay animWhy not?!
animI was heading there partly to help
out with construction, since my
help is greatly needed.
animAnd I think that's about all I can
rememberdelay.delay.delay.delay Does this place sound
familiar to you at all?


animIn that country,delay there's a city some
people call the art capital of the
world!delay Like,delay art EVERYWHERE!
It has the Eiffel Tower,delay the Arc de
Triomphe,delay the Louvredelay.delay.delay.delay animArt's just
comin' out their noses!
Plus the fashion is very appealing.delay
animMy outfit was even once included in
a fashion show when last I visited!
delay.delay.delay.delayanimUh,delay I don't know which one it was
without double checking.pageBreakanimComment allez-vous?delay I'm begging
you!delay Please tell me the name of
this country!delay My style demands it!


All right,delay so the country I wanted to
visit is very long and sort of shaped
like a boot!delay Just like I wear!
animWhoa!delay Where'd my boots go?!pageBreakanimYou know what else is long?delay
animPasta!delay Their pasta is so good,delay
it'll make you tell off your mama!
animBut,delay hey,delay be careful,delay because if your
mom is anything like mine,delay she's a
nice lady and she deserves respect.
animThis place is also famous for a
place called the Eternal City.pageBreakanimAwwwwdelay.delay.delay.delay What's the name?delay I feel
like the answer is on the tip of my
beak!delay Oh, Fortuna!delay I could use you!


animIn this place there were ninjas!delay
And samurai!delay And just so many
heroes all over at all times!
animBut!delay animNinjas and samurai don't
wander the streets anymoredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakThey're things of the past.delay
Kinda makes a seagull sad!pageBreakanimThat's why I,delay colorGullivercolor,delay animam going to
start a new wave of manly sailor
popularity!delay animWe're like sea ninjas!
animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay What's the name of the
country, thoughdelay.delay.delay.delay Does it sound
familiar to you at all?


animThe country I was headed to is very
green!delay Everywhere you look,delay yup,delay
you'll see green.
It's to the point they sometimes call
this place the Emerald Isle.pageBreakanimThe symbol of this country is the
shamrock,delay which is a type of clover.pageBreakanimAlso,delay the music from this country
has really impacted music from all
over,delay especially indie rock!
animI feel like I'm so close to unlocking
my memories,delay but I'm stumped!delay
Like it's at the end of a rainbow!
animYou gotta help me!delay Please tell me
the name of this country!


animThe country I was headed to has
huge waterfalls called Niagara Falls!pageBreakanimAlso,delay in the night sky,delay you can see
the aurora borealis!delay It's beautiful
and leaves such an impact on you!
animI'm pretty sure I was headed there
to see its beautiful wilderness,delay
maple leaves and alldelay.delay.delay.
animOh!delay My beloved maple syrup!delay
animPlease tell me you've heard
of this country!delay You've gotta!


animI was headed to a country that's so
full of life it's hard to comprehend!pageBreakThere are live mariachi bands that
perform such fun, lively music it
makes you dance,delay even in the heat!
animSure,delay we assume there's a lot of
desert,delay but it's just like any other
warm, dry place of the worlddelay.delay.delay.
animAnd,delay oh,delay the FOOD! animIt can give a
seagull a stomachache if he's not
careful! animAnd I rarely am!
animThe trouble is I never know how
to eat in moderation, animso I always
overeat!delay animThat's no bueno!
Still, animI may be a gull of the sea,delay
but that country makes me long
for a life near the Sierra Madre!pageBreakanimHelp me out, mi amigo!delay If you know
the name of this country,delay you've
just gotta tell me!


animThe country I was headed to is filled
with castles that look just like they
popped right out of a fairy tale!
animSomeday I plan on finding a sweet
princess of my own and living with
her in one of those castles.
animPlus this place is famous for
sausage!delay Like, REALLY famous!delaypageBreakanimI don't care much for sausage
myself,delay what with me eating
mostly grubs and fish.
animfun_000B0007But grub sausage?!delay animThat'd be the
absolute greatest thing ever!pageBreakanimBut it's not all fun and sausages!delay
animScience runs RAMPANT through
all of its history!
animHeard of the theory of relativity?pageBreakanimYeah, Idelay.delay.delay.delaydon't understand it myself,delay
animbut the guy who DOES understand
it was born in this country!
animHe was kinda smart.delay Sorta like an
Einstein, you know?delay Real egghead.pageBreakanimAlrighty then,delay do you know where
I was headed?!delay animYou've gotta!


animThe country I was headed to is
really famous for its tulips!pageBreakanimBeing near all those colorful flowers
gives an almost magical feeling!pageBreakanimThough some of that magic may
have been blown in by the gigantic
windmills,delay which are also awesome!
animWait.delay Windmills don't really work
like that, do they...?pageBreakanimPoint is,delay I'd never forget the sight
of the windmills in the tulip fields!pageBreakanimToo bad I can't remember the name
of the country!delay Just my luck.pageBreakanimDoes that description sound like
anywhere you can think of?


animThis country is famous for movies
from a place called Hollywood!pageBreakanimI'd like to be in a movie myself
someday.delay I'd be the star of a bunch
of fancy high-seas adventures!
animBut, wait!delay In most boat movies, the
boat sinks.delay Itdelay.delay.delay.delayit doesn't have to be
that way, though,delay right?!
animfun_000B0007Oh no!delay If I was tossed into the sea,delay
it'd go from a work of fiction to
being my autobiography!
animI'm gonna have to have a chat with
the film directors in that country!pageBreakNow then,delay what's that country
called,delay and how can I get there?


animThe country I was headed to is a
real animal's paradise!delay Animals as
far as you can see on the savannah!
animThere are giraffes,delay elephants,delay lions,delay
and of course,delay sizeanimdelaysizesizesizefun_000B0007GULLIVER!sizesizedelayanim At least
there will be when I show up.
sizesizeanimI want to get to that country,delay
spread my wings,delay and float free
on the warm breeze.
animYou ever heard of this place?delay
Can ya help me out?


The country I was headed to has a
huge desert.delay animAnd when I say huge,delay
I mean animHUGE!delay animSand everywhere!
animIt's famous for tall, triangle-shaped
buildings called pyramids.delay animHow they
built them, I'll never know.
animTricky thing is,delay those pyramids are
actually the graves of the ancient
pharaohs.delay animMummy curses, I tell ya!
animSomeday I'd like to marry a nice
princess and rule the desertdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWait!delay animI can't live in a place without
constant water!delay The Nile's nice,delay but
I need the open sea!
animAnyway,delay do you know where I was
headed?delay animI could really use your help!


animThe country I was going to is huge!delay
More people live there than pretty
much anywhere else in the world!
animThe country also has a long and
complicated history with ancient
dynasties and wushu and suchdelay.delay.delay.
animBut,delay man,delay it's amazing how much
stuff this country has invented.delay
animPaper! Gunpowder! Compasses!
animIt's like there's no way to stop the
amazing progress in this country's
history.delay animIt's downright impressive!
animAll right then,delay you figure out
where I was headed yet?


animSo the country I was headed to
has a ton of ancient temples and
historical ruins and stuff.
animI'm really interested in ancient
civilizations,delay so I get excited
every time I can see ruins!
animThis country is also famous as the
birthplace for many myths and
legends, such as Zeus and Poseidon!
animPoseidon was supposed to be the
god of the sea,delay so me and him,delay
yeah,delay animwe go way back.
animOf course, a lot of goddesses
appeared in these stories.pageBreakanimHee heedelay.delay.delay.delay I wonder if I'll find a nice
goddess to call my wife somedaydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimAnyway,delay you have any idea animwhat
country I'm talking about?


animThe place I was headed has a huge
clock tower with a bell called Big
Ben!delay animAnd he EARNS his name!
animCan you believe that people assume
Ben's the clock's name?delay Typical.pageBreakanimThis country is also home to one of
the largest and greatest museums in
all the world!
animI imagine a painting of me will be
on display there someday,delay so I
thought I'd go check the place out.
animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay What was that country
called?!delay animI feel like it's right on the
tippy-tip of my beaky beak!


The country I was heading to animhas
lots of rare animals like kangaroos
and koalas!
animKangaroos have amazingly powerful
kicks!delay animfun_000B0007KABOOM!pageBreakanimI don't want to be weaker than any
of my sailor buddies,delay so I was gonna
learn the secret behind those kicks.
animAlrighty,delay mate,delay what's the name
of the country I wanted to visit?


animThe country I was heading to sounds
like "rrrrrrdelay rrrrrrr"delay all day because
there are so many motorcycles!
animThe most famous food is a noodle
dish called pho that's made from
rice.delay Except it's kinda hard to say.
animMost people say it with an "oh"
sound,delay but it's more like an "uh,"
like a question.delay animPho?
Either way, all the herbs in the
soup make it pho-bulous!delay animHa ha ha!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayANYWAY...pageBreakanimOh!sizedelay I just remembered something
else!sizedelay Something VITAL!pageBreakanimLast time I was there,delay I had cup
after cup of coffee with TONS of
condensed milk mixed in!
animI feel like I can still taste the dense
sweetness of that coffee on the
edge of my beak!delay animBrrr... Strong!
animToo bad I can't remember the name
of the country as easydelay.delay.delay. You figure
it out for me yet?


animThe country I was headed to is the
birthplace of Mr. Nobel,delay the man
who started the Nobel Prize!
animI wonder if he ever actually won one
of those himselfdelay.delay.delay.delay animI bet my mom
would know.delay She knows everything!
animThis country gets very cold in the
winter months since it's located
way up north.
animBut I plan on winning a Nobel Prize
someday,delay animso travel there I must!pageBreakanimdelayTell me!delay What's the name of the
country I was trying to visit?!


animThe cuisine of the country I was
heading to is like nothing else!pageBreakanimThey make this really spicy,
sour soup with shrimp in it!delay
It's calledanim tomdelay yumdelay kung!
animTasty but spicy!delay If you try it once,delay
you'll be hooked for LIFE!pageBreakanimAlso, in that countrydelay there are a lot
of elephants who need special care
and preservation!
animI wonder if good ol' colorGullivercolor will get
cared for once he gets theredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSo!delay Do you know which country I'm
talking about?delay animHelp a seagull out!


animSo the country I was headed to is
famous for authentically spicy curry
and fantastic vegetarian dishes!
animI want to go there just to try all the
food they have to offer!delay animYum curry!delay
Yum naan!delay Yum veggie korma!
animI've also heard this place is a big
tourist spot thanks to some palace
called the Taj Mahal.
Sure, I've heard of it,delay animbut I've
never had a chance to see it.pageBreakanimBut that's why you're helping me!delay
animThink you can figure out where I
was headed now?


animThe country I was headed to has
huge pictures drawn right on the
ground called geoglyphs.
animThere're a lot of mysteries that
surround them.pageBreakWho drew them?delay How did they do
it?delay What was the reason for it?delay
Were they sending a messagedelay.delay.delay.delay?
animI can't help but feel like my
intellectual curiosity is piqued!pageBreak
colorSweet!colorcolordelaycolorcolor I sound so smart!colorpageBreakanimUh,delay also,delay they've got these animals
called alpacas that they're pretty
well known for!
animAlpacas sort of look like camels,
delaybut they're white and have soft,
fluffy coats.
animHuh?delay You think they're pink and
blue?!delay animThey're white!delay They can't
be any color other than white!
animI want to snuggle up to that white,
soft neck of theirsdelay and petdelay and petdelay
and petdelay and petdelay and pet!delay
And then snuggle them some more!pageBreakdelayanimfun_000B0007Oop!delay animOf...delayof course I'm going mostly
so I can solve the mysteries behind
the geoglyphs!delay animPurely academic!
animOh,delay just tell me the name of the
country with the alpacas already!


animIt's a resort!delay It's a tropical island!delay
It'sdelay.delay.delay.delay animWell, if I could just remember,delay
I wouldn't need your help right now.
animOn the beach next to the clear, blue
sea,delay people gyrate their hips to
dance the hula while in grass skirts!
animI want to stand on the beach and
hula in a grass skirt too!pageBreakanimThe greeting on the island is
animsizeALOHA!sizepageBreakanimIt's a very happy and energetic
greeting, don't you think?
animPerfect for Gullivers!
animSo then,delay animcan you tell me the name
of the place I'm talking about?


animLong ago,delay the people of the place
I was headed to set out to explore
Europe and the rest of the world.
That's what THEY say, at least!pageBreakanimI heard my great-great-great-great-
grandseagull Gulliver St. Gullivive
explored most of the world himself!
animAnd he stopped in this place too,
just to give them the idea!pageBreakanimBut I digress...pageBreakanimThe explorers of this country
traveled the world by boat.delay
The first in Europe to do so!
India, delayChina, delayJapandelay.delay.delay.delay They visited
all sorts of exotic countries and
experienced exotic cultures!
animTo a sailor like me,delay it's like
a pilgrimage to visit there!pageBreakanimAll right,delay think you can tell me the
name of this country yet?


animLong ago,delay the people of the place
I was headed to set out to explore
Europe and the rest of the world.
That's what THEY say, at least!pageBreakanimI heard my great-great-great-great-
grandseagull Gulliver St. Gullivive
explored most of the world himself!
animAnd he stopped in this place too,
just to give them the idea!pageBreakanimBut I digress...pageBreakanimThe explorers of this country
traveled the world by boat.delay
The first in Europe to do so!
India, delayChina, delayJapandelay.delay.delay.delay They visited
all sorts of exotic countries and
experienced exotic cultures!
animTo a sailor like me,delay it's like
a pilgrimage to visit there!pageBreakanimAll right,delay think you can tell me the
name of this country yet?


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