Num | English |
| animYou ever have those nights when
you just can't sleep?delay animAt times like
thatdelay.delay.delay.delayyou know what to do!fun_00030009 |
| animThis has nothing to do with
anything, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI love potatoes!delay
I could eat 'em every day!
animHow do you like your taters?fun_00030008
French fried!
I can't decide!
Potatoes are yucky! |
| animHey! delayThis is kinda out of the blue,
butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdo you ever do any cooking?fun_00050008
I sure do! All the time!
None that ended well. |
| animThe other daydelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00040005 asked
me for a secret meeting behind the
town hall! fun_00010009 |
| animI just recently realized this, butdelay.delay.delay.delay
I kind of have a thing for telling
fortunes and guessing the future.fun_00030009 |
| fun_00020009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| animI wanna talk to you, fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.delay
Do you think you can make it so you
never lose a fight?delay 'Cause you can.
animLet me break it down for youdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00030009 |
| animOh yeah!delay I went back home the
other day, and I found my diary
from when I was a kid!
animIt had a lot of real interesting stuff
in it!delay I was kind of a strange kiddelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00020009 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animDid you hear the news?pageBreakanimIf you want to enjoy colorHalloweencolor to
the fullest, you gotta make sure to
have a certain item or two ready!
animYour hint isdelay.delay.delay.delaycolor1,031color!pageBreakanimIf you feel up to it, look for
headwear that costs color1,031colorcolor Bellscolor
in colorLabellecolor's shop! |
| animThey had this pool with a table-
tennis table floating in it! So we
just had to try it out! delayanimIt was crazy!
animWhoever came up with the idea of
pool table-tennis is a total genius!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animIt was like being on an overnight
school field tripdelay.delay.delay.delayanim We even had a
knock-down, drag-out pillow fight!
animI don't think I've ever been in an
organized pillow-fight tournament
before.delay I didn't know they existed!
animBut it was more fun than I thought!delay
animYou really should try it sometime!delay
Start training now! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI've said it before,delay animbut whoever
thought of a hot tub is a genius!pageBreakanimI love it, butdelay.delay.delay.delaymy noggin always gets
cold when I'm tubbin'!pageBreakanimSomeone should invent a bubbly,
warm-water hat you could wear
while you're soaking! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animFor dinner there was this serving
tray as big as a coffee tabledelay.delay.delay.delayanim We
got crazy excited when we saw it!
animA tray that big full of
fun_00130005? That'd be so
cool to see! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThe owner of the place was a
super-nice lady!delay I was really able to
kick back and relax! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| animA piping-hot bowl of oatmeal will
get you snoozing!delayanim It's a perfect
midnight snack!
animYou get the oats all fluffy and hotdelay.delay.delay.delay
and put some milk in there too!pageBreakanimIt'll make your tummy all warm and
toasty!delay And you'll sleep like a little
oatmeal-loving baby! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYou need some sandwich magic!delay
animTry whipping one up for a snack!pageBreakanimI prefer to not put anything in it.delay
I just butter the bread!pageBreakanimEat that, and you'll feel nice and fulldelay
and sleep till morning! |
| animWatch some late-night TV!delay It's
terrible, and it'll put you right into
a sleepy mood!anim
animJust be careful not to catch that
occasional good movie, or you'll
get drawn in and stay up all night! |
| animDeep breathing can really help.animdelay animTake
a few deep breaths to calm down
and get all sleepy, delayfun_00070005! |
| animTry a carrot as a midnight snack!animpageBreakanimPeel it real nice, and crunch it up
nice and slow. Let the day's stress
roll off as you crunch!pageBreakanimIt'll fill you up, and you'll sleep clean
on till morning, delayfun_00070005! |
| |
| animOh! delayYeah, I hear ya!delay And you gotta
top it off with the ultimate dynamic
duo of cheese and chives!delayanim
animYeah, I knew you'd be on Team
Baked Potato with me! |
| animOh my gosh! They're so good that
way!delay I like to do a little taterscaping
and make a path for a gravy river!delayanim
animPour it on, and let that gravy river
just gush over the gravyfall and
flood the mashed-potato plains!delayanim |
| animBoom! delayFrench fries! delayYes!delayanim I can really
go to town on french fries.delay I pretty
much inhale 'em!
animEver tried 'em with a little sea salt
and vinegar? Get that salty-tangy
thing going?delay Yum-diddly-um, dude! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimI know, right?!delay I feel like potatoes
are the superheroes of food!delay They
can do anything!
animThey leap over fruit and fly faster
than other vegetables!delayanim They can
team up with sweet and spicy stuff!delay
animAnd they can stand alone against
the injustices of broccoli and
cauliflower!delay I salute you, potatoes! |
| animTh-delaythat's ridiculousdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animHow can you
not like potatoes?!delay Have you ever
even had a potato?!delayanim
animMaaaandelay.delay.delay.delay If I were a wizard, I'd turn
you into a giant potato! |
| fun_00000009 |
| animI bet I could eat potatoes all day
every day, delayfun_00070005! |
| animAhh!delay animI want some potatoes right
now!delayanim I'm going to go have some
animOh!delay It would be so cool to live in a
big potato house! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| fun_0001000A |
| animAttaboy!delayanim Cooking takes more skill
and strength than people think!pageBreakanimMedelay.delay.delay.delay I always get called back home
around the holidays to be the hero
of feast preparation, delayfun_00070005! |
| animOoh!delay Good for you!delayanim I always get
called home around the holidays to
help out with feast preparations.
animThey all tease me about how girly I
am in the kitchendelay.delay.delay.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00000009 |
| animHuh! delayReally?delayanim Well, I guess that's
pretty normal nowadaysdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimMe, I get called home each year for
the holidays to help out with the
family feast! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWhat?!delay So you neverdelay.delay.delay.delaymake your
own home-cooked meals?pageBreakanimBut it's so good! And fun!delay And food
tastes way better when you prepare
it yourself! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| animAt first I thought maybe they were
trying to pick a fight or something,
so I had my guard up, butdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animI thought they were gonna ask me to
do some nutty favor for 'em, so I
was all set to tell 'em to forget it! |
| animI thought maybe they were gonna
confess some secrets to me, so I
was feeling kinda nauseous, butdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| fun_00010009 |
| animThey just wanted to give me a gift
from their recent trip!fun_00010007anim Kind of a
weird place for that, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThey just wanted to give my book
back to me!fun_00010007anim That was a weird way
to do that, though. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThey just wanted to tell me about a
new hole they dug!fun_00010007anim What a weirdo!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| animI always look at the horoscopes in
newspapers and magazines,delay and I've
tried other methods too!
animFlower fortunes, star signs, weather
fortunes, fish fortunes,delay gyroid
animNo matter which way I do it, the
results are the same, so it's pretty
believable! |
| animIf the fun_000C0005
horoscope is bad in the morning, it
ruins my whole day!
animThat's why I only check it at the end
of the day.pageBreakanimThat way if I mess something up,
I can just blame it on luck! delayanimPretty
smart, huh? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThe other day I spent hours looking
for fun_0002000Efun_000F0005, since
it's supposedly my lucky item!
animOf coursedelay.delay.delay.delayI'm not really sure what
I'm meant to do with it now that I
have it! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animIt would be fun to be a professional
fortune-teller and read fortunes for
other people!
animBut how would I become a fortune-
teller anyway?pageBreakanimI wouldn't have to take some kind
of crazy class or anything, would I?fun_0005000B |
| animThe results of fortune telling are
interesting, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI think I'm more
into the stuff they use!
animCrystals, cards, talismans, rubber
duckiesdelay.delay.delay.delayanim It's all so mysterious!pageBreakanimWhenever I pay for a fortune, I try
to note what tools are being used!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| animSo the other day I went to a swap
meet for fun_001E0005 stuffdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimYeah, you really find out about your
true nature at a place like that!pageBreakanimThe shoppers were like predators
hunting down the best deals!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animThe other day I went to an
international fun_00100005
buffet with a friend!
animMan,delay your true nature really comes
out in a place like that!delayanimpageBreakanimYou had to fake out all the other
people to get to the best
fun_00100005 first!pageBreakanimIt was pretty thrilling actually!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animOh no!delay I was supposed to call my
mom yesterday!pageBreakanimOh, mandelay.delay.delay.delay I didn't answer her last
letter, so I bet she's gonna be mad
at me.
animIt's nice that she cares about me,
though! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| i10_16 |
| animHey, fun_00080005, scary camp stories
are a summer thing, right?delay
animDo you have any good ones?fun_00010008
Oh, yes.
I'm too chicken.
Well... |
| animWhoa! delayThat's awesome!delay You sound
like you've got a good one!pageBreakanimNext time everyone's gathered
somewhere, you should tell it!delaypageBreakanimDon't tell me when we're alone!delay
That's just asking for trouble!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAhahaha!delay I know what you mean!delayanim
I get waaaay too into scary stories,
and then I get freaked out!
animIf you told me a scary story right
now, I probably wouldn't sleep for a
week! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animAh! Don't tell it now!delayanim Tell it when
more people are around!delay There's
safety in numbers, dude!
animI really can't handle ghosts and
stuffdelay.delay.delay.delayanimso I can't stand to hear scary
stories when I'm by myself!
animOf course, if you did start telling it,
I wouldn't be able to tear myself
away! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animScary stories have a strange effect
on my body. In fun_001E0005, they get my
heart pounding and warm me up!
animBut in summer they give me chills
running down my spine, and that
cools me down!delay It's weird!fun_0005000B |
| |
| animHey, so this has nothing to do with
anything, butdelayanim which vehicle gives
you the least motion sickness?fun_00010008
Both are bad. |
| animOh, yeah?delay You think a train rocks
less than a boat? |
| animMan, delayI get motion sickness while I'm
walking sometimesdelay.delay.delay.delay So I gotta be
careful what I ride on!
animI really need to take my time when
I'm planning a trip! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animdelayReally?delay animYeah, delayI guess if the sea is
calm it wouldn't rock that muchdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHahaha!delay You too, huh?delayanimfun_00010007anim Yeah, motion
sickness is the worst—animespecially on
vacation trips!
Then it gets all mixed up with
homesickness! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animHave you heard about a connection
between ears and motion sickness,
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimThey say people can get sick if their
ears are too sensitive!i10_11 |
| animI've got pretty big earsdelay.delay.delay.delayanimso I guess
they're sensitive, delayfun_00070005.delayanim |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimI wonder if ear size has anything
to do with it.pageBreakanimMaybe folks with bigger ears are
in a rough spot! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| animAs much as possible, don't fight
fights you can't win!delayanim Pretty simple,
don't you think?
animOf course if you're protecting
someone, that's one thingdelay.delay.delay.delayanim But
otherwise, sometimes running is OK! |
| animAs much as possible, don't fight
unless you have to!delay It's that simple!pageBreakanimMost encounters can be settled in
the initial stare-down!pageBreakanimLook your opponent right in the eye,
and if you think you can't windelay.delay.delay.delayanimrun! |
| animKnow when to let up!delaypageBreakanimOnce you've scared someone away,
there's no need to chase 'em down!pageBreakanimIf you do, you're just a bully! |
| animDon't break eye contact!delay animStare 'em
down, even when meeting someone
for the first time!
animIf you look someone right in the eye,
you can tell if they're a threatdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimPeople who aren't serious threats
will usually look away, so you can
avoid a pointless dustup! |
| animDon't show your trump card too
early!delay It's tricky, but you can do it!pageBreakanimIf you've got, like, a water balloon
up your sleeve, you'll feel at ease
knowing you can use it whenever!
animOf course, you could just haul off
and throw it at 'em at the get-go
just to be safe, delayfun_00070005!delayanim |
| |
| animMy dreams for the future seemed to
change all the time!delay I was all over
the place!delayanim For instancedelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010009 |
| animOn one page I wrote something like,
"I'm gonna be fun_0002000Efun_000F0005
maker and change the world!"anim
animI don't really remember, but I guess
I used to think that being fun_0002000E
fun_000F0005 maker was cool!delayanim |
| animOn one page I wrote something like,
"I want to win a big, important
fun_00110005 competition!"
animCan you imagine?delay I'm really more of
a referee or coach type, not a
serious athlete!delay What a crazy kid! |
| animOn one page I wrote something like,
"I'll plan to make the very best
fun_00100005 in the world!"
animWhat is that all about?delayanim I also wrote
in there somewhere that I wanted to
open a flower shop!delay I was so girly! |
| animBy the way, I'd be so embarrassed
if anyone found that diary,delay so I just
buried it! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animSometimes in the diary I referred to
my mom as "Mama," which is weird
because we never called her that!delayanim
animWe always called her "Mom." But
maybe I secretly wanted to call her
"Mama" sometimesdelay.delay.delay.delayanim |
| animWhen I was a kid, I'd go fishing and
hunting for bugs every single daydelay.delay.delay.delayanim
I guess it's no different now!delayanim |
| animWhen I was a kid, I used to pick fruit
and plant stuff all the timedelay.delay.delay.delayanimwhich
pretty much describes me now!delayanim |
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