
Script : [Jock] HA_FreeA_Friend

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Friendship between women is
different than friendship between
guys, don't you think?
animIt seems like the ladies really enjoy
talking about relationships.pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00010011 and fun_00010011 are
always talking about stuff like that.pageBreakanimCome to think of it, those two
probably have some good things to
say about that stuff. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


Hey, did you notice?delay animIt seems like
fun_00010011 and fun_00010011 are
always cooking something up!pageBreakanimThey look more like conspirators
than pals, if you know what I mean!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimThey could be planning a major
prank! delayanimI better keep an eye on 'em.


animMan, I need a jogging buddy!pageBreakanimI need someone who can take off
for a run at the drop of a hat!pageBreakSomeone I can just be myself with!pageBreakanimLike fun_00010011 and fun_00010011!
That's exactly what I need!pageBreakanimHa ha! I can't imagine the two of
them jogging together, though! delayanim


animfun_0003000Efun_00010011 and fun_00010011 seem to
have such a formal relationship. pageBreakanimTo really get to know someone,
sometimes you really have to go
toe-to-toe in an argument.
animWhoa!delay But if it came to fisticuffs,delayanim
they'd probably level this town!


animJust a guy and a girl hanging out
together is enough to get rumors
started, isn't it?
animBut I think I might have read too
much into fun_00010011 hanging out
with fun_00010011.
animI saw them the other day, and I was
like, "How are the lovebirds doing?"pageBreakanimThey laughed at me and said I just
don't get it.delayanim Darn! I'm so awkward
sometimes, delayfun_00070005!


fun_0003000Efun_00010011 and fun_00010011 argue
all the time!fun_00010007 animI guess they just have a
personality clashdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut, hey! A team is more fun with
different kinds of people!


animYikes! fun_0003000Efun_00010011 and fun_00010011
went at it again!pageBreakanimI've never seen such an intense
verbal sparring match between two
women before!
animNo matter how hard I train, I'll
never be able to compete at that
level, delayfun_00070005!


I saw fun_00010011 and fun_00010011
having quite an animated discussion
a while back.
animSome guys just don't know how to
argue with women, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimThese days you have to train your
vocabulary muscles as well as your


Are you tight with fun_00010011?pageBreakanimHe's my good friend! He's a guy
with a real backbone, so I like to
train with him!
animBut he's also a serious rival, and I
can't let him get the best of me!


animThere is one person in this town I
have to take my hat off to! Other
than you, I meandelay.delay.delay.delay
Can you guess who it is?pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimBeeeeep!delay Time's up! animThe answer is
fun_00010011!delaypageBreakanimI have nothing but praise for that
dude. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?


animHey, was fun_00010011 talking about
me?pageBreakanimWe had a big fight the other day. It
was over something really stupid
animNeither of us would back down!
We're both so stubborn.pageBreakanimHa ha! Sorry for complaining! The
two of us are pretty tight. I'm sure
we'll iron it out, delayfun_00070005!delayanim


Are you tight with fun_00010011?
pageBreakanimYeah, he's a good bro. I feel like
he's somebody I can talk about
silly stuff with, delayfun_00070005!
animHaha! You should talk to him more!delayanim


Umdelay.delay.delay.delayare you close with fun_00010011,
fun_00080005?pageBreakI'm on OK termsdelay.delay.delay.delayanim But I think we
could probably be better pals.pageBreakanimI mean, he's kind of an interesting
guy, right?delayanim


animfun_0003000Efun_00010011 is awful, isn't he?!delay He
told me working out was a waste
of time!
animGrrrrrr! What does he know? He's
so immature!pageBreakanimSo now I'm gonna train my butt off!delay
animThen I'm gonna hurdle right over his
head and prove how skilled I am!


animHey! Could you tell me how I should
approach fun_00010011 socially?pageBreakanimI don't know if we just move along
at different paces or have different
world views or whatdelay.delay.delay.
animBut no matter what I say to him, his
response is always cool. Maybe we
just aren't a good matchdelay.delay.delay.


Are you tight with fun_00010011?pageBreakanimI talk to her a lot, and it seems like
we never have any weirdness
between us!
animI'm a little embarrassed to say it,
but I think we're becoming really
close friends! delaypageBreakanimI bet if you talk to her, you'd be
close with her too!


Hey, are you tight with fun_00010011?
'Cause I feel like I am.pageBreakanimWhen the two of us get to talking,
we just can't stop!delayanimpageBreakanimI'm not a chatterbox, am I?delayanim Naw,
I'm pretty sure it's a two-way
conversation, delayfun_00070005!


animHeydelay.delay.delay.delayanim Has fun_00010011 said anything
to you recently, fun_00080005? pageBreakanimA while back, the two of us were
just talking, and then all of a sudden
we were fighting!
animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I don't know what to do.pageBreakanimWell, we both tend to forget about
stuff like that the next day, so
maybe I shouldn't worry about it.


animAre you and fun_00010011 on pretty
good terms?pageBreakanimI should talk to her more.delayanim I feel
like she's somebody I would get
along with!pageBreakanimIf she understands my muscles, we'll
be golden!


Recently I've been thinking about
the best way to talk to fun_00010011.pageBreakanimWe'll say hi to each other now and
then, but I can never say anything to
get the conversation going.
animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Maybe I'll ask her to try
fun_00110005 with me!delayanim


animWhat kind of person is fun_00010011?pageBreakanimI got in an argument with her a little
while ago, and now I understand her
even less.
animWhen I get into situations like this,
I always end up working out and
forgetting about everything else!


animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I wonder if fun_00010011 likes
me.pageBreakanimWhen I go jogging, she yells stuff
like, "You can do it!"pageBreakanimIt's kinda weird because she used to
be so cold to me!pageBreakanimShe's full of surprises.delayanim The other
day when I was out running, she
actually sprinted past me!


animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I wonder if fun_00010011 likes
me.pageBreakanimWhen I go jogging, she yells stuff
like, "You can do it!"pageBreakanimIt's kinda weird because she used to
be so cold to me!pageBreakanimShe's full of surprises.delayanim The other
day when I was out running, she
actually sprinted past me!


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