
Script : [Characters] NPC_Kinuyo

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Oh, delayanimwelcome!


animThanks! You come back now!




animThe fun_00230005 vibe of the
fun_00030011 is nice,
right?fun_00010007 I'm a real fan!
That item costs colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.
What do you think?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll take it!
I'd like to try it on.
Never mind.


Ah, fun_0002000Efun_00030011.delay
animLike that fun_00230005 vibe?pageBreakWith matching accessories,delay you'd
look like fun_0002000Efun_00090011!delay
Wouldn't that be wonderful?pageBreakThe item costs colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.
What do you think?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll buy it!
Can I try it on?
I'll pass.


Oh, fun_0002000Efun_00030011.delay
animIsn't that fun_00230005 style
just extra nice?
Pairing this item with a matching
shirt will complete the look. Just
like fun_0002000Efun_00090011!delay
Wouldn't that be fun?pageBreakThe item costs colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.
What do you think?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll buy it!
Can I try it on first?
I'll pass.


Ooh, fun_0002000Efun_00030011.delay
animDon't you simply love the
fun_00230005 style?
Pairing with a matching item will
create the look of fun_0002000E
fun_00090011!delay Wonderful, yes?
The item costs colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.
What do you think?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll buy it!
Can I try it on first?
I'll pass.


delayanimdelayOh, delayare you shopping for a present?fun_00010007
animWell, I see you eyeing the
fun_00030011 there.delay
animIsn't the fun_00230005 look
rather nice?pageBreakThe item costs colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.
What do you think?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll buy it!
Can I try it on first?
I'll pass.


Oh,delay OK. Never mind then.


animOh my, delayyou look marvelous!fun_00010007
The price is colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.delay
animdelayAre you interested in this item?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll buy it!
I'll wear it out!
I'll pass.


animOh, delaytalk about boyish and cute!delay
The item costs colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.delayanimdelay
What do you think? Do you like it?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll take it!
I'll wear it out!
Never mind.


animOh, delaythat design's for females, but I
suppose it looks quite nice on you!pageBreakThe item costs colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.delay
animdelayWhat do you think? Care to take a
chance and buy it?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll take it!
I'll wear it out!
Never mind.


animdelayOhdelay.delay.delay.delaydelayanim Well, I guess it's animOK to be a bit
more adventurous sometimes.pageBreakThat item's colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.delay
animdelaySound good?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll take it!
I'll wear it out!
Never mind.


animOh, gosh, delayit seems you don't quite
have enough moneydelay.delay.delay.


animOh, gosh, delayit seems your pockets are
completely fulldelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWhy don't you make a little room in
there and then come back?


animUmdelay.delay.delay.delayit looks like your pockets are
completely full, so I don't think you
can purchase this at the moment.


OK, delayI'll just put the clothes you
were originally wearing into your
pockets.delay animThanks!


animThanks! fun_00010007Yes, colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor here!


By the way,delay this is the first time
animyou've bought clothes here, right?pageBreakanimThis is a small store, but we still
have new items every day,delay animso please
come back again soon!


Ooh, fun_00050011.fun_00010007
animThat's a pretty nice design,
don't you think?


animfun_0003000Efun_00050011 is a
design you created, right?fun_00010007animdelay
So delayanimwhat would you like to do?fun_0006000F
I want it!
Display new design!
Just looking.


animThat's a design created by
fun_00000011. It's called
animdelay.delay.delay.delaySodelay animwhat would you like to do?fun_0006000F
I want it!
Display my design!
Just looking.


animThat design is by fun_00000011
from fun_00020011. It's called
animdelay.delay.delay.delaySo delayanimwhat would you like to do?fun_0006000F
I want it!
Display my design!
Just looking.


animPlease feel free to look around
all you like!



OK. delayCan you show me the design
animyou'd like to have displayed?


In order to store a new design now,
you'll need to erase another one to
make room.delay animIs that going to be OK?fun_0005000F
That's OK.
Never mind.


Oh,delay OK then.


animOK, so fun_00050011
will be displayed in the shop, right?pageBreakanimWhat would you like to do with
the design animthat is currently being
displayed here?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll take it home.
I don't need it.


animOK, so fun_00050011
will be displayed in the shop, right?pageBreakanimWhat kind of mannequin should
I use animto display this design?fun_0007000F
A clothes mannequin.
A hat mannequin.
An umbrella mannequin.
I changed my mind.


animOK, delayleave it to me!pageBreakanimAlso, what do you want to do with
fun_00050011,delay the design
animthat is currently on display?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll take it home.
I don't need it.


All right, I'll take care of this design
since you don't need it anymore.


OK, I'll switch them out for you.


animOK,delay go ahead and choose a spot
for it.


animEnjoy your brand-new design!fun_0000000D


We can save the design you have
now if you don't want to erase it.pageBreakanimWhen you want to save a design,
just let me know!


That design looks like the same
one you're wearing right now.pageBreakIf you do this, the design you're
wearing will change too. delayanimdelayIs that OK?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
That's OK!
Never mind.


animIt's probably difficult to try things
on while you're wearing a wet suit.fun_00010007
animTake it off first and try again!


animWhen you're all settled in,delay come
and look around some more!


animYou can try on anything you like.delay
If there's something you're into,
just give a holler and let me know!


animYes,delay what would you like to do?fun_0006000F
Make a pro design!
Save a design!


Oh, really? delayDon't be shy.delay animJust let
me know if you ever need anything!


animOh my. I'm a little busy and can't
take care of that this very second.pageBreakanimI can save that for you once the
town settles down a bitdelay.delay.delay.delay Sorry!
animThanks for understanding, though!


animOK, delaysure thing!delay We'll take good
care of it for you.


animAll right,delay just let me know if you
need anything.


animI'm a little busy and can't quite take
care of that just this moment.pageBreakanimBut I can help you make a design
once the town settles down a bitdelay.delay.delay.delay
animThanks for understanding!


animYou want to make a pro design?fun_00010007
Sure!delay Oh,delay but it'll cost color500 Bells
colorfor materials, just to let you know.
animAlso, delayto store a new design, you're
going to have to erase another one
to make room.delay animIs that OK with you?fun_0006000F
That's OK!
What's a pro design?
Never mind.


Oh, delayOK then.fun_00010007 Well, don't be shy!
animLet me know if there's ever
anything you need help with!


animOh, how should I explain thisdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animWhen
you make new designs,delay you do it on
your colorcustom designscolor screen, right?
animWhen you do that, the front, back,
and sleeves of the shirt will all have
the same designdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut if you make pro designs,delay then
the front, back, and sleeves can all
be a bit different.
You can make long sleeves or no
sleeves, or even make new types
of clothes, such as dresses!
animIt's a fun way to make professional-
style clothing without needing a ton
of professional training! Nice, huh?
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat do you think?delay
Want to give it a try?fun_0005000F
Yes, please!
Maybe next time.


animI hope your new design catches on!


animOK then. delayFirst, please let me know
what you'd like to make.fun_0007000F
A shirt.
A dress.
A hat.
Never mind.


OK! delayanimAnd what kind of sleeves would
you like?fun_00010007 animYou can make the sleeves
longer or go entirely sleeveless!fun_0007000F
Short sleeves.
Long sleeves.
Never mind.


animOK! And what kind of hat would you
like to make?fun_0006000F
A knit hat.
A horned cap.
Never mind.


OK, delaynext decide where you want to
store the design.


Oh, delayyou want to quit?fun_00010007 animOK. Just let
me know if you change your mind!


animGood work!fun_00010007
What a nice name for it!
That will be color500 Bells colorfor the
materials, please!


animThanks!delay If you ever decide to make
another pro design, let me know!


animdelayAs I recall, delayyou're the new mayor
everyone's talking about, animright?pageBreakanimOh, it was easy to recognize you!
The whole town's all in a tizzy
about your arrival!


Oh mydelay.delay.delay.delay I haven't seen you around
the area before.delay animI'm always happy
to help a new customer!


delayanimdelayOh, delayright!fun_00010007 animWe're not only a clothing
store.delay Nope, we also help you make
brand-new designs!
animPlus, we can save any designs you
want to hold on to for later.pageBreakanimIf you'd like to learn more about
designs,delay please ask me anytime!


Hello!delay animWelcome to the handmade-
fashion palace of the colorAble Sisterscolor!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAre you, delayby any chance, the new
mayor everyone's talking aboutdelayanim?pageBreakanimOh, everyone around town has been
buzzing about you, so you were
quite easy to recognize!


animWelcome!anim delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayHey! Aren't you the new
mayor everyone's talking aboutanim?pageBreakanimOh, the whole town has just been
going on and on about you, so you
were quite easy to recognize!


animWhat do we have here? Oh, I see
you've got your eye on the
fun_00030011 there.delay
I'd help you shop and all, but it
looks like you're sorta busy at the
animIf you come back once you're done
getting registered, you can start
buying anything you'd like!


The items on display right here
were created with colordesigns colorand
are all one of a kind.
If you like any of these designs, you
can take them home for free.pageBreakAlso, if you put your own designs up
here, delaypeople in town may like them
and take them home as well!


By the waydelay.delay.delay.delayI haven't seen you
around here before.delay animdelayDid you just
move to fun_00050005?
animAs you can see, our store mostly
specializes in handmade clothes.pageBreakanimJust so you know, that's a special
one-of-a-kind custom colordesigncolor.pageBreakIf you like any of these designs, you
can actually take them home.pageBreakAlso, if you put your own special
designs here,delay townsfolk may like
them and take them home as well!


animWhen you're all done moving and
feel all settled into your new home,delay
please come back and see us again!


animIf anything strikes your fancy,delay
please let me know!


animAlrighty!fun_00010007 Enjoy your new design!delay


animYou want fun_00050011
to be displayed here, right?pageBreakanimWhat should I do with the designanim
currently being displayed here?pageBreakanimIf you're OK with changing it,delay you
can also just take it home with you.
What do you feel like doing?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll take it home.
I don't need it.


animOK, delayleave it to me!pageBreakanimAlso, what do you want to do with
fun_00050011,delay animthe design
that is currently displayed here?
animIf you're OK with changing it,delay you
can also just take it home. So then,
what would be your choice?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll take it home.
I don't need it.


As you can see, our store mostly
specializes in handmade clothes.pageBreakIf you'd like accessories,delay animplease look
in the accessories shop that's right
next door!




Ah, fun_0002000Efun_00030011.delay
animIsn't that fun_00230005 look
really nice?
The price for this item is
colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll buy it!
I'd like to try it on.
I'll pass.


delayanimdelayOh my, delayshopping for a present?fun_00010007
animWell, right here we have
animDon't you like that fun_00230005
look? So great!pageBreakThe price for this item is
colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor. Interested?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll buy it!
I'd like to try it on.
I'll pass.


animThanks for waiting!delay Please talk to
me whenever you need help again!


Oh, delayfun_00000005.delay animWe're going to add
this mannequin for free!


This colormannequincolor can be used to
display both clothes and accessories
together at the same time.
animYou can have fun just viewing it or
changing its clothes all in one go.
Quite an exceptional item, huh?pageBreakI've noticed you've bought a lot
of stuff from us,delay animso you probably
have a bunch of clothes.
animI hope this comes in handy!




animWe're expecting some out-of-town
customers right now,delay so we're
busy getting things ready.
animOnce everything gets back to
normal,delay I'll be able to help you
with thatdelay.delay.delay.delay animSorry about the wait!


animWe're expecting some out-of-town
customers right now,delay so we're
busy getting things ready.
animOnce everything gets back to
normal,delay I'll be able to help you
with thatdelay.delay.delay.delay animSorry about the wait!


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