Num | English |
| animdelayfun_00010011 and fun_00010011delay are
really good friends, huh?pageBreakanimEver see the two of them talk?delay
It seems like they can gab with each
other for hours!
animThey're together all the time!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animMan, delayfun_00010011 and fun_00010011delay are
really tight!pageBreakanimYou knowdelay.delay.delay.delaywhen people have
similar hearts, they're gonna be pals
even if one's a boy and one's a girl.
animSeeing those two together made me
realize that kind of friendship is a
real thing! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animMan, delayfun_00010011 and fun_00010011delay are
really lucky to have each other as
delayanimTheir personalities are so different,
you wouldn't think it was possible!pageBreakanimBut somehow they make it work!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animMan, delayfun_00010011 and fun_00010011
really have got a good thing going!pageBreakanimTheir personalities are so different,
but they never fight!delayanim They just get
each other! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animMan, delayfun_00010011 and fun_00010011delay get
along really well, don't they?pageBreakanimDo they, like, always talk about
interesting stuff? Or do they only
keep their conversations light?
animOr maybe they're dreaming up some
secret plot together, delayfun_00070005! |
| animMandelay.delay.delay.delay Do you think fun_00010011 and
fun_00010011 will ever get along?pageBreakanimMaybe they're not compatible, butdelay.delay.delay.delay
they could at least say "What's up?"
to each other once in a while.pageBreakanimdelayBoys can be so hardheaded!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animDo you think there's any chance
that fun_00010011 and fun_00010011
could get along together?
animEver seen them bump heads?delay You
could roast marshmallows over a
fire like that!
animMaybe they should learn to box and
just get it out of their systemsdelay.delay.delay.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005. |
| animThe other day delayfun_00010011 and
fun_00010011delay were arguing up a storm.pageBreakanimNot sure whydelay.delay.delay.delay But it must have
been over something major!pageBreakanimThere isn't anything worth getting
that upset over, is there?fun_00010007anim I just
can't understand them sometimesdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHey, you know fun_00010011, right? delay
animfun_0008000E the greatest!delay animfun_0008000E always
fired up, and fun_0008000E got it together!
animAnd if you need a shoulder to cry
on? Fuhgeddaboudit! fun_0008000E the best!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey, you know fun_00010011, right?delay
animHow's fun_0008000E doing these days?pageBreakanimWe used to chat about our flower
gardens all the time, but it's been
a whiledelay.delay.delay.delay
animIt's nice just having a strong-willed
chick like her around. I really should
talk with her again! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI had an argument with fun_00010011
the other daydelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimfun_0008000E just so blunt! It gets on my
nerves and stuff!pageBreakanimI know it's just fun_0008000E way, but it
really crinkles my crackers!delay Grrrrrr!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey, you know fun_00010011, right?delay
animfun_0008000E great!pageBreakanimfun_0008000E always goes all out in anything
fun_0008000E does!delay I like people like that!pageBreakanimdelayThat's right!delay You gotta have some
passion, or things get really boring! |
| animYou know fun_00010011, right? delayanimWhat is
fun_0008000E deal exactly?pageBreakanimWe don't ever really interact, so I'm
thinking I should break the ice and
talk to fun_0008000E sometimedelay.delay.delay.delay
animI can tell fun_0008000E a good person just
by looking at fun_0008000E!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animUghdelay.delay.delay.delay I got into a big argument with
fun_00010011 the other day.pageBreakanimI may have said some kinda harsh
stuffdelay.delay.delay.delaybut that's no reason to start
crying, is it?
animGaaah!delay Why did fun_0008000E have to cry like
that? That's no way to argue! |
| animDo you get along with fun_00010011?pageBreakanimI tried talking to fun_0008000E the other day,
and fun_0008000E seemed pretty cooldelay.delay.delay.delayanim Maybe
I was wrong about fun_0008000E!
animI'm going to use this opportunity to
try to understand fun_0008000E better!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYou know fun_00010011, right? delayanimfun_0008000E
actually pretty interesting!pageBreakanimI'm not always sure what fun_0008000E
thinking, animbut fun_0008000E always going full-
tilt, which is good!
animI maybe have to tutor fun_0008000E in the
way of the fist, but other than that
I have no objections! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYou know fun_00010011, right?delay animfun_0008000E
really interesting!pageBreakanimSometimes fun_0008000E says weird stuff
I can't followdelay.delay.delay.delaybut it's not too over
the top.
animI haven't talked to fun_0008000E recently, so I
think I'm gonna go bug fun_0008000E again!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI'm having a littledelay.delay.delay.delaydisagreementdelay
with fun_00010011 right now.pageBreakanimfun_0008000E fussy about weird things,
right?delay animWelldelay.delay.delay.delayI kind of got fed up.
animfun_0008000E so touchy!delay
How was I supposed to know fun_0008000E
doesn't like being beaned with
water balloons? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animHey, you know fun_00010011, right?delay
animI think fun_0008000E pretty great!pageBreakanimI hadn't talked to fun_0008000E much until the
other day, but we got deep into a
discussion of fun_00130005!
animI really didn't think we would have
anything to talk aboutdelay.delay.delay.delaybut I was
surprised! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey, you know fun_00010011, right?delay
animfun_0008000E told me this epic story the
other day!pageBreakanimIt was interestingdelay.delay.delay.delayanim But it was also
waaaaayyy too long!delay I thought I was
gonna pass out!
animIt must have gone on for, like,
three hours! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI'm having a little spat with
fun_00010011 right nowdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimJust because I fell asleep during one
of fun_0008000E never-ending storiesdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdoesn't
mean fun_0008000E needs to get all angry!
animWell, I'm not apologizing!delay fun_0008000E needs
to do some serious self-reflection!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThe other day, fun_00010011 and me
kinda got into it!pageBreakanimYou wanna know what fun_0008000E said to
me?delay fun_0008000E said fun_0008000E wanted to teach
me to be more nicer!pageBreakWhat does fun_0008000E even know about it?!
animI'm totally nice to everyone all the
time and never ever get angry ever!! |
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