Num | English |
002 | animChanged your mind?delay OK. |
003 | animWow!delay Something from fun_00010011 |
004 | animOh! delayThis is from fun_00010011?fun_00010007 |
005 | animOh! delayThat's right.delay I let fun_00010011 |
006 | animWhat?!delay I forgot to take this home?! |
007 | animReally?delay animA package for me was |
008 | animCome to think of it, delayI did ask |
009 | animLet's open it up!anim |
010 | animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011? delay |
011 | animOh,delay fun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay |
012 | |
013 | animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay |
014 | animI wonder why fun_00010011 would |
015 | animThis is really great!delay I'll have to say |
016 | animIt's amazing that fun_00010011 |
017 | animWhat do you think is inside, |
018 | animAh, delayfun_00000012, huh?delay OK,delay I'll open it |
019 | animYou're right!delay It's fun_00000012!fun_00010007 |
020 | animNope!delay It's actually fun_00000012!fun_00010007 |
021 | animAnyway,delay thank you for going to the |
022 | animAnyway, delaythank you for the delivery!pageBreakanimSounds like fun_00010011 felt bad |
023 | animWell, delayeven though I just got it back,delay |
024 | animBut thanks for going to the trouble |
025 | animBut thanks for going to the trouble |
026 | animIt's so nice getting this back in a |
027 | animI was starting to worry that I might |
028 | animGetting it back in a pretty package? |
029 | animLook at how nicely it's wrapped up |
030 | animI thought he had totally forgotten |
031 | animIs it me,delay or does it smell kind of |
032 | animJust as I'd expect from such a |
033 | animIt's nicely wrapped and everything!fun_00010007 |
034 | animAnyway, delayanimwhat do you think this |
035 | animThanks for delivering this to me!fun_00010007 |
036 | animOh, delaymy fun_00030011!delay |
037 | animHey!delay My fun_00030011!fun_00010007 |
038 | animWould you mind taking this off |
039 | animOh, delaythat's too bad! delayanimI guess I'll just |
040 | animGreat!delay animIt's yours then! |
041 | animThank you so much!delay animPlease give my |
042 | animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess I'll have to sell it at |
043 | animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess I might use it |
044 | fun_000D0007animWell, if you're interested, delaywould you |
045 | animOh, delaythat's too bad!fun_00010007 animBut I know what |
046 | animReally?!delay That's great! |
047 | animThank you so much! delayI appreciate it!delayanim |
048 | delay.delay.delay.delayanimUh-oh. delayLooks like you don't have |
049 | animOK, delayI'll take whatever you've got! |
050 | Welldelay.delay.delay.delayanimI'll go ahead and give it to you |
051 | animGosh. delayanimI'd like to be able to give it |
052 | animOh! delayYou don't have any money |
053 | animOK, delayhow about we do it next time,delay |
054 | animWelldelay.delay.delay.delay animIn that case, here. delayTake it for |
055 | animThank you so much! |
056 | animWhat could it be? |
057 | animOh!delay My fun_00030011! |
058 | animOhdelay.delay.delay.delaycome to think of it, delayI DID ask |
059 | animOh, delayOK. delayIt has fun_0002000E |
060 | animGreat!delay animThank you! |
061 | animIt'll be a nice surprise to discover |
062 | animOh!delay It looks like you don't have |
063 | animWell,delay as thanks for bringing it here,delay |
064 | animI seedelay.delay.delay. delayanimWell, how about I just give it |
065 | animOK,delay well,delay we'll just forget about it |
066 | animYikes!delay You don't have a single Bell,delayanim |
067 | animOK, delaydon't worry about money this |
068 | animThis is hard for me, delaybut I can't just |
069 | animOK, delaythank you! delayPlease give my |
070 | animI actually ordered this with the plan |
071 | Do you want to open it now?fun_0005000F |
072 | animYeah, delaysometimes it's more fun to |
073 | animI thought you'd look really good in |
074 | animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007 |
075 | animI bought this because I thought it |
076 | animWhen I visited your house, delayI realized |
077 | animI thought this would look great on |
078 | animI bought this because I thought it |
079 | animActually, delayI ordered this with the |
080 | animYay!delay OK, let me open it! |
081 | animIt's the fun_00030011 |
082 | animIt's really something animto see it in |
083 | animIt's nice to finally get a good look |
084 | animIt's so great to see it up close! |
085 | animHee hee!delay animThere's nothing like new |
086 | animHow does it look?fun_0006000F |
087 | animThank you!delay animIt's so nice getting |
088 | animOh,delay that's right!delay animI'd like to thank |
089 | It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011.fun_00010007 |
090 | animOhdelay.delay.delay.delay Just OK, huh? |
091 | animOh,delay that bad,delay huh? |
092 | animI'm going to have to study fashion |
093 | animI know I was just wearing this,delay but |
094 | It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011.fun_00010007 |
095 | animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Maybe I shouldn't wear it |
096 | animI guess you never know until you |
097 | Actually, delayyou might look better in |
098 | animI'm a little disappointed,delay animbut thank |
099 | animI don't know if it's to your taste,delay |
099 | animI don't know if it's to your taste,delay |