Num | English |
| animWelcome back! |
| delayanimdelayAh!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay your birthday's
on February 29th, right?!pageBreakanimThis year isn't a leap yeardelay.delay.delay.delay
animWell, it's a day early,delay but
happy birthday anyway!
Becoming mayor,delay moving to a new
town,delay and now celebrating your
birthday todaydelay.delay.delay.delay
It's quite an eventful day!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayAh,delay I'm sorry!delay animThe thought just
made me so happy that I got a bit
carried awaydelay.delay.delay. |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay your birthday's on
February 29th, right?!pageBreakanimThis year isn't a leap yeardelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut might as well celebrate a day
early,delay so happy birthday!
What a doubly special day for you!delay
You can celebrate your move and
your birthday all at once! Exciting!
anim.delay.delay.delayAh,delay I'm sorry!delay animThe thought made
me so happy that I got carried
awaydelay.delay.delay. |
| animSodelayanim did you find the perfect spot
to call home?fun_0001000F
It's OK.
Perfect, but... |
| animWonderful! I'm very happy to hear
that!fun_00010007 You're in temporary housing
for now, right?
I do hope your house is completed
soon.delay Living in a tent can be very
animNow about your registration.delay I've
completed as much as I can, but
there's one thing I need to know.
animWhen is your birthday? |
| animJust OK?delay animWell, I suppose it's hard to
work up the proper enthusiasm until
you actually see your new house.
animAnd living in a tent can be awfully
tiring.fun_00010007 I certainly hope your new
house is built soon!
animNow about your registration.delay I've
completed as much as I can, but
there's one thing I need to know.
animWhen is your birthday? |
| animNot knowing how much the house
will cost is unsettling?delay And you're
currently staying in a tent as well?
animI'm sure your mood will change once
you move into your nice, new home.pageBreakDon't let the idea of a home loan
get to you. Just focus on saving
enough for your first payment.
animAt any rate,delay it sounds like your
housing situation is settled,delay so
let's get you registered, shall we?
I filled in all I could,delay but there's just
one more thing.delayanim Can you tell me
when your birthday is, fun_00000005? |
| animSo, delayhow did things go?delay Did you find
anima nice spot to call home?endTag
Yeah, it's perfect!
It's OK. |
| animI'm so happy to hear that!fun_00010007 I hope
fun_00050005 will soon feel like home
for you! |
| animWell,delay even if you're used to the
house,delay this is a new town for you,delay
so it may take some time.
animBut I think you'll get used to it
pretty quickly.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00050005 will feel
like home in no time! |
| animThanks for waiting!delay It's your proof
of residency for fun_00060005,
You can call it a colorTown Pass Cardcolor,delay
or your delaycolorTcolorcolordelayPdelayCcolordelay for short. |
| animYour colorTPCcolor is always kept up to date
with your latest profile information.pageBreakTap on the Touch Screen to
access it.delay animAs long as you have it on
you,delay you can go visit other towns! |
| animPlease take this! |
| animdelayWell then,delay animI hope you'll enjoy being
a resident of fun_00060005!pageBreakanimAs part of the town-hall team,delay I'll
work hard to support you animand make
every day as good as it can be!
animIf you need anything at all,delay
animdon't hesitate to let me know! |
| animdelayAnd that's that!fun_00010007 animI'm looking forward
to having you as our new neighbor!pageBreakButdelayanim given you just moved here, you
still need to settle in and get used
to your surroundings.
animYou should spend some time getting
familiar with fun_00050005 and its
delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayI know!delayanimfun_00010007 Why don't you start by
introducing yourself to your
animThey might give you some helpful
advice!pageBreakanimAlsodelay at the colortown hallcolordelay you can get
advice on how to make the most
of your new life heredelay.delay.delay.
If there's something you'd like to
ask about or you're worried about
anything...delayanimdon't hesitate to ask!
animEnough chatter for now, though.pageBreakWe're all looking forward to a bright
futuredelay animwith you at the helm here in
fun_00060005, Mayor fun_00000005! |
| This is your very own
colorTown Pass Cardcolor!delaypageBreakIt's like an ID card that proves
you live in fun_00060005delay.delay.delay. We call it
the delaycolorTcolordelaycolorPcolordelaycolorCcolordelay for short. |
| animYou know,delay another neat thing you
can do with your TPC is check up
on your colortown initiativescolor!
animCompleting initiatives earns MEOW
Coupons,delay which you can trade for
rare items over at the campground.
animOr,delay if you prefer good old-fashioned
Bells, delayyou can redeem your MEOW
Coupons for those, too.
animEither way, delaybe sure to check out
your TPC every day to see what
initiatives are on offer! |
| animThanks for waiting!
animHere is your new colorTPCcolor, fun_00000005! |
| All right thendelay.delay.delay.delay This wraps up just
about everything we'll need to
process your movedelay.delay.delay.
The last thing we'd like you to
participate in is a ceremony that
commemorates your arrival.
animCan you take a look at the map on
the Touch Screen? |
| That place with the color× coloris the colorevent
plazacolor. We hold special events there
every now and thendelay.delay.delay.
We'd like for you to plant a tree in
the square so it can become a great
symbol for our town!
animI'll lead the way, so follow me! |
| delayanimdelayOh my!delay Today is your birthday,
isn't it, fun_00000005?pageBreakanimIt's mine as well!delay What an amazing
coincidence!animpageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayOh, delaymy apologies!delay animThat made me
so happy, I got a bit carried awaydelay.delay.delay. |
| delayanimdelayOh my!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay today is your
birthday, isn't it?pageBreakanimHappy birthday!delay Moving on the
same day as your birthday
makes it a doubly special day!
anim.delay.delay.delayOh, delaymy apologies!delay animIt made me
so happy, I got carried awaydelay.delay.delay. |
| animSo fun_000E0004 fun_000F0004,delay hm?delay That's
your birthday?fun_0005000F
Wrong! |
| animOh!delay My mistake!delay animWould you mind
telling me your birthday one
more time? |
| animWow!delayanim You and I have the same
birthday!delay What a coincidence!animpageBreakanimNot that that has anything to do
with the issue at hand.delay animApologies.
My enthusiasm got the best of me. |
| animThank you very much! |
| This is very valuable, so to make
sure you don't lose it,delay we're going
to go ahead and save right now! |
| delayanimdelayOh my!delay That means, fun_00000005,
delaythat today is your birthday!pageBreakanimHappy birthday!delay Starting your job
as mayor,delay moving,delay and having your
birthday all in one daydelay.delay.delay.delay
That's a lot to celebrate!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayOh, delaymy apologies!delay animIt made me so
happy, I got a bit carried awaydelay.delay.delay. |
| fun_00010009 |
| animI can give advice on a variety of
topics here at the colortown hallcolor.pageBreakPlease be sure to come by
tomorrow or when it's most
convenient for you! |
| animYou should take time to rest today.
animMoving really takes a lot out of you! |
| You just moved in,delay so it may take
some time to get used to life here. |
| Hmmmm.delay Well thendelay.delay.delay. |
| delayanimdelayOh,delay Mayor fun_00000005,delay
is everything all right? |
| delayanimdelayOh,delay fun_00000005,delay is everything
all right? |
| animIf you're troubled about what to do,delay
seeing that you just moved here,delay
animI could give you some advice!fun_0005000F
OK, let me hear it!
Nah, I'm fine. |
| animThat's great to hear!pageBreakHowever,delay animthere really are some
things I think you should know
before you get too busydelay.delay.delay.
animIf you have some free time,delay I'd love
if you'd come by and pick up a few
pointers from me! |
| Sodelay.delay.delay.delayplease take this sapling! |
| OK, fun_00000005.delay Now plant the
sapling by hand by pressing .
Put your heart in it! |
| animMayor fun_00000005!fun_00010007
Congratulations!pageBreakI hope this tree grows just as
strong and lively as fun_00050005!pageBreakAll of us are looking forward to
the changes you'll make to our
beloved town! |
| I have to get back to work now.pageBreakanimActually, todaydelay another event is
going to be held in this plaza,delay so
I'm quite busy.
delayanimOh!delay animIf you have time, Mayor,delay please
come and attend that event as well!pageBreakanimAnd good work today! |
| animI have other tasks to attend to,
so I'll head back to the colortown hallcolordelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimPlease spend the rest of the day as
you like. Look around town and
greet your new neighbors!
animAnddelay if there's something you don't
understand about fun_00050005 or
you just don't know what to dodelay.delay.delay.
I can give colorhelpful advice on living
herecolor at the colortown hallcolor. Feel free
to come and ask anytime, Mayor!
animGood work today! |
| |
| fun_00040007On fun_00010004 fun_00020004, fun_00000004,delay
fun_00000005 became the mayor
of fun_00050005.delayfun_00050007fun_00090007 |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000005?delay What's wrong?delay
Please press delayto plant the tree! |
| Mmmm, delaywell thendelay.delay.delay.pageBreakThe tree has been planted, so please
relax for the rest of the day, Mayor! |
| |
| |