Num | English |
| I tried to wash my face this
morning,delay and the water was frozen.pageBreakanimIt's waaay too cold heredelay.delay.delay. animMaybe I
should move to a warmer town.pageBreakanimfun_000A0007All right!delay That's the plan!fun_00010007anim I'm outta
here on the fun_000F0004 of this month!fun_00000008
Don't go!
See ya! |
| animAhhdelay.delay.delay.delayit's the end of the year.delay
I wonder if everyone will do their
year-end cleaning and stuff?pageBreakanimBut more importantly,delay how can I get
out of year-end cleaningdelay.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakanimfun_000B0007I got it!delay That's it!fun_00010007 I can just move
out!delay No need to clean if I'm not
there, right?pageBreakanimHah hah!delay What a great idea!delayanimpageBreakWell, I better get ready!delay I think I'll
leave on the fun_000F0004 of this month!fun_00000008
Don't go!
Good-bye! |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| animWell, summer's over,delay and I think it's
time for me to leave fun_00060005.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Yeah!delay I've made up my mind!delayanim I'm
outta here on the fun_000F0004 of next
Please don't go!
Good luck! |
| I went to wash my face this
morning,delay and the water was frozen!pageBreakanimIt's delaytoo colddelay.delay.delay. animI need to move to a
warmer town.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Hey, that's what I'll do!fun_00010007anim I think I'll
leave ondelay.delay.delay.delaythe fun_000F0004 of next month!fun_00000008
Stay here!
Have a nice life! |
| animAwwwdelay.delay.delay.delay Time for year-end cleaning
again already?!pageBreakanimHow can I get out of this?delaypageBreakanimfun_000B0007Oh!delay That's it!fun_00010007 If I move out, I won't
hafta clean, right?delayanim Ha ha!delay What a
great idea!animpageBreakWell, I better get plannin'.delay I think I'll
leave on the fun_000F0004 of next month!fun_00000008
Don't go!
Nice knowin' ya! |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| animI need to get more serious about
training.delay What I really need are some
high-altitude workoutsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWhy does fun_00060005 have to be so
close to sea level?pageBreakanimI hate to break it to you,delay but I'm
outta here on the fun_000F0004 of this
Don't go!
Who are you again? |
| animI've done about as much damage as
I can do in this town.delay I think it's
time for a change of scenery.pageBreakanimYeahdelay.delay.delay.anim The fun_000F0004 of this month
seems like a perfect move-out day,
don't you think, fun_00070005?pageBreakanimI expect I'll be celebrating my big
win in the fun_00110005
championship that day too!fun_00000008
Don't go!
See ya later! |
| animI should probably get ready to make
some big moves...delay Gotta leave my
mark on the world, you know?pageBreakanimI'm past due for my big-time debut,
don't you think?delay But for that, I
pretty much have to leave town.pageBreakanimSo I'm thinking the fun_000F0004 of this
month is a good day to move out.
And that is that.animfun_00000008
Don't go!
Good luck! |
| Hey, fun_00080005!delay Have I told you
I'm thinking about moving?pageBreakanimI want to go check out other towns
and learn about some new training
methods.delay It'll be like a training tour!pageBreakanimSo anyway...delay Gotta strike while the
iron is hot!delayanim I think the iron will be
hot on the fun_000F0004 of this month!fun_00000008
Don't go. I'll miss you.
Have a nice tour! |
| animHmm...delay I'm looking to change my
image a tiny bit,delay but I think I need a
big change of scenery to do it.pageBreakanimEveryone always expects me to be
Mr. Positive.delay But what if I just feel
like being moody sometimes?pageBreakanimAs long as I'm in this town,delay I'll never
be able to just sit with a cup of tea
and have a good sigh.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Alrighty!delay In a new town, a teensy bit
of quiet emotion will make me so
much more cool!pageBreakanimHa ha!delay I'm gonna set the fun_000F0004 of
this month as my move-out date!
I've made up my mind!fun_00000008
Stay here!
Enjoy the new you! |
| I want to refresh my mind a little.fun_00010007
animSo I'm thinking about moving out.pageBreakanimLiving in a new town will be perfect
for helping me focus on more
intense training, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimLet's see... The fun_000F0004 of this month
would be nice!delay animAll right! I'll move
out on that day!fun_00000008
Don't go!
Good luck! |
| animI'm not getting the high-altitude
training I need here in fun_00060005!pageBreakanimWhy do we have to be so close to
sea level?delay Can't you do something
about that?pageBreakanimHaha!delay I'm just kidding!delay I'm trying to
lighten the mood. I'm movin' on the
fun_000F0004 of next month!fun_00000008
Wait. What? Don't go!
Go reach new heights! |
| animMan, I think I've done everything
there is to do in this town.delay The
question is, should I move out?pageBreakanimYeahdelay.delay.delay.delaydefinitely.anim I'm leaving on the
fun_000F0004 of next month!pageBreakanimI should be celebrating my big win in
the fun_00110005 tourney
that day too, delayfun_00070005!fun_00000008
Don't go!
Take care! |
| animWell, it's past time for me to let the
rest of the world know who I am.pageBreakanimI need to break into the big time,
and I'm thinking I should start by
moving to another town.pageBreakanimYep, that's the way to go.delayanim I think I'll
move out on the fun_000F0004 of next
Don't go!
Good luck! |
| So.delay Hey.delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005.delay I'm thinking
about moving out of this little town.pageBreakanimI want to go on a training tour of
some different places, maybe teach
a little buffness theory abroad.delaypageBreakanimAlrighty!delay I'm pumped up to do this!
animI'll leave on the fun_000F0004 of next month.fun_00000008
But we'll miss you!
Have fun! |
| animSomebody told me I've toned every
muscle in my body except my
coolness muscle!delay Can you believe it?pageBreakanimAnd no matter how hard I work out,
I can't strengthen my image.delay So I
guess they were right.pageBreakanimThe sad truth is, I need a new town.delay
I need a place where no one knows
me and I can practice looking cool.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Alrighty!delay A move is just what I need!
animI'm looking at the fun_000F0004 of next
monthdelay as my new coolness birthday!fun_00000008
Be cool here!
Be cool elsewhere! |
| I gotta renew my focus.fun_00010007anim And I think
moving away is my best chance for
doing just that.pageBreakanimLiving in a new town will be good
for my focus muscles!delay I'm not sure
where the focus muscles are, butdelay.delay.delay.delay
Well, I'll figure it out later.delay In my
new town, fun_00070005!pageBreakanimLet's see...delay The fun_000F0004 of next month
would be nice.delay animAlrighty!delay It's settled.
That's movin' day!fun_00000008
Don't go!
Good luck! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animdelay.delay.delay.delayI see.delay Just can't let me go, huh?pageBreakanimHonestly, my plan was to stay,delay but
only if you asked me to.pageBreakanimHeh heh!delay OK, I guess I can stay in
this town and look out for you a
little while longer, delayfun_00070005!delayanim |
| animOh, come on!delay You're making it really
hard for me to leave!pageBreakanimOK, I give up!delay I can't move now.delay
animI'll see you around, delayfun_00080005! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimHa ha!delay Well, if you're gonna miss
me that much,delay I guess I won't go!pageBreakanimHa!delay You're crazy! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00060009 |
| fun_0000000A |
| fun_0000000A |
| animWell, I guess I can leave this town
with no regretsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWait!delay I just realized we'd be closer
if we had talked a bit more.pageBreakanimHmm...delay I just can't leave things like
this,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimI'm changing plans!delay I'm staying. And
we're gonna work on our friendship!pageBreakanimI can always move out and work on
my own stuff later, delayfun_00070005.delayanim |
| animDid I detect a sigh of relief?pageBreakanimHey, wait a sec!fun_00010007 You're not gonna
go easy on the exercising after I'm
gone, are you?!
animIf that's the case, I can't move!fun_00010007
animYeah. No way I'm moving now.
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animOh, man!delay I really thought you'd try
to stop me, since we're such good
friends and all.pageBreakanimOr are you just thinking of what's
best for me?fun_00010007 Hmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I just can't
read you like I thought I could.pageBreakanimYeah, I can't move now.delayanim Obviously I
need to stick around and help you
help me read you betterdelay.delay.delay.delay Right?!pageBreakanimUntil then, this town is stuck with
me, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThanks for everything, fun_00080005!delay
animI'm excited about my life's journey.pageBreakanimJust don't let me hear about you
slacking off in your training, OK?delayanim |
| animThanks for everything, fun_00080005!delay
animI'm excited about my life's journey.pageBreakanimJust don't let me hear about you
slacking off in your training, OK?delayanim |