Num | English |
| animFriday is the day for me to drink
coffee and relax!pageBreakanimOh!delayanim My muscles seem like they're
jumping for joy! They love coffee! |
| animI've heard about people gargling
coffee, butdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimThat seems like a shameful thing to
do with coffee so expertly brewed
by colorBrewstercolor. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animSunday is a great day for coffee!pageBreakanimMy dad is a big fan of drinking
coffee on his days offdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHeh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay I wonder if my old man
is doing well,delay fun_00070005. |
| animfun_000B0007Aaaahhh! Coffee in the morning
helps me get ready for push-ups! |
| animTime to take a quick break!delayanim I'll get
back to my workout as soon as I
slurp this down! |
| animHeh heh! Coffee tastes especially
good after a good workout! |
| animI just set a new speed record for
drinking coffee in one gulp!pageBreakanimHeh heh!delay Pretty amazing, huh?delay
animDon't try to copy me if you've
never gulped coffee before! |
| animRight now I'm practicing how to
gulp down my coffee!pageBreakanimDon't tell anybody! I practice all
night long to get good at this! |
| animI'm very particular about my coffee!delay
There's nothing better than colorBlue
Mountain colorcoffee beans! |
| animcolorMocha colorbeans are the best! I don't
really know why, but they just taste
really good to me! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animcolorKilimanjaro colorcoffee beans are the
best!delayanim I feel like they have a wild
taste. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animCoffee has to be the colorblended colorkind!delay
Mixing beans is the tasty way to go! |
| animI like coffee with colora lot of colormilk!delay
After all, we need that calcium for
strong bones, right? |
| animI like it when there's colora decent
amount colorof milk!pageBreakanimIt's pretty hard to get the right
amount, though.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005. |
| animI like it when there's just colora little bitcolor
of milk in my coffee.pageBreakanimThat's how fancy coffee lovers
enjoy their drink!delay animdelay.delay.delay.delayI think. |
| animcolorNo colormilk at all!delay Pitch-black coffee!delay
animSuper cool! That's the way to go! |
| animCoffee has to have color3 colorsugars!pageBreakanimSweet things always give me energy
when I'm tired after working out! |
| animCoffee has to have color2 colorsugars!pageBreakanimYour body will feel refreshed with
the right amount of sweetness! |
| animcolorOne colorsugar is enough for any coffee!pageBreakanimDon't wanna drink it too sweet, you
know?delayanim |
| animSugar in coffee?pageBreakanimI colornever colorput sugar in my coffee!delay
The best coffee is as bitter as it
can possibly be! |
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| animHey, you!delayanim Do you remember when
you first started drinking coffee?
When was that?fun_00020008
Just recently.
A few years ago.
A long time ago.
I still can't drink it. |
| fun_0000000A |
| animcolorBrewster coloris so cool when he's
brewing coffee!pageBreakanimIt's kind of likedelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_000B0007Bing! And he turns
on the magic! |
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| animOh! Just recently, huh?delayanim Good, good!pageBreakTo be honest, I could only have
coffee in candy form until recently.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAh, I know how that goes! You want
to start acting a bit older, so you
take up coffee drinking, right?delayanimpageBreakanimCoffee is the type of drink that
adults drink, and kids are kind of
curious about it!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005. |
| animWhat?! A long time ago?! You must
have been really young! A baby!pageBreakanimYou're amazing, fun_00080005!delay
You always make your mark sooner
than everybody else,delay fun_00070005. |
| animI see! I totally understand why
you don't like it! It's really not for
everybody!pageBreakanimGiven the choice, I'd go with a nice,
strong tea instead. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
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| animDrinking coffee helps you bond with
your bros and ladybros, huh? |
| fun_0000000A |
| animHeh heh! If we drink the same thing
at the same time, we'll be coffee
bros, right? Right, fun_0006000E? |
| animDrinking coffee with my best buddelay
makes it taste even better than
usual!delayanim |
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