Num | English |
| animIf you're walking outside today,delay I'd
suggest you bring some colorcandycolor with
you,delay fun_00070005.
animTrust me. Following my advice will
only benefit youdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animI don't get it. Even though I'm in my
costume,delay people don't seem to be
scared of me whatsoever.
animI guess I'm just too handsome,delayanim even
under this funky headpiece.delay animHah ha! |
| animIf you give me a piece of colorcandycolordelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI could tell you what everyone's so
scared of,delay fun_00070005! |
| |
| |
| animTrick or treat?delay animCan I have some
colorcandycolor? Please?delay If you don't give
me anydelay.delay.delay.delay
animdelayI'm sorry.delay I'll have no choice but to
cause problems.fun_0005000F
Give some candy.
Don't give any candy. |
| |
| |
| |
| animHah! I sure got you good! animI bet
colorJackcolor would be proud of me!pageBreakanimSpeaking of colorJackcolor, he was hoping
to talk to you! animYou should go see
what he wanted. |
| animSorry about that, animbut pranking you
is way too much fun! animI bet colorJackcolor
would agree with me!
animOh!delay animHave you gone to see colorJackcolor yet?
animI heard that he was looking for you,
animso go find him before he finds YOU! |
| animOh, and by the waydelay.delay.delay.delayanimI sorta like that
new look of yours,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHeh heh.delay You actually pull off that
new look of yours,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimKeep it up, and you might just start
anima fashion trend! |
| animWhen you have the chance,delay take a
look at your itemsdelay.delay.delay.delay delayanimI bet you'll find
something new! |
| animIt's just a small present!delay animWhen you
have time,delay take a look at your
thingsdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimHuh?delay That's weird!delay delay.delay.delay.delayDid I make a
mistake or something?pageBreakanimI guess you got lucky!delay It seems like
the spirit of colorHalloweencolor has taken
pity on you,delay fun_00070005! |
| |
| animOK,delay if I bring this to colorJackcolordelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animSorrydelay.delay.delay.delay colorJack colorwas asking for this!delay |
| animSorry,delay fun_00070005.delay I'm gathering
colorcandycolor today for a specific reason. |
| animIn return,delay here's a piece of advice
from me, fun_00010005!delay animOh, oops,delay my
secret identity just slipped outdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| |
| animdelayfun_00010011 either has a funky
fun_00040012 phobia or
a fun_00030012 phobiadelay.delay.delay.delay
animI can't tell you more than that!delay
If I did, that'd be cheating! |
| animdelayfun_00010011 either has a funky
fun_00030012 phobia or
a fun_00040012 phobiadelay.delay.delay.delay
animI can't tell you more than that!delay
If I did, that'd be cheating! |
| animdelayI don't remember clearly,delay but it was
either fun_00010011 or fun_00010011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakI know one of them has the biggest
fun_00040012 phobia you've
ever heard of,delay fun_00070005! |
| animdelayI don't remember clearly,delay but it was
either fun_00010011 or fun_00010011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakI know one of them totally has the
biggest fun_00040012 phobia
you've ever seen,delay fun_00070005! |
| animdelayHmm. If I'm right, fun_00010011 and delay
delayfun_00010011delay are both afraid of the
same thing,delay fun_00070005.
animIt's funny how they have the same
taste when it comes to these things!delay
animHah ha! |
| animThe phobia fun_00010011 has isdelay.delay.delay.delay
a fun_00040012 phobia!pageBreakanimThis is our little secret! |
| animWhat fun_00010011 told me is that
fun_0007000E has an unnatural fear resulting
indelay.delay.delay.delaya fun_00040012 phobia!
animWhether you believe me or not
animis all up to you! |
| |
| animOh! I got it!fun_00010007 animYou're gathering colorcandycolor
too, aren't you?pageBreakanimIn that case, delayplay a game with me!
If you win,delay I'll give you some of my
colorcandycolor,delay fun_00070005.
animBut delayif I win,delay hee hee... I get to pull
a little prank on you! |
| animHeh heh.delay I seedelay.delay.delay.delay So you're gathering
up colorcandycolor too, aren't you?pageBreakanimAll right then, delaywhy don't you play a
game with me?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimIf you win the game,delay I'll give up my
colorcandycolor. But delayif I win,delay animI get to pull a
little prank on you! |
| animdelayThen let's playdelay.delay.delay.delay
animcolorrock-paper-scissorscolor!fun_00120007 |
| animdelayThen let's playdelay.delay.delay.delay
animcolorcharadescolor!fun_00120007 |
| |
| animOK, delayI'm not going to hold backdelay.delay.delay.delay
animdelayfun_000B0007It's time for a prank!fun_00080007 |
| animSorry, but them's the breaks, right?delay
animdelayfun_000B0007Ha! Take that!fun_00080007 |
| animTo congratulate you on your windelay.delay.delay.delay
Here is your piece of colorcandycolor! |
| animDon't worry. delayI keep my promises.delay
animThis piece of colorcandy colorbelongs to you
now,delay fun_00070005! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimHey, wait a minute!delay Your pockets
are totally full!pageBreakanimI can't give you any colorcandycolor if you
can't carry it!delay animI guess we'll just
forget we ever played the game! |
| animdelayHmm. That piece of colorcandycolor is just
going to be passed around like this
again and againdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI bet it'd be happier if I'd eaten it
when I had the chance. |
| animGood-byedelay.delay.delay.delay My sweet colorcandycolordelay.delay.delay. |
| animfun_000B0007WHA—?!delay animYou're trying to play
nasty tricks on medelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimOh, delaythat outfitdelay.delay.delay.delay Are you trying to
gather up some colorcandycolor as well?
animIn that case,delay let's play a game!
animIf you win,delay I'll give you a piece of
colorcandycolor. animBut if I win,delay animI get to play a
little prank on you. |
| |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |