Num | English |
| animSpring is the season when a young
woman's fancy turns to reading
new books,delay fun_00070005.
animI wonder which books are out there
waiting for medelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animOh!delay Be still, my
beating heart! |
| animSummer is the season for reading
on the beach,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakInstead of jumping into the ocean,delay
animI jump into whole other worlds! |
| animFall is the perfect season for curling
up with a book,delay don't you think?pageBreakanimI'm what you'd call a voracious
reader,delay fun_00070005.delay I've already
consumed 20 books this fall! |
| animDuring the winter,delay you can't beat
curling up under a blanket with
a good book.
animA good book and a cup of cocoadelay.delay.delay.delay
animThat's a match made in heaven! |
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| |
| fun_00020009 |
| animThis might seem random, butdelay do
you know what I'm thinking about
right now?fun_00000008
The future.
Yesterday. |
| fun_00000009 |
| animThat's right!fun_00010007 animFor a while now I've
been thinking about how to animlive my
life on my own terms.delay
animBut...delaywhat exactly are my terms?fun_00010007
animI should really get to know myself
better. |
| animNo!delay I'm not thinking about the
future.delay animI've already got enough
on my mind at the moment!
I'm actually wondering where I put
the fun_000F0005 I bought
animI just can't seem to remember. |
| fun_00000009 |
| animYou're right!delay You know me too well.pageBreakanimYesterdaydelay somebody gave me some
fun_00100005,delayanim so I'm trying to
decide when I should eat it. |
| animRather than the past,delay my mind is
filled with thoughts of the futuredelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimThere's so much I want to do and
not enough time to do it!delay I'm trying
to come up with a master plan. |
| animHmm.delay Actually,delay do you know what
I'm thinking about at this very
About the world!
Um...nothing? |
| animYou're right!delay animI've been thinking
about how we can bring peace to
the world.
animAnd because global change starts
locally,delay for now,delay I'm thinking about
how to bring peace to this town! |
| animWhat?!delay I am so thinking!fun_00010007 animI'm thinking
about this conversation we're
having! |
| animI know this is out of the blue,delay but
do you know what I'm thinking
about at this very moment?fun_00000008
About aliens.
About baby chicks. |
| animYou're absolutely right.delay I've always
been fascinated by outer space.pageBreakanimI would love to be an astronaut
and visit other planets.delay It'd be like
a space safari! |
| animYep,delay you're right.fun_00010007 Baby chicks start
off yellow,delay but their color changes
as they get olderdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI wonder if MY color will change as
I get older! |
| animThis might seem sort of random,delay
but do you know what I'm thinking
about at this very moment?fun_00000008
Socks. |
| i10_16 |
| animThat's right!delay animI've been carrying my
coins in this glove I don't wear
animBut the clerks at the store always
look at me funny,delay so maybe I should
get an actual change purse. |
| animThat's right.delay I've been thinking I
should knit a new pair of gloves.pageBreakanimLast time I tried,delay I got carried away
and knit 13 fingers.delay Knitting is
sort of mesmerizing that way. |
| i10_16 |
| animYou're right.delay animThe other day,delay I went
to fun_00020005's house and took off
my shoes.
animAnd I was embarrassed to discover
I had a hole in my sock!pageBreakI didn't want fun_0007000E to notice,delay so I
hid my foot,animdelay but then I had to hop
around the house on one leg.
animOn the plus side,delay I looked so weird
hopping around delaythat fun_0007000E didn't
notice the hole in my sock. |
| animYes, delaythat's right.fun_00010007 animI've been wearing
my socks to sleep at night.pageBreakanimBut when I wake up,delay my socks are
on the floordelay.delay.delay.and my feet feel
like ice.
animSodelay I'm thinking of using duct tape
around my ankles to keep my socks
from slipping off in bed. |
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| fun_00030009 |
| animYesterday,delay I picked up a letter that
fun_00040005 must have droppeddelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI knew it was wrong to read it,delay but
I couldn't resist!delay Please don't tell
anyone else!
I was so ashamed of myself
afterward that I left the letter
where I found it.pageBreakanimBut now that I think about itdelay.delay.delay.delay
I wonder if I should have delivered
it instead.pageBreakanimWhat if someone else picked it up
and read it,delay and it's all my fault?!delayanim |
| animI found a single rubber boot while
walking to fun_00040005's house the
other day.
animfun_0003000Efun_00040005 took that boot and put
some flowers in it just like a vase!pageBreakanimIsn't that a great idea?!delay I think
I might try it out too. |
| animThe other daydelay I found a handmade
kaleidoscope.pageBreakanimWhen I looked into it,delay it didn't have
beads and glass inside.delay Instead, it
was filled with rice and beans.
animIt was strangedelay but a little bit genius
too.fun_00010007 animNo wonder it had "Property of
fun_0003000Efun_00040005" written on the side. |
| animI picked up a diary that someone
dropped the other day.delay animI know I
shouldn't have,delay but I peeked inside.
animIt said: "Day one: delayPlayed a lot.delay
Day two:delay Played a lot today too.delay
Day three:delay .delay.delay.Sure played a lot."
animAnd it was like that on every page!fun_00010007
animWhat's the point in keeping a diary
like that?! |
| animI picked up a handwritten memo
on the beach yesterday.pageBreakanimIt said:delay "To go left,delay or to go right.delay
delay.delay.delay.delayThat is the question."pageBreakDo you think that was a serious
question,delay or was the writer feeling
philosophical?fun_00010007anim I really want to know! |
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| fun_00020009 |
| animLately, I've been into wearing my
pajamas inside out and backward.pageBreakanimEver since I started doing that,delay
I haven't had a single bad dream. |
| animMy latest obsession is sleeping in
the space between the bed and
the wall.
animSince I started doing that,delay I don't
wake up with a crick in my neck. |
| animI've taken up calligraphy recently.delay
But to make it more of a challenge,delay
I do it on tissue paper!
animI can't begin to describe how good
it feels to finish a letter without
tearing the paper! |
| animCan I confide in you?fun_00010007 I pressed some
fun_00210005 between
books to make decorations later.pageBreakanimThen the other day,delay I mistook them
for tea leaves...pageBreakanimAnd I accidentally made fun_00040005
drink my pressed-flower tea!fun_00010007anim
Please don't tell fun_0007000E about it! |
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| fun_00000009 |
| animI've been stuck in a rut lately when
it comes to doing laundry.pageBreakanimAnd I think changing things up a bit
might make the chore seem more
appealing.pageBreakI've already been trying new things.fun_00000008
Like what?
OK... |
| fun_00000009 |
| animOne thing I've been doing is hanging
my clothes on a scarecrow to dry.pageBreakanimBut sometimes fun_00040005 starts
talking to the scarecrow without
realizing it's not me. |
| animLike hanging each item of clothing
on the end of my fishing rod and
drying it that way.
animThe fact that my clothes smell like
the river later is all part of the fun! |
| animIf you come up with any good
ideas for how to spice up the whole
clothes-drying thing,delay let me know! |
| animLately, I've been getting bored with
my routine for slicing veggiesdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI thought, if I changed how I've been
doing it,delay it wouldn't feel like such
a chore.
So I've been trying out a few things.fun_00000008
Like what?
OK... |
| animI turn on colorfun_00150005color
delayand slice my veggies to the beat.pageBreakanimI think it's improving my sense of
rhythm too! |
| animIf you come up with any good ideas,delay
please let me know! |
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| fun_00010009 |
| animI'm curious, fun_00080005. What kind
of books do you like to read?fun_00010008
Fantasy novels.
Dictionaries. |
| animWhat kind of books do you like,
Picture books.
Poetry collections. |
| animWhat kind of books do you like,
Picture books.
Encyclopedias. |
| animReally?delay animI love a good fantasy novel.pageBreakanimWhere else can you hang out with
orcs,delay wizards,delay and unicorns?delay animI just
love unicorns. |
| Oh,delay I totally agree.pageBreakanimYou can learn so much by reading
a set of encyclopedias one volume
at a time.
animIt can be a little dry,delay but it's worth
it.delay Knowledge is priceless! |
| animI love them too!delay They remind me
of being a little kid and learning
how to read.
animThat's why opening a picture book
makes me feel so content. |
| animOh,delay I feel the same way!fun_00010007anim I try not to
read them before bed, though.pageBreakanimBecause once I start a mystery,delay I
can't stop until I know how it ends! |
| animReally?delayanim Reading a dictionary cover
to cover seems like it might get
animBut there's so much to learn from
a dictionarydelay that it would probably
be worth it! |
| animOh,delay me too!fun_00010007 animI love how poetry can
express such big ideas in just a few
small words.
animI'd love for you to share your
favorite collections with me
sometime.anim |
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| |
| fun_00020009 |
| animI've been studying really hard for
my marmalade-making proficiency
Even if I don't end up making a
career out of it,delay it'll be useful for
getting out of sticky situations.anim |
| animI've been studying hard for my
dictionary proficiency exam, so I've
memorized lots of word definitions.
animI can also tell you the number of
pages in a whole bunch of different
dictionaries! |
| animI've been studying really hard for
my bread-baking proficiency exam.pageBreakEven if I don't end up making a
career out of it,delay it's a skill that
should help me rise to the top.anim |
| animI've been practicing really hard for
my calligraphy proficiency exam.pageBreakanimThe best part is getting to write my
name on the exam paper! |
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| |
| fun_00020009 |
| animI read so many books,delay I was thinking
it'd be fun to try writing one.
fun_00010007animI even have an idea for it!
animI could write down the things you
and I talk aboutdelay and turn that into
a collection of essays. |
| animI read so many books,delay I was thinking
it'd be fun to try writing one.pageBreakanimThat's why I'm going to writedelay
fun_0004000Efun_00080005 and the Diabolical
animYou'll be the main character,delay and
it'll be a story about your friendship
with fun_00040005,delay fun_00070005.
animOh, and an evil fun_001A0005! |
| animI read so many books,delay I was thinking
it would be fun to try writing one.pageBreakanimI even have an idea! Doesn't a story
calleddelay fun_0003000Efun_00050005:delay Wild World
delaysound interesting?fun_00000008
Sure does!
Hmmm... |
| animI know!delay fun_0003000Efun_00040005 and fun_0003000Efun_00040005
would be in it.pageBreakAnd it'd be about all the crazy days
we spend in this one town.pageBreakanimOnce I have a rough draft,delay I'll be
sure to show it to you!anim |
| Awdelay.delay.delay.delay animI was planning to make you the
main character too.delay That's too bad. |
| animI read so many books,delay I was thinking
it'd be fun to try writing one.fun_00000008
Yeah, it might be.
You should do it! |
| animI mean,delay I'd like to,delay but there aren't a
lot of story ideas to be found in my
ordinary lifedelay.delay.delay.delay
animI'll have to start by making my life
more exciting,delay fun_00070005. |
| animI mean,delay I'd like to,delay but what should I
write aboutdelay.delay.delay.delay animOh, I know!pageBreakI'll interview all my friends animand turn
their answers into a children's book.delay
How does that sound?
animI just need to come up with some
really tough,delay probing questions.delayanim
Hard-hitting stuff! |
| |
| |
| fun_00010009 |
| animDo you like writing letters,
Sure do!
Not really. |
| animI knew you would!delay I love reading and
writing letters too.pageBreakanimBut sometimes,delay even though I put a
lot of effort into writing one...pageBreakanimI just can't figure out what to write
last,delay so I end up never mailing it.delayanim |
| animI see.delayfun_00010007anim Chatting face-to-face is fun,
but sometimes I like to organize
my thoughts by writing them down. |
| animI really enjoy writing letters.delay
What about you, fun_00080005?fun_00000008
I do too.
Not really. |
| animI thought you would.delay animYou have thatdelay
letter-writing look to you.pageBreakanimSometimes it's hard to tell people
how you feel directly,delayanim and it's easier
to be forthright in a letter. |
| animOh, I see.fun_00010007 animI find it handy to include
a present with my letter if I've been
too busy to visit someone. |
| animDo you like getting letters,
I sure do!
Not really. |
| animI love getting them too!pageBreakanimIt's fun to chat face-to-face,delay but
I like being able to read my favorite
letters more than once. |
| animOh, I seedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI guess when I write to you,delay animI'll have
to write about something that will
really grab your attention! |
| |
| animWhen this season rolls around,delay it
always makes me think of the
same thingdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| i10_16 |
| fun_00000009 |
| animMy mom used to make us soup using
these little spring vegetables.pageBreakanimShe'd gather them up while thinning
out the garden, and let them simmer
all day on the stovedelay.delay.delay.delay
animSomeday I'd like to taste animthe soup
of my memories again. |
| animThe strawberry jam my mom would
make for us!fun_00010007anim I liked eating it on top
of her freshly baked bread.
animJust thinking about it is making me
wistfuldelayanim and hungry. |
| fun_00000009 |
| animSometimes my dad would bring
home a watermelon for us.pageBreakanimWe'd let it chill in the fridge for a
while and then slice it into wedges.pageBreakanimAdd a sprinkle of salt, delaytake a bite,
and delaymmm!delay animIt's one of my favorite
memories of summer. |
| animMy mom would make salads with
fresh tomatoes from our garden.pageBreakanimThe dressing she'd make to go with
them was just deliciousdelay.delay.delay.delay animI should
try making it sometime. |
| fun_00000009 |
| animThe apples I'd pick with my parents!delay
animThey'd make a caramel sauce to eat
with them that was the best! |
| animMy dad's recipe for garlic mashed
potatoes!pageBreakanimThe combination of fluffy potatoes,delay
butter,delay and savory garlic just can't
be beat! |
| fun_00000009 |
| animMy mom's veggie stew!fun_00010007 animIt would
simmer all day long,delay and the smell
of it just made my mouth water. |
| animMy dad's potato gratin.fun_00010007 animIt was warm
and creamy,delay making it the perfect
food for a cold winter's day! |
| |
| |
| fun_00010009 |
| animI've been making sandwiches for
lunch lately,delay but animthey don't taste
like the ones my mom used to make.
animI think her not-so-secret ingredient
was a little bit of love. |
| The other daydelay I packed a picnic
lunch, but animI forgot to pack any
animIt was so messy that I wound up
using leaves insteaddelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animI kind of felt
like a wild animal!delayanim |
| animDo you like baking, fun_00080005?fun_00000008
I sure do!
Meh. |
| animI knew you would!delay I love baking too.
animWe should trade baking tipsdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakSo here's one for you:animdelay make sure
your cake is completely cool before
you frost it! |
| animAw, that's too bad.delay animI was hoping
we could have an oven-cleaning
party,delay fun_00070005. |
| |
| |
| fun_00010009 |
| animDon't you think laundry dried
outside smells like the sun?pageBreakanimIt smells so good,delay sometimes I'll fall
asleep with my head buried in the
laundry basket. |
| animMy mom always said to shake out
your clothes before hanging them
up to dry.
animIt helps to prevent wrinkles.delayanim Not
that wrinkles in your clothes are
the end of the world.delayanim Stains are. |
| The other day,delay I put too much
detergent in the washing machine.pageBreakanimThe bubbles overflowed and
flooded the whole room with
me in it!pageBreakanimOn the bright side,delay it sort of felt
like floating in lavender clouds. |
| |
| |
| animDo you ever make snowmen,
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimFirst roll up two snowballs for the
head and body.pageBreakThen put them on top of each other,delay
and you've got yourself a snowman!pageBreakanimIt's kind of hard to make one that's
perfectly balanced,delay but animI bet you're
pretty good at it. |
| animDo you ever make snowmen,
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimFirst roll up two snowballs for the
head and body.pageBreakThen put them on top of each other,delay
and you've got yourself a snowman!pageBreakanimI hear snowmen of different sizes
have different personalities.delay animIsn't
that neat? |
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