Num | English |
| animSome people head to tropical
destinations in the winter. delayanimBut you—delay
you came to visit fun_00050005delay.delay.delay.delay
Of course,delay I'm out here camping in
the snow, delayanimso what do I know about
anything? |
| animEveryone I've met so far in
fun_00050005 has been really nice!delay It
seems like a great town.
animA bit cold,delay of course,delay but that's to
be expected when you're camping. |
| animYou're not from around here either,delay
are you? delayanimWe should be friends!pageBreakanimWhen it's cold and you're in a
strange town, delayyou can use all the
friends you can get,delay right? |
| animWell, delayI guess all the cold weather
out here has been worth it.pageBreakanimBecause I met you!delay animI came to
fun_00050005 to meet cool new
people, delayand it's finally happening. |
| animHey there.delay You're from this town,delay
right?fun_00010007 animGood to meet you! delayI'm
animI'm just visiting fun_00050005.delay animBut
who knows?delay This place is so
beautiful,delay I just might move here.
animIt's a bit chilly,delay thoughdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| Excuse me, delayanimbut are you from
fun_00050005?pageBreakanimOh, delaygood!delay I'm camping here for the
winter,delay and I have a few questions
about the town.
animFirst, delaywhere are the best shops?delay
And second, delayanimtake me to those
shops. |
| animHello!delay I'm fun_00010005, delayand I'm
visiting fun_00050005 on a journey of
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayit sounds really
cheesy when I say it out loud. |
| animWell,delay I'm here!delay animWhere's the house
you promised me?pageBreakanimHa!delay Just kidding. delayI can find a place
of my own, delaythank you very much.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delayI want an ocean view, delaybut
it seems like living by the sea would
be cold. delayDecisionsdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animYou didn't tell me it would get
this cold in fun_00050005! delayanimWhat other
surprises are in store for me?
animNever mind that I moved my whole
life here based on one conversation.delay
This is your fault! |
| animGuess what? fun_00010007animI'm going to be moving
here soon! delayfun_0003000Efun_00000011 finally
convinced me. |
| animI'm here to announce that the
rumors are true:delayanim I'm moving to this
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 finally convinced me
it was the right decision.pageBreakanimSo delayI'll be seeing you around!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYou know what?delay fun_0003000Efun_00050005 has
really grown on me.pageBreakIn fact, delayanimI'm going to be moving here
permanently! delayanimfun_0003000Efun_00000011 helped
convince me.
animIt'll be better than camping out here
in the cold,delay if nothing else. |
| animWhy am I out here camping?delay animWell,delay
that's a rude question. delayMaybe I like
the freezing weather!
animOK, delaywe both know that's not true. |
| animA midlife crisis will make you do
some crazy things. delayLike build this
igloo with bare hands.
animWait—delaydid I say "midlife" crisis?delayanim I
totally meant "quarter-life" crisis. |
| animCamping out in the freezing cold
builds character,delay you know.pageBreakanimAh,delay fun_00070005.delay animI think I've got
enough character to last a lifetime.delay
Give me a space heater. |
| animDo you like broccoli?delay I think it's an
underrated vegetable.pageBreakanimIn fact,delay when I'm cooking
fun_00130005, animdelayI throw a little
broccoli in there.
animWhy am I telling you this?delay I don't
know.animdelay I think part of my brain is
frozen. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005! delayIt's freezing cold
out here, delaybut this sleeping bag is
still too hot!
animIt's like camping only has two
temperature settings. animdelay"Surface of
the Sun" or "1,000 Below Zero." |
| animI suppose it's about time for me to
head back homedelay.delay.delay.delaybut this town has
really grown on me.
animI don't want this vacation to ever
end. delayanimDo you think I should move
Great idea!
Nah, good-bye. |
| animYou know what?delay Camping here has
really got me thinkingdelay.delay.delay.delayanim This would
be a great place to live!fun_0005000F
You should move here!
Don't get comfortable. |
| animI've had such a lovely time
wintering here in fun_00050005.pageBreakanimWhat if I actually moved here? delayanimIt
seems as good a place as any to put
down some roots.fun_0005000F
Good idea!
Nah, keep moving. |
| animOh! delayWell,anim delayyou're right, delayof course.delay
There's no such thing as a
permanent vacation.
animAnyway, delayit's been fun. delayanimI hope to see
you again someday. |
| animYou know what? delayYou're right.delay There
are lots of other towns to visit. delayanimWho
knows what I might discover?
animI'll just finish up my vacation here in
fun_00050005 and then hit the road.delay
See ya! |
| animYou're right—delaythe grass is always
greener.pageBreakanimWell, delayI'll just enjoy the rest of my
time in fun_00050005 and then hit the
road, delayI supposedelay.delay.delay.delay |
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