
Script : [Peppy] GE_FreeA_RumorN

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animI hear poor little fun_00010011 caught
a nasty cold! delayanimHow boring it must
be stuck sick in bed all day.
animI sure hope fun_00010011 feels better
soon! animThere's nothing worse than
a fun_001E0005 cold.


animOoh! I heard the best rumor!delay
animThere's a new house being built in
town! Squee!
animThat means we're gonna get a fancy
new neighbor. animI wonder what they'll
be like, fun_00070005?


animHey there, fun_00080005!
animIs it true there's a new person
in town? Have you met?
Wait—fun_00010007animis this person cooler than me?
Go do some secret spying around,
and tell me what you find out!


animHave you met fun_00010011 yet? fun_0003000Efun_0007000E
just moved in!pageBreakanimI was worried I might have to
compete for the spotlight with a
new kid in town...
animBut fun_00010011 is super cool and
nice! You should go over there and
say hi sometime, fun_00070005!


animI ran into fun_00010011 the other day,
and fun_0007000E said fun_0007000E was thinking of
moving away from our happy town!
animI sure hope fun_00010011 was just
pulling my leg. Who would ever
want to leave this place?!


Hey there, fun_00080005.animfun_00010007
animNever mind me. I'm just bummed
'cause fun_00010011 is moving away.
fun_0003000Efun_0007000E's not sure where fun_0007000E's moving
yet, though. animGeez, what a bummer!
I am, like, totally sad!


animfun_0003000Efun_00010011 is moving! I bet fun_0007000E got
scouted by a talent scout. animHow
come that never happens to me?
animWell, forget fun_00010011!delay animI'm gonna
be a bigger star than fun_0007000E ever was!


animfun_0003000Efun_00010011 is moving! I bet fun_0007000E got
scouted by a talent scout. animHow
come that never happens to me?
animWell, forget fun_00010011!delay animI'm gonna
be a bigger star than fun_0007000E ever was!


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