Num | English |
| animOh, right!delay animDo you know a lot about
pictures and art and stuff?delayanim I don't
know much about it myself.
animBut doesn't it seem like, with a lot
of pictures these days, it's hard to
tell which side goes up?
animI'm no good with complicated things
like that, fun_00070005. |
| animI'm not the only one living in this
house!delay My animfun_00030011
is like a family member!
animSome people say it's not a big deal,
but raising a plant takes a lot of
hard work!
animBut you get back what you put into
it, so it's worth it! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThe song playing right now is called
colorfun_00030011color.delaypageBreakIt's one of my favorites! animNo other
song gets me going like this onedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimWhen I wake up, I gotta listen to this
tune first thing in the morning! |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| animHey! You'll enjoy this. I found a way
to get myself into a cooking mood!pageBreakanimWhen all else fails, I just gotta have
my fun_00030011!pageBreakanimWhen I look at it, I just think,
"Better hop to it!"pageBreakanimCourse, having the drive and having
the talent are two very different
things, delayfun_00070005! |
| animSo you've got a way you like to
sleep, I'm assuming.pageBreakanimBut are you like me? Are you in the
special socks-on club?delay animOh yeah! It's
true! I sleep with my socks on!pageBreakanimNaturally it helps fight the colddelay.delay.delay.delaybut
it also keeps me calm somehow.pageBreakanimAnyway, I'm always on the lookout
for new and better sleepable socks! |
| fun_00050009 |
| animI went ahead and splurged on fun_0002000E
fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delaybut I can't
find time to sit on it lately.
animIt does make a good place for
putting folded laundry, though!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animI love to relax by flopping down on
the ol' fun_00030011 after
animCourse, as soon as I do, visitors
always show up, delayfun_00070005!delayanim |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| animHey, when you buy furniture, do you
make sure to measure your room?delay
animOr do you just take a gamble?
animMy fun_00030011 was a
gamble for sure! After I bought it, I
was nervous all the way home!
animBut in the end it worked out! It fits
perfectly! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00050009 |
| animThere are so many gyroids, it can
actually be a lot of work to find one
that's perfect for you!
animAs for me and my favorite little
fun_00030011, fate
brought us together, delayfun_00070005! |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| animOooh, guess what!delay animI thought of a
way to break up the boredom of
cleaning house!
animUse luxury cleaning goods!delayanim The kind
that are so expensive, you feel like
you have to use them!
animDo you think I can find a vintage
fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delayand some
other fancy stuff? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animDo you take your time when it
comes to appraising fossils? Or do
you make snap judgments?
animMe, I guess I take my time!delayanim I keep a
bunch I dig up, and then I appraise
only the ones I want out!
animI mean, if you just look at all of 'em
right away, what fun is that?
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI realized the other day that tea
drinking varies quite a bit from
person to person.
animMedelay.delay.delay.delay I guzzle the stuff like crazy!delay It
seems like I'm always washing
everything tea related!
animIf you're wondering why my
fun_00030011 is so shiny,
that's the reason, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI think toilet placement in a house
is very important! This is something
I believe very strongly!pageBreakanimI mean, it's a place you're gonna go
at least once a day, right? You need
to plan your installation carefully!
animYou can probably tell I've been
thinking about this issue for quite
some timedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimCourse, once I make up my mind,
it's not like I'm gonna announce it
or anything! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00050009 |
| animYou probably know this, butdelay.delay.delay.delayI'm
really not a morning person.pageBreakanimBut I figured out you can't beat that
fun_00030011 smell to get
you going in the morning!
animPlus, I feel like I gotta get up and
water 'em right away so they'll stay
fresh and smelling great!
animSo I hop right out of bed every day!
Onlydelay.delay.delay.delaywhen I'm done watering, I get
tired again! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThe other day in the middle of the
night, my fun_00030011
started making noise!
animMan, it freaked me out! Even after I
realized what it was, it took me
forever to get back to sleep!delayanim
animThat sounddelay.delay.delay.delay I don't know how I'll
ever get used to it, delayfun_00070005! |
| fun_00050009 |
| animOh my gosh!delayanim Did you hear about
this new exercise program that only
requires a scale?
animThey say the trick is to step on the
scale every morningdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimand then spend the next hour
stepping on and off it really fast
about 5,000 timesdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| fun_00050009 |
| animI just realized something!delay animDo you
know what happened to all the
stuffed animals you had as a kid?
animI still have mine.delayanim I've lived with them
longer than I lived with my parents.delay I
just can't get rid of my animals!
animMy fun_00030011 alone
is full of memories! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThis dude I don't even know very
well gave me a stuffed animal.delayanim What
would you do in that situation?
animThe correct answer isdelay.delay.delay.delayanimtake the
animal!delay animStuffed animals are innocent
in all this. They just want a home!
animWell, most of 'em except for my
fun_00030011. He's a bit
of a rebel, delayfun_00070005! |
| fun_00050009 |
| animHey, you know something?delay animDon't
clean fun_0002000Efun_00030011
too much!
animIf their smell disappears, they won't
be able to find their home when
they come back from a vacation!
animI guess it'd be like if someone
turned your house into a store while
you were on a trip. delayanimMakes sense! |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| animHey. Let's talk about the good ol'
fun_001A0005delay for a sec. Local
specialty, right?delayanim Right!
We ought to do some branding and
marketing and stuff!delayanim Like, we could
make fun_001A0005 furniture!
animI mean, just look at my
animCool, right?
animWhen I saw it, I knew it was
something special, delayfun_00070005! |
| fun_00050009 |
| animYou ever pull up trash and stuff
when you're fishing?pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00030011colorscolor are really
convenient for times like that!delayanimpageBreakanimI don't get how it works, but if you
put garbage in, it'll just kinda go
away! Like magic!
animIt might not look cool having one in
your house, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimyou can't argue
with convenience, delayfun_00070005! |
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| animHee hee! Having guests over sure
does brighten up the place! Yeah!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animEvery time I move, I take stock of
my furnituredelay.delay.delay.delayanimbut it seems like I'm
always gaining stuff, delayfun_00070005. |
| animSome of the stuff in here I bought,
and some of it people gave to medelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimBut it's all bound by a common
destiny! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animEveryone who visits says the
furniture I've got seems like stuff
I'd havedelay.delay.delay.delay animWhat are they implying? |
| animWell, I can't give you much of a
welcome, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimfeel free to hang out! |
| animHeh! It feels weird having you here
in my place, delayfun_00070005! |
| animOh! By the waydelay.delay.delay.delayanimyou can use to
check out this room from all sorts
of different angles!
animJust don't go using it to find any
hidden messes! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
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