Num | English |
| animOh,delay OK.delay I hope it wasn't rude of me
to ask.delay animAnyway,delay I hope you change
your mind later. |
| animHooray!delay Then let me explain the
rules better.pageBreakanimIn this game,delay you're going to buy
1 of the 5 pieces of furniture I have
with me.
We'll look at the items one at a
time.fun_00010007 First,delay I'll draw a random slip
of paper that has a price on it.
If you like the item for that price,delay
you buy it.delay If not,delay we move to the
next item.
animBut if you don't choose anything by
the end,delay you have to buy item
number 5 no matter what.
animReady to get started?fun_00010007 OK.delay First up
is my fun_00030011.delay The
price isdelay.delay.delay.animcolorfun_00090004 Bellscolor!fun_0008000Dfun_00050008
I'll buy it!
Next! |
| animWow,delay so this is the thing for you!delay
I'm glad you found something you
really wanted.fun_00010007anim OK then,delay it's yours! |
| animCan't wait to see what's next,delay huh?delay
I don't blame you.fun_00010007 Then let's keep
going with item 2.
It's my fun_00030011,delay and
the price isdelay.delay.delay.animcolorfun_00090004 Bellscolor!fun_0008000Dfun_00050008
Pass! |
| animThis is it,delay huh?delayanim It is a really nice
piece of furniture,delay if I do say so
myself.fun_00010007anim Then it's yours. |
| animJust not the thing for you.delay OK,delay let's
continue to item 3.delayfun_00010007 It's my favorite
animThe price isdelay.delay.delay.animcolorfun_00090004 Bellscolor.delay What do
you think?fun_0008000Dfun_00050008
I'll buy it!
No, thanks. |
| animExcellent choice,delay if I do say so
myself.delay I'm going to miss it a little.fun_00010007
Well then,delay it's all yours. |
| animOh,delay waiting for the perfect item?delay
You're pretty cool under pressure!pageBreakItem 4 is something you might like.delay
It's my fun_00030011,delay
and the price isdelay.delay.delay.animcolorfun_00090004 Bellscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_00050008
It's mine!
| animSo you finally found the right item.delay
Or was it just the thrill of seeing
what was next?fun_00010007anim Well,delay here you go! |
| animReally?delay You're committing to buying
the last item?fun_00010007 animYou must be very
lucky or very brave.delay Maybe both!
animSo the item you'll be taking home is
mydelay.delay.delay.fun_00030011!delay And
the price isdelay.delay.delay.animcolorfun_00090004 Bellscolor!
animOuch!delay That's pretty high!delay Sorry.delayanim |
| animReally?delay You're committing to buying
the last item?fun_00010007 animYou must be very
lucky or very brave.delay Maybe both!
animSo the item you'll be taking home is
mydelay.delay.delay.fun_00030011!delay And
the price isdelay.delay.delay.animcolorfun_00090004 Bellscolor!
animdelayWow!delay What a great price!delayanim |
| animThat was a fast game!delayanim I'm glad you
found something you really wanted. |
| animThat was a pretty quick decision.delay
I'm glad things worked out so well. |
| animThat was a lot of fun!delay I hope we can
play again sometime. |
| animWho knows...delay Maybe you got off
easy!delay Thanks for playing with me. |
| animSorry about the lousy luck.delay You
won't hold a grudge,delay right? |
| animI'd say it all worked out well for us
both!delay Lucky indeed,delay fun_00070005! |
| fun_00030009 |
| fun_00030009 |