Num | English |
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| i10_16 |
| animI'm deciding what people are going
to have for dinner based on what
their faces look like.
animfun_0003000Efun_00080005...delay The look on your face
makes me think you're going to
chow down ondelay.delay.delay.pageBreakHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00130005,
maybe? |
| I woke up this morning,delay and my
pillow was at my feet!delay animI did a
complete 180 in my sleep!
animThat meansdelay if I go to sleep
starting the wrong way arounddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimThen I'll wake up facing the right
way tomorrow!delay Now, that is a good
idea, fun_00070005! |
| animMy "stomach clock"delay is super
accurate.delay Let me show you.pageBreakanimHey, Mr. Stomach,delay listen up!delay
animWhat delaytime is it?pageBreakdelayanimfun_000B0007sizeGrowl sizedelaysizegrowl!sizepageBreakanimA huh huh huh!delay He said it's around
fun_00030004,delay fun_00070005. |
| animSo I wanted to talk to youdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animBut I
forgot delaywhat I was going to say.pageBreakanimSorry about that.delay I'll try really hard
to remember,delay fun_00070005. |
| animI wasdelay trying to open my drawer with
my foot,delay and I stubbed my toe,delay
animIt hurt so much I cried,delay animbut I still
want to learn how to do chores
using only my feet.
animIt's a long-term goal of mine. |
| animYawwwn.fun_00010007 animSorry about yawning
right in your face.delay No matterdelay how
muchdelay I sleep, it's not enough.
animButdelay they say you have to sleep in
order to grow.fun_00010007 animI'll be bigger than a
tree before you know it.
Then you can call me Big
fun_00010005! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay Something horrible
has happened!fun_00010009 |
| Hey,delay do you have any weird things
you like?delay animI definitely do.fun_00020009 |
| animI have to ask you something,
fun_00080005.delay Don't you think I smell
good today?fun_00050008
Yeah, maybe!
No. |
| animI'm a big fan of festivals.delay
Personally, I think we should have
way more of them,delay fun_00070005.fun_00010009 |
| Hey, fun_00080005!delayanim What kind of filling
do you like best in pie?fun_00030008
It's a secret. |
| fun_00030009 |
| animHey,delay I have a math problem for you.fun_00010009 |
| Hey, um,delay animhave you ever been to an
all-you-can-eat buffet?fun_00010007 animIt's amazing.delay
You can just eat and eat.
animLast time I went to one, I ate so
much fun_00130005delay I popped
the button off my pants! |
| Do you thinkdelay fun_00130005
should be named the official food
of fun_00050005, fun_00080005?
animIt is pretty tasty,delay and I think it does
a good job representing what
fun_00050005's all about.
animBut before we commit to it,delay I'd
better go eat some just to make
sure,delay fun_00070005. |
| animBats communicate using sounds that
we can't even hear.pageBreakanimThat means they can have all the
secret conversations they want! pageBreak
animfun_000A0007Kee! delayfun_000A0007Kee kee kee kee!pageBreakanimA huh huh huhdelay.delay.delay.delay I just said "Let's
hang out soon" in Battish,delay
fun_00070005. |
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| |
| Spring is one of my most favorite
seasons,delay fun_00070005! fun_00000009 |
| animYup, spring is a really great time
to lounge around outside and nap,delay
animYawwwwndelay.delay.delay.delay I'm working up a
nappetite just thinking about it. |
| animThe warm spring sun is like a
cup of warm milk.delay It knocks me out
cold,delay fun_00070005! |
| So, technically speaking, it's
summer right now, isn't it?fun_00000009 |
| animThis blazing heat makes me feel
like I'm going to melt into a puddle,delay
animIf that happens,delay promise you'll put
me in the freezer to revive me,
fun_00080005! |
| animNothing beats a nap in the shade
in the middle of summer,
fun_00070005.fun_00010007 animYaaaawndelay.delay.delay. |
| animFall has come to fun_00050005.fun_00000009 |
| animHey, by the way,delay do you know when
fall actually starts?pageBreakanimWhen your craving for ice cream
stops,delay that's when fall begins,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animFall is all about gathering
mushrooms,delay digging up potatoes,delay
and picking pumpkins.
animIt's really the snackiest of all the
seasons,delay fun_00070005. |
| Lately, I'm tired all the time,
fun_00070005.fun_00010009 |
| animI wonder how toughdelay old man winter
really is.pageBreakanimI want it to get warm soon,delay animso I'm
rooting for young lady spring,
fun_00070005. |
| Ever bury fun_0002000Efun_001A0005 in
the snow?fun_00010007 animIt's kinda like sorbet.delay
SO tasty! |
| animWhewdelay.delay.delay.delay I can see my breath.delay
animNom nom nom!pageBreakanimMy breath is toasty warm and
smells like fun_00130005,delay so
I'm chowing down on it.
animWhewdelay.delay.delay.delay animNom nom nom! |
| |
| |
| |
| animI can't find my fun_000F0005
anywhere.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Do you thinkdelay that everyone's
fun_000F0005 has disappeared
animI bet there's fun_0002000Efun_000F0005-
eating alien on the loose!delay
I-delayI'm scared. |
| animI can't find my fun_000F0005
anywhere.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Do you thinkdelay that everyone's
fun_000F0005 has disappeared
animThen that would make MY
fun_000F0005 more valuable
than gold,delay fun_00070005! |
| animI can't find my fun_000F0005
anywhere.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Do you thinkdelay that everyone's
fun_000F0005 has disappeared
animThis must bedelay the work of some
nefarious fun_000F0005-eating
monster,delay fun_00070005! |
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| animOne thingdelay I really like isdelay animold money.pageBreakanimThey're just coins,delay but I can really
feel the history locked inside 'em.delay
It's so cool,delay fun_00070005. |
| animLikedelay.delay.delay.delayanimworn-out shoes!pageBreakanimNew shoesdelay look too nice, so it's
embarrassing to wear them,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animLikedelay.delay.delay.delayanima half-sharpened pencil!pageBreakanimI like something that's not too
sharpdelay and not too soft.delay I can
kind of identify with that. |
| animLikedelay.delay.delay.delayanimholes in pants!pageBreakanimHoles in socks aren't cool,delay but
holes in pants are awesome! |
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| |
| animA huh huh huh!delay That's 'cause I'm
using a new shampoo that smells
like fun_00100005!
animIt makes me smell super good,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animfun_000B0007Huh?!delay animBut I just got a new shampoo
that smells like fun_00100005.pageBreakanimIf you don't think that smells good,delay
there's something really wrong with
you, fun_00080005. |
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| |
| animHere's an idea!delay We should have
fun_0002000Efun_00130005 festivaldelay to
celebrate fun_00130005!
animThat daydelay everyone would eat for
free at the fun_00130005
shop,delay fun_00070005. |
| animLike how about fun_0002000Edelay
fun_000F0005 festivaldelay honoring
the convenient fun_000F0005?pageBreakanimWe could all grab fun_0002000E
fun_000F0005delay and have fun_0002000E
fun_00140005 dance party! |
| animLike how 'bout fun_0002000E
delayfun_00100005 festivaldelay in honor
of delicious fun_00100005?
animWe'd all eat fun_00100005delay
and then have fun_0002000Efun_00110005
competition.delay Sounds sweet, huh? |
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| |
| animOoh, I like cherry pie too.delay
It's all goopy and red and delicious,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animApple, huh?delay animI guess you like the
classics best, huh,delay fun_00070005? |
| animPersonally, I like peach cobbler
better than peach pie.pageBreakBut I can totally see where you're
coming from. |
| animOoh,delay I love chocolate pie too!delay
animEspecially with a graham-cracker
animThough I think you could put just
about anything in a graham-cracker
crust and it would taste good. |
| animYour favorite type of pie filling is
a secret?pageBreakanimYou're so mysterious, fun_00080005. |
| fun_00000009 |
| animTo be totally honest, though,delay I like
any kind of pie!fun_00010007 animIt's seriously the
perfect food,delay fun_00070005. |
pageBreakanimA huh huh huh!delay All this pie talk is
really making me hungry,delay
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| |
| animI wrote a note on my armdelay to help
me remember something.pageBreakanimBut I accidentally washed it off
when I was cleaning up for dinner!pageBreakanimAw, man!delay Now I'm never gonna be
able to remember what I wrote,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animI put stickers all over my face, delay
and it made my face really itchydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimListen to me, fun_00080005.delay Putting
stickers on your face is a really bad
idea,delay fun_00070005. |
| animLately, I'm all about spinning around
and around.delay It makes me all dizzy,delay
and I feel like I'm in a glass of soda.
Lemme show you!delay animWhoodelayoodelayoo!pageBreakanimWhoa!delay My eyes are spinningdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007delay
animA huh huh!delay You should try it.delay It's like
having your very own roller coaster! |
| I used an old candy wrapper as a
bookmark in this comic book I was
animBut nowdelay the pages are all stuck
together!pageBreakanimNow I'm never gonna find out
what happens to Super
fun_0004000Efun_000F0005 Man! |
| I found an old journal of mine,delay
animbut there were only three days'
worth of entries in itdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI guess that makes sense.delay I think I
only have about three days' worth
of focus,delay fun_00070005. |
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| |
| animSeven baby birds sat on a tree.delay
Then their mom and daddelay came back
with food.
animSodelay how many birds in all were
sitting on the tree?pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimS-delaysob!delay I'm sorry, but I can't focus
on math right now!delay I'm just so glad
the bird family was reunited! |
| animA pig gave birth to 8 piglets.fun_00010007 Thendelay
another mama pig had 9 piglets.pageBreakanimSo how many pigletsdelay are there
in all?pageBreakSniffdelay.delay.delay.delay animI'm just so happy for the
mama pigs.delay It's such a beautiful
story,delay fun_00070005! |
| You bought 5 oranges costing
100 Bells each,delay 6 apples costing
80 Bells each...
and 5 peaches costing 120 Bells
each.delay animHow much do they cost
delay.delay.delay.delayanimWow, you bought a lot of fruit.delay
Are you making fruit punch or
animA huh huh huh!delay I want some too,delay
fun_00070005! |
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| |
| |
| animHave you made a snowman,
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimYou take a snowballdelay and roll it up
big,delay stack another one on top,
and voilà!delay You've got a snowman.
animA huh huh huhdelay.delay.delay.delay Maybe I'll make one
withdelay a gigantic head.delay That'd be
animOh,delay butdelay if you don't get the balance
right, the snowman will be super
animSo make sure you make him look
good,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHave you made a snowman yet,
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimSnowmendelay have completely differentdelay
personalities depending on how
big they are.
animSmall snowmen are likedelay cute, little
babies!fun_00010007 animAnd big snowmendelay are like
dependable dads.pageBreakanimI'm really curiousdelay to see what sort
of snowman you're gonna make
today,delay fun_00070005. |
| animHave you made a snowman yet,
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimSnowmendelay have completely differentdelay
personalities depending on how
big they are.
animSmall snowmen are likedelay cute, little
babies!fun_00010007 animAnd big snowmendelay are like
dependable dads.pageBreakanimI'm really curiousdelay to see what sort
of snowman you're gonna make
today,delay fun_00070005. |