Num | English |
002 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimAll right,delay it's my turn today!delay |
003 | fun_00010009 |
004 | |
005 | |
006 | animI don't wanna hear that from the |
007 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimWhat was that,delay you jerk!delay I was just |
008 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimDid you not hear me say I'm not |
009 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimGrrrrrdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimFine!delay In that case, we'll have |
010 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimSounds good to me! fun_0002000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimYou heard him, |
011 | animAw, man,delay fun_00080005's got tears in |
012 | animSeriously?!delay I think we scared fun_0006000E a |
013 | animSorry, sorry!delay We'll drop this for |
014 | animOh,delay so you're taking the easy way |
015 | fun_0001000Cfun_0008000CGuess we'll just have to disagree |
016 | |
017 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimYeah!delay Of course I have!delay animBRING IT!fun_0009000C |
018 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimAll right!delay animHere we go!delay animThe base |
019 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimNo way! No way!delay Not a chance!delay |
020 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimAlready?!delay animYou didn't even listen to |
021 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimNobody could ever eat something |
022 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimWell, delaycan't be helped, I suppose.delay |
023 | |
024 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CHey, fun_00010011,delay listen to this.fun_0009000C |
025 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimHmm?delay What's up, fun_00010011?fun_0009000C |
026 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CI recently ran into colorIsabelle colorand told |
027 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimOh yeah?delay What'd ya ask for?delayfun_0009000C |
028 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimI told her we should get a drive-in |
029 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimMan, I remember drive-insdelay.delay.delay.delay |
030 | |
031 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CHey, fun_00010011,delay listen to this.fun_0009000C |
032 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimHmm?delay What's up, fun_00010011?fun_0009000C |
033 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimYou know that gal colorLabelle colorwho |
034 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimAh!delay You meananim the middle one of the |
035 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimThat doesn't matter!pageBreakanimListen,delay since she's always so helpful |
036 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimOh yeah,delay that was back when we |
037 | |
038 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimHey,delay fun_000E0005-boy!fun_0009000C |
039 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimAw man, nobody says that anymore, |
039 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimAw man, nobody says that anymore, |