Num | English |
| animMy outfit todaydelay is super easy to
move in.delay And the fabric is really
I think you'd describe it asdelay
"fun_00230005" looking,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animMy outfit today is pretty
fun_00230005,delay wouldn't you say?pageBreakanimI think it's a pretty good look
for me,delay fun_00070005. |
| animI think what I'm wearing todaydelay falls
under the fun_00230005
I don't really get what it means,delay
animbut it sounds like something
cool, right,delay fun_00070005?delayanim |
| animI'm delaytrying out the fun_00230005
look today.fun_00010007 animAnd it totally makes me
wanna bust out singing! |
| animI lookdelay pretty respectable right now,
don't I?fun_00010007 animI guess this is called thedelay
fun_00230005 look.
animI feel like I should be heading to
work at the town hall.fun_00010007 Or rushing
off to help someone,delay fun_00070005! |
| animDo I look superdelay fun_00230005
today or WHAT!fun_00010007 animIt's 'cause of my
I feel like a rich guy.delay animBut I've totally
spent my entire clothing budget
for this monthdelay.delay.delay. |
| animWhat do you think of the
fun_00230005 look I'm rocking?pageBreakanimA huh huh huh!delay Well, you can't say
that I'm blending in!delayanim |
| animSo I'm pretty sure the outfit I'm
wearing falls under the
fun_00230005 look.
animYou know,delay some "modern" pizzas
have cheese IN the crust nowdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimThat's some out-of-the-box
thinking right there! |
| animSomeone told me that I'm rocking
the fun_00230005 look today,delay
animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess this DOES have
kind of an old, musty smell... |
| animApparently my outfit is kind ofdelay
fun_00230005, delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimButdelay I definitely feel more
comfortable in clothes like these! |
| animOh, fun_00080005!delay Does my outfit look
familiar to you?pageBreakanimfun_000A0007That's right!delay animIt's your design!fun_00010007
animI wanted to show you,delay since you're
the one who created it! |
| animThe outfit I'm wearing was designed
by fun_00000011 from fun_00020011.fun_00010007
animI bet fun_0008000E worked really hard on it.
animThat's why I'm being extra careful
not to spill food on myself today,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animTa-da!delay Check out my outfit!delay It was
designed bydelay.delay.delay.fun_00000011delay from
animI wonder what inspired such a nice
designdelay.delay.delay.delay I bet it was candy.delayanim Candy
always inspires me. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animAwesome!delay I have finally achieved
my lifelong dream of looking cool!pageBreakanimI'm gonna snack on some
fun_00100005 to celebrate! |
| animYou think I lookdelay cute?!delay animLike a
stuffed animal or something?pageBreakanimWell,delay a compliment's a compliment.delay
So, thanks,delay I guess,delay fun_00070005. |
| animFlashy,delay huh?delay Do I stand out?fun_00010007
animWell, that's a good thing.delay This way,
people can pick me out in a crowd! |
| animI guess by the tone of your voice,delay
"plain" isn't a compliment, is it?pageBreakanimWell,delay next time I go clothes
shopping,delay I'll try to get something
really over the top,delay fun_00070005. |
| animAw, man.delay But I worked super hard
putting this outfit together,delay
animThat's it!delay If you don't know what to
think of this outfit,delay my next outfit
is gonna totally blow your mind! |
| animAw, man.delay But I worked super hard
putting this outfit together,delay
animThat's it!delay If you don't know what to
think of this outfit,delay my next outfit
is gonna totally blow your mind! |