
Script : [Snooty] AN_Ai_MidWinter1

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animfun_0003000Efun_00060007Morning, fun_00080005fun_00070007!pageBreakanimI made myself get up real early for
the colorWinter Solsticecolor.pageBreakanim'Cause if you wait for the sun to
come up,delay you'll sleep right through
to tomorrow! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animHey, fun_00080005!delay
animYou're up and at 'em early!delay You
know today's the colorWinter Solsticecolor?
animIt's gonna be dark all day, so don't
take too many naps.delayanim That can really
mess you up, delayfun_00070005!


animfun_0003000Efun_00060007Howdy, fun_00080005fun_00070007!delay
animHappy colorWinter Solsticecolor!delaypageBreakanimIt's dark all day, so that makes it
seem like everyone's up late
partying! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animHow goes it, fun_00080005?delay
animToday's the colorWinter Solsticecolor!delay So it's
dark as night even during the day!
animIf you need me, just shoot up a flare
or something, I guess, delayfun_00070005!


animAha! fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay
animThe sun's really not coming up!

animIt feels like we're being rebels and
staying up super late, delayfun_00070005!


animWhassup, fun_00080005?!delay
animIt's already fun_00030004 o'clock!delay It's
ACTUALLY nighttime now!
animIt's been dark all day, so it feels
almost like the world just stopped.pageBreakanimIt's a bit weird, but that's the thrill
of the colorWinter Solsticecolor!delay Gets me all
excited! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animOho, it's fun_00080005!delay
animStill goin' strong?pageBreakanimThe day was dark.delay The night's dark.delay
This is getting confusingdelay.delay.delay.delay But I'm
pretty sure it's night, delayfun_00070005!


animEvenin', fun_00080005!delay
I meandelay.delay.delay.delayanimit is evening, right?pageBreakanimWhen it's dark all day long,delay you lose
all sense of time, delayfun_00070005.


animWhat?! delayfun_0003000Efun_00080005?!delay
animIt's fun_00030004 o'clockdelay.delay.delay.delay animCan't you sleep?pageBreakanimI'm right there with ya, kid.delay Day-
long darkness is kind of a shock to
the system, delayfun_00070005!


animHey there, fun_00080005!delay
animStill truckin' at this hourdelay.delay.delay.delay Are you
having trouble sleeping too?
animDude, I get it.delay But it's the middle of
the night!delay For real this time!delayanim Don't
stay up too late, delayfun_00070005!


animHey there, fun_00080005!delay
animStill truckin' at this hourdelay.delay.delay.delay Are you
having trouble sleeping too?
animDude, I get it.delay But it's the middle of
the night!delay For real this time!delayanim Don't
stay up too late, delayfun_00070005!


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