Num | English |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005, I finally found what
you wanted. delayYou know, fun_0002000E
I never said that! |
| animSodelay I'd really like to give you fun_0002000E
fun_00030011,delay fun_00080005. |
| animI'm getting rid of some stuff, delayand I
thought you might like my
animNot your style? delayWell,delay the garbage
can is right over there.delay animIf you want
to be polite,delay just wait until I leave. |
| animWait. You DID want something like
that, delayright?delay animI swear you said you
did...delay Didn't you?
animOh, delayI must have confused things.delay
animBut now you HAVE to take it,
delayfun_00080005.fun_0000000A |
| You're such a good friend, after all.delay
animYou really deserve a reward for
putting up with me, delayfun_00080005. |
| animCome on. Don't be shy, fun_00080005.delay
Even if we're not the VERY best
of friends, can't I give you a gift? |
| animYou always stick by me despite,
delayyou know, delayhow fussy I can be.fun_00010007
animSo thanks, fun_00080005. |
| animEnjoy the gift, fun_00080005.
It really suits you, fun_00070005. |
| animOh! delayReally? fun_00010007animWell, delayas a reward for
your delaybrudelaytaldelay hondelayesty,delay you should
keep the gift anyway,delay fun_00080005. |
| animYes, I declare it to be the best
gift you never asked for,
fun_00070005! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animThanks for taking that off my
hands. delayanimThe color clashed with
almost everything I own! |
| animThanks for accepting my gift,delay
fun_00080005.delay I just hate to throw
things away.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYou can also thank fun_00030005,
since delayI'm regifting a gift he gave me.
delayanimWait, delaydon't actually thank him! |
| animYou can also thank fun_00030005,
since delayI'm regifting a gift he gave me.
delayanimWait, delaydon't actually thank him! |