
Script : [Characters] NPC_Jingle

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animAre you enjoying a festive holiday
evening?fun_00010007 animI really hope so!pageBreakSay, animwould you mind standing on my
left side when we're talking, kid?pageBreakanimI look best from that angle.pageBreakanimI sound best from that angle too!anim


animHo ho ho and hey hey hey!fun_00010007 Are you
out visiting towns tonight? delayIt's such
a lovely holiday evening, isn't it?
I'm here on business, not pleasure.delay
But it's all the same to me since
I love my job! Yeah!
animI'm a happy little reindeer!




animHappy holidays!animdelayfun_00010007 I'm colorJinglecolor, the
black-nosed reindeer! Isn't this
the best time of the year, kid?
animSnow everywhere, fuzzy hats, and
steaming mugs of hot cocoa with
mushrooms by the fireplace!
animWait. Did I say mushrooms?! delayI meant
marshmallows! delayanimMushrooms in hot
cocoa would kind of ruin the mood.
I'm here in town to do something
very important, but it's a secret!pageBreakanimI'm going to sneak into everyone's
houses and leave them presents!delay
animDon't tell anyone! delayanimUm, I know...
It's kind of weird if you think about
it, animbut it's all about the presents, so
in the end, everyone is happy!


animSometimes I wish I had a good way
to mix things up for people, though.pageBreakanimIf I found someone willing to dress
like Santa, I could ask that person
to deliver the presents!
People like me, but they really
LOVE Santa! What a treat it'd be!


animHmm.delay Wait just a second.delayanim
That's a pretty sharp suit you got
there, kid. It fits you perfectly!anim
How'd you like to help me out?pageBreakanimIf you delivered some presents,
we could make everyone happier on
a whole new level! Sound good?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Ho ho yes!
Nah, can't do it.


animHmm.delay Wait just a second.delayanim
That's a pretty sharp suit you got
there. It fits you perfectly!anim
animI don't know about those shoes...delay
animbut to each his own, I suppose!pageBreakHow'd you like to help me out, kid?pageBreakanimIf you delivered some presents,
we could make everyone happier on
a much bigger scale! Sound good?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Ho ho yes!
Nah, can't do it.


animWhat?! Really?!delaypageBreakanimThat's too bad. delayI was really looking
forward to finding a partner who
wants to help make people happy.
I guess I'll just be a lonely little
reindeer this year...


delayanimdelayYou will?!fun_00010007 animThat's great!
Thank you so much!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOh, but this just won't work.fun_00010007
animSeems you have too many items and
can't hold any presents.
animPlease drop at least one item and
then come talk to me again!


animThat colorSanta bagcolor is a magical sack
filled up with presents for everyone
here in town!
animBut delayat dawn, the magic will break
and the bag will return to normal.
So please be very careful.
The presents the town residents
requested are inside that bagdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimJust think twice when you give out
a present, kid. That way, everyone's
wishes will be able to come true!
animI'll be waiting around town until
dawn,delay so deliver all the presents
and then return the bag to me.
animOK, delaygood luck!delayanim


animdelayHmmdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI wonder if I can find someone who
looks enough like Santa. It'd sure
make this colorToy Daycolor extra specialdelay.delay.delay.


delayanimdelayHo?!delay Hey, you, what's up?delay You look
exactly like Santa! That's fantastic!pageBreakanimIf people started getting presents
from someone like you, I bet that
would make them really happy!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayHey, I've got an idea!pageBreakanimInstead of me, the usual holiday gift
giver, why don't YOU animdeliver the
presents to everyone tonight, kid?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I can't do it.


delayanimdelayHo?!delay Hey, you, what's up?delay You look
exactly like Santa, kid! This is great!pageBreakanimYour shoes are kind of different,
butdelay.delay.delay.delay Oh well.anim I guess normal people
wouldn't even notice!delayanim
animIf people could get their presents
from someone dressed like Santa,
it'd make them so happy!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayHey, I've got an idea!pageBreakanimInstead of me, the holiday reindeer,
why don't YOUanim deliver the presents
to everyone around town?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I can't do it.


animOh, delayhey, youdelay.delay.delay.delay Uh, animwhy'd you stop
pretending animto be 100 percent jolly?delayanimpageBreakI was hoping you'd deliver presents
while wearing the full suit, kid.delay This
makes me a sad little reindeerdelay.delay.delay.


animIf you could deliver the presents
while in that jolly red suit, I bet it
would make everyone really happydelay.delay.delay.
animWhat do you think?delay Will you please
help make everyone happy, kid?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I can't do that.


Hiya!fun_00010007 How have you been since we
last talked?delay animdelayDid you get your item
problem all sorted out, kid?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, indeed!
No, not yet.


animdelayHmdelay.delay.delay.delay This is such a perfect role for
youdelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayWhat a shame. That makes me
a disappointed little reindeer.


I see.delay animWell then, just let me know
when you're ready.


delay.delay.delay.delayanimOh?fun_00010007 It looks like you're still
carrying too many items, kid.pageBreakanimYou need to have at least one item
slot open so that I can give you the
presents bag. Come back later!


Good. It seems you're ready, kid.delay
animPlease take special care of these!


delayanimdelayAh! Hey!delay Why did you change your
clothes?delay You know, the festive suit?delay
You gotta wear the whole thing!
animThis is a real job here, so you need
to take it seriouslydelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayThat makes
me an annoyed little reindeer...


Please finish delivering all presents
by the time dawn breaks, and then
bring the bag back to me!
animOK, delayI'm counting on you! Ho ho ho!


animHiya, kid!delay So how's the task going?fun_0005000F
I'm done!
I need a break.


animYeah, you HAVE been working hard!fun_00010007
animdelay.delay.delay.delayBut delayplease make sure you're
acting festive during work, OK?


animYeah, you've been working hard!fun_00010007
Please do your best to get the job
done before dawn comes around!


animPlease make sure to stay focused...
You need to make the right choices
and pass out the correct presents!


After you deliver everyone's gifts,
please bring the bag back to me!pageBreakanimI have a pretty special present
saved for you,delay so I'll give it to you
when you're all done, kid! Ho ho!


animLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayHo?!fun_00010007 animIt looks like you
still have some presents left, kid!pageBreakThere are just enough presents for
each and every town resident, so
come back when the bag is empty.


delay.delay.delay.delayAlso, delaywhen you're delivering the
presents, please make sure you're
dressed up like Santa! Ho ho ho!


animLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayYup, yup!delay animYou've indeed
delivered everything perfectly, kid!pageBreakanimAlso, delayI can feel fun_00050005 is just
brimming with happiness at this
exact moment! Oh joy!
animI bet animthis is all because you went
out and made sure everyone's
holiday wishes came true!


animLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayYup, Yup!delay animYou've indeed
delivered presents to everyone, kid!pageBreakanimI mean, I probably would have been
more careful to give the right gifts
to the right people, but oh well.
animI'm sure it was a really tough jobdelay.delay.delay.delay
animdelayWell, thank you for all your help!



Hooray!delay animNow it's finally YOUR turn
to receive a present! animThat's a nice
change after helping so much!
animSince you did such a holly-jolly job,
I'll give you a special little present.delay
It's a colorfestive wreathcolor!




animThanks to you, I'm sure tonight was
a very wonderful and jingly night
for everyone in town! Yeah!
animMmm. Seeing smiles on every face
in town makes me the happiest
little reindeer in the world!
animWell, my work still isn't over, so I've
got to go. delayanimdelaySee you! And ho ho ho!


Ho!delay Really?pageBreakanimI want to give you a present, but
your pockets are full! Make some
room, and then come see me again!


animYou really did a great service today!fun_00010007
I can't thank you enough, kid!


Enjoy the rest of this wintry eve!fun_00010007
animAnd have a happy ho ho ho-liday!


animDon't worry. I'll be sure to return to
fun_00050005 next year to bring love
and happiness to all!
animIt would be nice if I could see you
again next holiday season!


animSeeing such joy here in fun_00050005
was ever so nice.delay I'm just such a
happy little festive reindeer!
animThe smiles that greet me wherever
I go are all the presents I ever need!


delayanimdelayOh, delayright!delay animSince you're here,
can I ask you a favor, kid?pageBreakWhen you talk to me, would you
mind standing on my left?delayanimpageBreakanimOh, delaythere's no particular reason for
the request...pageBreakanimI look the best from that angle.delay
animHo ho ho!delayanim


animHi there. delayGreat look!fun_00010007 It seems like
you're quite the festive little soul!


animdelayOh, hi there. delayNice getup!delay animI think you
look just like someone I know!pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delayanimBut, well, delaythe shoes look different.pageBreakanimYou may be able to fool the others,delay
but I certainly know better!fun_00010007 animdelayHo ho!


animdelayOh, hi there.delay Nice look!delay animWhy, you
look just like Santa in that outfit!pageBreakanimI'd love it ever so much if you acted
like you're really him and spread
joy to everyone tonight!delay animdelayHo ho ho!delayanim


delayanimdelayOh no, delayI've stayed too long.delay
colorToy Daycolor is well over.pageBreakanimI'd best be heading off now!fun_00010007
animSee you again next holiday season!




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