Num | English |
002 | fun_001F000A |
003 | fun_001F000A |
004 | |
005 | |
006 | |
007 | |
008 | |
009 | |
010 | |
011 | animIt's too bad that a town like |
012 | animThere are so many interesting bugs |
013 | animThe bug collection at this museum |
014 | animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayit's so amazing to |
015 | animI heard this place has at least |
016 | |
017 | animWell,delay you picked one of the |
018 | animOur museum has really been trying |
019 | animDo you have anything like this |
020 | fun_0003000Eanimfun_00070005,delay these little guys sure |
021 | I don't mean to brag,delayanim but this is one |
021 | I don't mean to brag,delayanim but this is one |