Num | English |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delayanimdelay I'm so glad to see
you.delay It was your invitation at camp
that convinced me to move here.
I'm not finished unpacking yet,delay but
when I am, I hope that you'll come
visit me again. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay what a lovely surprise.delay
It was your invitation to move that
brought me to fun_00050005.
I'm going to finish unpacking and
take a walk around town.delay I can't
wait to start making new friends. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay hello!delay animIt's fun_00010005
from fun_00020011.delay I'm so glad you
convinced me to move.
animI've only just started unpacking, and
I'm this excited to be here! |
| animHello,delay fun_00080005!delay animI'm so glad to see
you again.delay It was your invitation to
move that brought me here.
Thanks for the warm welcome to
fun_00060005.delay I hope we become good
friends! |
| animI hope you're not surprised to see
me,delay fun_00080005.delayanim As promised, I've
moved here from fun_00020011.
I can't wait to spend more time
with you and all my other new
neighbors! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delayanim How are you?delay As
you can see,delay I'm finished unpacking.delaypageBreakThank you again for inviting me to
move here.delay I'm looking forward to
making new friends! |
| animHello,delay fun_00080005!delay As you can see,delay
I've finished unpacking all my things.pageBreakI'm excited about being the newest
resident of fun_00050005! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay good to see you again.delayanim
I'm so excited to be all moved in.delaypageBreakThanks again for encouraging me
to move when I was camping here.
I can't wait to explore the town. |
| animHello,delay fun_00080005!delayanim It's good to see
you again.delay I've just finished moving
in and am ready to start exploring.
animThanks again for recommending
that I move here.delay I hope we see
more of each other soon! |
| animOh, fun_00080005!delayanim It's fun_00010005
from fun_00020011.delayanim Well, I should say
fun_00010005 from fun_00050005 now.
Thanks again for encouraging me to
move here.delay I hope we become good
friends! |
| animGood to see you again,delay fun_00080005.delay
I've got all my boxes unpacked, and
I'm ready to explore the town.
Thanks again for recommending
that I move here.delay fun_0003000Efun_00050005 really
is a lovely town! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005,delay it's so good to see
you!delayanim I was worried you'd moved
away before I had even unpacked.
animSince you recommended that I move
here,delay that would have been a little
animBut you're here,delay and I'm here,delay so I
hope we can be friends. |
| animWell,delay here I am!delay I'm all unpacked and
ready to make new friends.delayanim Thanks
again for encouraging me to move. |
| animOh,delay you're here!delayanim I'm just very glad
to see you,delay partly to thank you for
encouraging my move.
I'm really enjoying fun_00050005 so far
and can't wait to make new friends. |
| animI'm so glad to see you!delayanim I was looking
forward to getting to know you
after our last chat in fun_00020011.
Come by my house anytime.delay We're
neighbors now! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay It's fun_00010005.delay We
met at the campgrounds, and you
encouraged me to move here.
animdelayExcuse me.delay Can you believe I've
caught a cold already?delay animBut as soon
as I'm better,delay we should play! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005! As you can see, I'm
all moved in to fun_00060005.delay It's as
nice as you said it would be!
animUgh. Cough.fun_00010007 Unfortunately,delay I think
the stress of moving has caused me
to catch a cold.
animBut I'd love to spend some time
together once I'm well again. |
| animHello!delayanim Do you live in fun_00050005?delay I
just moved here,delay myself. My name
is fun_00010005.
fun_0003000Efun_00000011 said this was a great
place to live,anim and I completely
agree. |
| animOh,delay are you fun_00000005?delay It's so nice
to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005.pageBreakI was just camping here earlier,delay but
then fun_00000011 suggested I move.delay
Of course I agreed. |
| animOh,delay hello!delay My name is fun_00010005.delay
I'm your new neighbor.delay Actually,delay
fun_00000011 suggested I move here.
My place is still pretty messy,delay but I
hope you'll come back to visit once
I've finished unpacking! |
| animDo you live here in fun_00050005?delay I've
just moved,delay myself.delay I was invited by
this town's fun_00000011.
My name is fun_00010005.delay I hope we
get to know each other better! |
| animHello!delay My name is fun_00010005,delay and I
just moved here from fun_00020011.delay
Actually,delay fun_00000011 suggested it.
animI'm really happy to meet a new
neighbor so soon after arriving.delay
I hope you'll visit me again soon! |
| animOh my!delay I didn't expect company so
soon after moving to a new town.delayanim
Sorry my place is so cluttered.
animI'm fun_00010005.delay It's nice to meet
you!delay It was actually fun_00000011 who
suggested I move here.
Once I get settled in,delay I hope we get
a chance to chat for a while! |
| animOh,delay hello!delay My name is fun_00010005.
fun_0003000Efun_00000011 suggested I move to
fun_00060005,delay and I agreed.
In fact,delay I hopped on a train as soon
as I finished packing.pageBreakanimAfter all,delay this is such a lovely town,delay
and everyone I've met so far has
been quite nice!delay |
| animHello!delay I don't think we've met yet.delay
My name is fun_00010005,delay and I've just
moved here.
Actually, fun_00000011 suggested the
move,delay and I'm glad I listened.delaypageBreakYou and I have only just met,delay but
I think we'll become good friends! |
| animHmm,delay I don't think we've met yet.delay
My name is fun_00010005.delay fun_0003000Efun_00000011
convinced me to move here.
I'm so glad I did!delay Everyone is very
kind, and the food is delicious.delay It's
a nice change of pace.
Anyway,delay if you're interested,delay I'd
love to get to know you better.delay
Come by and visit anytime! |
| animOh!delay I don't think we've met before.delayanim
My name is fun_00010005.delay It's nice to
meet you!
I met fun_00000011 in the town where
I used to live, and we began talking.
After that,delay I knew I had to live here!
So here I am,delay your new neighbor.delay I
hope we become good friends! |
| animI don't think we've met before.delay My
friends call me fun_00010005.delay I've just
moved here from fun_00020011!
Do you know fun_00000011?delay We met
in my old town and had lots of fun.delay
That's one reason I moved here.
So far,delay I really like fun_00060005 and
everyone who lives here! |
| animOh, hello!delay It's nice to meet you. I'm
fun_00010005.delay I've just finished moving
into my new house!
animA friend who lives here, fun_00000011,
suggested I move to fun_00060005,delay so
here I am.delay What a great town!
I'm really looking forward to making
new friends here.delayanim Starting with you,delay
I hope! |
| animHello!delay I'm new in town.anim My name is
fun_00010005. It's nice to meet you!delay
I'm friends with fun_00000011.
In fact,delay fun_00000011 convinced me to
move here.delay I'm really enjoying the
town so far.
I hope as neighbors we get to know
each other and become friends! |
| animHello,delay I'm new in town!delay My name is
fun_00010005.delay It's a pleasure to meet
you.delay I'm friends with fun_00000011.
That's actually one reason I moved
here.delay And I'm so glad I did,delay because
everyone here is so friendly.
I hope this isn't too presumptuous,delay
but I can't wait to explore the town
and get to know you, fun_00000005! |
| animHello!delay I don't believe we've met yet.delay
My name is fun_00010005,delay and I moved
to town not that long ago.
I met fun_00000011 while camping.delay Our
friendship is one reason I decided to
move here.
animIf you've got time later,delay I'd like the
chance to chat more with you.delay I love
making new friends! |
| animOh!delay We haven't met yet.delayanim My name is
fun_00010005.delay I'm glad to have this
opportunity to introduce myself.
I've been living here for some time
nowdelay at fun_00000011's suggestion. I'm
so glad I moved to fun_00060005.
animAnd it's very nice to meet you,delay new
neighbor. |
| animCough. Sniffle.delay Oh,delay excuse me.delay We
haven't met yet.delay I'm fun_00010005.delay I
just recently moved to fun_00060005.
animdelayMy friend fun_00000011 suggested I
move here.delay It's a great place to live!delay
I just tired myself out by packing.
And now I've caught a cold because
of it.delayanim That's OK.delay I'll be better soon.delay
I hope we can chat more later! |
| animYou must live here.delay I'm new in town,delay
and my name is fun_00010005.delay It's nice
to meet you!
fun_0003000Efun_00000011 said this is an amazing
town,delay which is why I moved here.
And it really is amazing!
animdelayUnfortunately,delay I caught a cold during
the move,delay but I hope to chat with
you more once I'm better!anim |
| animOh,delay hello.delay It's nice to meet you! My
name is fun_00010005.pageBreakWhen I was camping here,delay someone
local suggested I move to town.delay I've
only just arrived,delay as you can tell.
I'm happy to meet a new neighbor,delay
though.delay I hope we can chat more
once I'm all settled in! |
| I can't remember where I put
anything!delay Which box is which?pageBreakanimSorry.delay Just had to get that out of
my system.delayanim I'm new in town,delay as you
can see.
Someone local recommended that I
move here,delay but we haven't spoken
since.delay I guess I'm your new neighbor!
I need to get this place cleaned up,delay
but afterwards,delay I'd love to get a
visit from you. |
| animDo you live here?animanim I just recently
moved to fun_00060005.delay My name is
One of your neighbors,delay who has
since left town,delay thought I might like
living here.delay So far I really do!
Anyway, I love making new friends,delay
so I hope we can chat again soon. |
| animHello,delay I'm fun_00010005.delay I just moved
to fun_00060005.delay A friend of mine who
used to live here thought I'd like it.
I really am enjoying it so far.delay
Everyone I've met is very nice, and
the stores are fantastic!
Anyway, as your new neighbor,delay I
hope you'll come to visit me soon! |
| animI can't believe it's been a week
alreadydelay.delay.delay.delayanim Oh, oops!delay I drifted off in
thought for a moment.
animI'm fun_00010005.delay I'm new in town,delay so
it's nice to meet you!delay Someone who
used to live here said I should move.
animMove here,delay that is. To fun_00060005.delay
I'm really excited about living here
now.delay So much to see and do!
Anyway, you seem nice,delay and I'd love
to get to know you better.delaydelay Please
come play with me soon. |
| animWe haven't met yet,delay have we?animdelayanim I'm
fun_00010005.delay I moved to fun_00060005
not too long ago.
Actually,delay someone who used to live
here thought I'd like it.delay New stores,delay
new neighborsdelay.delay.delay. It's pretty great!
Anyway,delay I can't wait to get to know
you better! |
| animGreetings!delay I've been here for a little
while,delay but I don't think we've met
yet.delay My name is fun_00010005.
One of the locals,delay who has since
moved,delay suggested that I live here,
and I thought it was a great idea.
So here I am!delay I hope it's not too
early to say this,delay but I really think
we might become good friends. |
| animWe've never met before,delay have we?delay
My name is fun_00010005.delay I'm pleased
to meet you.
Someone originally from this town
suggested I move here.delay It was a
great suggestion,delay for sure!
Everyone here is so nice.delay I've been
here more than two weeks and
I haven't met anyone mean at all. |
| animBlaaaaah.delay Oh,delay excuse me.delay I've just
caught a cold.fun_00010007anim I don't believe we've
met before.delay I'm fun_00010005.
I moved here not that long ago.delay It
was a suggestion made by someone
who used to live here.
I'm really glad to be here,delay though.delayanimdelay
Even if I am sick.delay I hope when I get
better we can play together! |
| animOh,delay I don't believe we've ever met.delay
I'm fun_00010005.delay I just moved here
not too long a-delayanimdelayago.delay
Sorry,delay I picked up a cold during my
move.delayanim But I'm really enjoying the
town so far!
Someone who used to live here
spoke highly of the place.delay That's
why I moved,delay actually.
Anyway,delay I hope when I get better we
can see more of each other.delaydelayanim I love
making new friends.delayanim |
| animHi, fun_00000005!delay Remember me?delay It's
fun_00010005.animdelay I moved to town after
fun_00000011 suggested it to me.
I was planning on heading to your
house to say hello,delay but it looks like
you beat me to it.
animIt's so good to see you again!delay We're
going to make great neighbors. |
| animHello!delay It's so good to see you again!delay
animStarting today,delay I can call myself a
resident of fun_00060005!
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 suggested I move here,
and I thought it was a great idea.delay
So, here I am!delay Just need to unpack.
But I'll see you around town,delay right?delay
I'm excited about us being
neighbors. |
| animOh,delay fun_00000005!fun_00010007 animIt's fun_00010005.delay I've
just moved to town at fun_00000011's
suggestion.delay It's great to see you!
I can't wait to spend more time
together.delay Maybe I could come over
to play soon! |
| animAre you surprised to see me?delay I've
actually just moved to town!delay It was
fun_00000011's idea that I move.
animI'd heard great things about living
here,delay and I can see they're all true.
I'll be seeing you around,delay neighbor! |
| animHello!delay Long time no see,delay fun_00000005.
animDid you know I live here now?delay I've
been in town for more than a week.
Someone in town suggested that I
move here.delay You know fun_00000011,delay
right?delay We're friends.
I'm really hoping that you and I will
also become better friends now
that I live here! |
| animOh,delay I haven't seen you in a while!delay
Can you believe I live in fun_00060005
now?delay fun_0003000Efun_00000011 suggested it.
animOh right,delay in case you've forgotten,delay
my name is fun_00010005.delayanim I'm looking
forward to being your neighbor. |
| animLong time no see!delay Remember me,
fun_00010005?delay Hee hee.delay Just kidding.
But I am living here in town now!
animI talked with fun_00000011 when I was
camping here.delay We got along so well
that I decided to move!
I hope you and I get to spend more
time together now that we're
neighbors. |
| animFinally,delay a chance to say hello!delay It's
fun_00010005.delay We haven't seen each
other in a while,delay but I live here now!
I was encouraged to move here by
fun_00000011.delay But I was also happy at
the thought of seeing you again.
I think you and I could be good
friends someday.delay Hopefully one day
soon! |
| animSniffle.delay Ugh,delay this colddelay.delay.delay.delay animOh!delay It's
good to see you,delay fun_00070005!delay Do
you remember me?delay It's fun_00010005.
I moved to fun_00060005 not too long
ago.delay fun_0003000Eanimfun_00000011 convinced me to
move,delay actually.
animdelayExcuse me,delay I should get some sleep.delay anim
But I can't wait to spend more time
together once I'm better. |
| animdelayExcuse me,delay I've had this colddelay.delay.delay.delayanim Oh!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00000005!fun_00010007 animIt's nice to see you
again.delay You know,delay I live here now.
My move here was suggested to me
by fun_00000011.delay I'm really happy
to be here,delay too!
animI'd better get some rest now.delay I hope
we can play together as soon as I'm
better! |
| animOh,delay fun_00000005!delay animI'm not sure if you
remember me,delay but I'm fun_00010005.delay
As you can see,delay I've just moved in.
I was invited to move by someone
who used to live here but doesn't
But I'm relieved to see that you're
still here!delay I hope you'll come visit
me again after I settle in. |
| animBoy,delay am I glad to see you!delay animIn case
you don't remember who I am,delay my
name is fun_00010005.
Someone else who used to live here
suggested that I move to town.delay I'm
happy to see that you live here too!
I look forward to getting to know
you betterdelay.delay.delay.delayanim After I clean up these
boxes,delay of course. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay What a nice surprise!delay
animI've just finished moving in.delay I'm your
new neighbor here in fun_00060005.
Someone who used to live here
suggested I move to town,delay actually.delaypageBreakanimI'm really glad I did,delay because the
museum is greatdelay.delay.delay.animand it gives us the
chance to get to know each other! |
| animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay animI'm glad I finally get
to say hello.delay I've been living in
fun_00050005 for more than a week.
Someone who used to live here
asked me to move in,delay butdelay.delay.delay.delay animWell,delay
I'm glad you're here now!
I know you're busy,delay but if you have
any free time, you should come over
to play. |
| animI can't believe it's been a week
alreadydelay.delay.delay.delayanim Oh, oops!delay I drifted off in
thought for a moment.
animOh,delay it's you!delay Did you know I live in
fun_00050005 now?delayanim I'm excited about
being your new neighbor.
Originally I moved at the request of
someone else,delay but I can see now it
was a great decision anyway. |
| animOh, fun_00000005!delay Long time,delay no see.delay
It's fun_00010005.delay Did you know that
I live here now?
Someone who used to live here
came to my old town and convinced
me to move.delay So here I am!
I'm glad to see you're still around.delay
animI think you and I could grow to be
very good friends. |
| animI can't believe it's been two weeks
alreadydelay.delay.delay.delayanim Oh, oops!delay I drifted off in
thought for a moment.
animOh,delay it's you!delay Did you know I live in
fun_00050005 now?delayanim I'm excited about
being your new neighbor.
Originally I moved at the request of
someone else,delay but I can see now it
was a great decision anyway. |
| animOh, fun_00000005!delay Long time,delay no see.delay
It's fun_00010005.delay Did you know that
I live here now?
Someone who used to live in
fun_00050005 came to my old town
and convinced me to move here.
I'm glad to see you're still around.delay
animI think you and I could grow to be
very good friends. |
| animDo you remember me,delay fun_00080005?delay
It's fun_00010005.delay I moved to town not
very long ago.
Someone who used to live here said
I should try it. animdelayExcuse me.delay I'm afraid
I've caught a cold recently.
animI'd really like to spend more time
with you once I'm better.delay Drop by
anytime! |
| animOh,delay hello!delay Do you remember me,delay
fun_00080005?delay I was still living in
fun_00020011 until just recently.
animSadly,delay the person who suggested I
move here has also moved away,delay
and now I've caught a nasty cold.
But I look forward to us getting to
know each other after I get better. |
| animHey there, delayfun_00000005!delay
animIt's so nice of you to stop by and
visit after my move, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimI'm still so thrilled that you wanted
to invite me here in the first place.delaypageBreakanimAnd now here I am!delayanim I've gotta get
back to unpacking, sodelay let's talk
more tomorrow, OK? |
| animHey, delayfun_00000005! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay
animThanks for the invite the other day
at the campground!
animI was looking for a reason to make
a big change and, well,delay you provided
it.delayanim Now here I am!pageBreakanimI guess now that we're neighbors,delay
you'll get to try my famous peanut-
butter cookies, delayfun_00070005! |
| animHey, delayfun_00000005.delayanim Didn't we meet at
the campground? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimI hope you still remember medelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWell, since you went to all that
trouble to invite me to move here,delay I
went ahead and did it!pageBreakanimYou know, this place is even better
than I thought it would be.delay I really
owe you one, fun_00000005!pageBreakFormalities aside,delay I really hope we
can be pals, delayfun_00070005! |
| animIs that you, delayfun_00000005?delay
Remember? We met at the
campground! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimIt was your nice invitation that
convinced me to move here,delay so I
really wanted to thank you.pageBreakanimOf course, right when we finally get
to hang out,anim I've come down with
this nasty colddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimLet's catch up delayonce I've eaten my
body weight in chicken soup, OK?delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAh!delay Welcome! delayI'm sorry my place is
such a disaster area...pageBreakanimPhew! It's nice to meet you!delay I'm
fun_00010005. I just moved in today, so
you'll have to excuse the mess.pageBreakanimI was just visiting the campground a
while back, and the craziest thing
happeneddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI hit it off with this nice person and
was invited to live here.delayanim Usually I'm
not so impulsive, but I did it!pageBreakanimRight now I'm in over my head with
all this organizing and such,delay but let's
hang out soon. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animOh,delay do you live here, delayfun_00070005?pageBreakanimEither way, it's nice to see another
friendly face!fun_00010007 I'm fun_00010005. I just
moved to town a few days ago.pageBreakWhy am I here? animA while back I was
staying at the campground, and the
craziest thing happeneddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI guess it's not THAT crazy, but delayanimI
made a friend!pageBreakanimNext thing I knew, I was moving in!
I hope we get to chat more later.
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animOh! delayYou're fun_00000005, aren't you?
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimIt's a pleasure to meet you!fun_00010007 The
name's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI haven't had a chancedelay to come and
introduce myself yet,delay but I guess
now's as good a time as any!pageBreakLet's do something fun together
soon!delay |
| animCan this be?delay I'm finally meeting
fun_00000005?delay!pageBreakanimSorry, I don't mean to embarrass
you.fun_00010007 I'm fun_00010005. I moved here a
while back.pageBreakanimI wish I could've introduced myself
properly, but I came down with this
terrible cold the other daydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI promise to be way more charming
next time we meet, delayfun_00070005. |
| animHey, delayfun_00000005!delay animI really enjoyed
meeting you at the campground the
other day!
animThat camping trip turned out to be
a life-changing eventdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIf it hadn't happened, I may never
have moved to fun_00060005!pageBreakanimI guess I should stop procrastinating
and finally unpack, delayanimbut let's hang
out soon! |
| animHey, delayfun_00000005!delayanim I really enjoyed
meeting you at the campground the
other day, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimYou know, that camping trip really
changed my life for the better! It's
why I moved to fun_00060005!
animI mean, it wasn't the ONLY reason,
butdelay.delay.delay.ANYWAY. animNow that we're
neighbors, we should hang out! |
| animHey there, delayfun_00000005!delay animDidn't
we meet at the campground a
while back?pageBreakanimEver since that little camping trip,
I've been a big fan of fun_00060005!delaypageBreakanimSo I made up my mind and decided
to move here!pageBreakI've been so busy unpacking that I
forgot to stop by and say hello,delay but
it's great to see you, neighbor! |
| animHey there, delayfun_00000005!delay I haven't
seen you since we met at the
campground, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimActually, that camping trip was a
big part of why I moved here.delay I've
been meaning to stop by and say hi!pageBreakanimAnd of course now when I finally
see you...animI have this terrible cold!pageBreakanimI'm going to go wrap myself
in blankets,delay but we'll see
each other soon!delay |
| animHey there, delayfun_00000005!delay I haven't
seen you since we met at the
campground, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimActually, that camping trip was a
big part of why I moved here.delay I've
been meaning to stop by and say hi!pageBreakanimAnd of course now when I finally
see you...animI have this terrible cold!pageBreakanimI'm going to go wrap myself
in blankets,delay but we'll see
each other soon!delay |