Num | English |
| animThe colorBug-Off colorstarts today at color9 a.m.colordelay
Are you as aflutter as I am now?delay
Wait just a little bit longer! |
| animI cannot wait for the big colorBug-Offcolor!delay
It starts at color9 a.m. colorsharp, you know.delay
Until then, practice up! |
| animI know, I know!delay animYou just can't wait,
right, old bean?delay I wonder who shall
be crowned bug champion today! |
| animI know, I know!delay animI can understand
exactly why you wish time would
move swifter!
We'll be starting at color9 a.m. colorsharp,delay
so wait just a hair's breadth longer! |
| |
| |
| animHello, old bean!delay
The colorBug-Off coloris under way!pageBreakanimIt was hard to wait for, wasn't it?delay
The anticipation nearly did me in.delay
animButdelay animthe moment has come!
animSay now...delay Are you here perchance
to learn about the colorBug-Offcolor's rules?fun_0005000F
Tell me the rules!
I know them already. |
| animHello, old bean!delay
The colorBug-Off coloris under way!pageBreakanimWould you believe this is the final
colorBug-Offcolor of the season? Terrible
shame, but don't let it affect you!
animYou'll have to do your very best!
Don't let the day end in regret!pageBreakanimSay now...delay Are you perchance here
to learn about the colorBug-Offcolor's rules?fun_0005000F
Tell me the rules!
I know them already. |
| animWell, what do we have here?delay
Are you a budding entomologist
come to visit this fair town?
Today I am hosting a tournament in
fun_00050005 known as the colorBug-Offcolor.pageBreakanimUnfortunately, to place in the event
you absolutely must be a resident of
animHowever, if you bring me a bug,delay
I'll use my expertise and tell you
how many points it's worth!
If you bring me a bug that is so
exquisite it surpasses the town
record,delay I'll give you a nice prize! |
| animThen you know the drill!delay
animGather some delectable insects and
bring them back to me, posthaste! |
| animSay, old bean?delay Do you own a colornetcolor?fun_00010007
animYou can't hunt bugs without a colornetcolor. |
| animI see. You don't need this old
chameleon worrying about you, eh?pageBreakanimWell then, fetch the most savory
insect for me, posthaste! |
| animI say! What cheek!delay You don't have
enough to cover the amount we
agreed upon. That's not cricket!delay
I can't sell it to you for any less. |
| animHold a moment!delay How do you expect
to carry a net when you're already
so weighed down with clutter?
animThis old chameleon can't in all good
faith sell you this net right now. |
| Cracking!delay That will be color500 Bellscolor. |
| animWell, this makes you right as rain
and ready to hunt down some bugs.pageBreakNow, young bug hunter,delay animsally
forth and return straightaway! |
| |
| |
| |
| animAh,delay the young entomologist returns!delay
So, how fares the hunt then?delay Find
anything you'd like to show me?fun_0005000F
Check this out!
Not at the moment. |
| animCricketsdelay and chips! Nothing to share
with an old chameleon?delay animI had such
high hopes for this momentdelay.delay.delay.
animNevertheless,delay I must be patient.delay
animdelayDiligence! animI'll be waiting here until
you're ready. |
| |
| animCare to know the current record?pageBreakIt belongs to you for your
worth colorfun_00080004 pointscolor! |
| animCare to know the current record?pageBreakIt belongs to fun_00010011 for fun_0007000E
worth colorfun_00080004 pointscolor! |
| animLet's see heredelay.delay.delay.delay
animThis is a delightful
fun_00030011, yes?
animfun_000B0007sizeExquissizesizedelayite!size |
| animLet's see heredelay.delay.delay.delay
animfun_000B0007My stars.delay This is a raredelay
animfun_000B0007sizeSmashsizesizedelaying!size |
| animLet's see heredelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_000B0007By my great-aunt's
glasses!delay This is an exceedingly raredelay
sizeanimfun_000B0007sizeHow sizesizedelaydelectable!sizesize |
| animDo you mind if I examine this
specimen of yours a bit more?pageBreakanimJust so we're clear, I won't return
anything I've examined for you.delay
animHave we a fun_0006000E?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please!
I'll take it back now. |
| animOh, delightfully clever!delay
animNow let's take a closer lookdelay.delay.delay. |
| animMmmmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay
It's certainly on the small side for
fun_0002000Efun_00030011. |
| animMmmmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay
I'd say it's a standard-sized
fun_00030011. |
| animMmmm, yes.delay Yes!delay
This is quite large, animeven for
fun_0002000Efun_00030011! |
| animNext, to judge color and luster.delay
animOh, old bean.delay I'm afraid, purely from
an expert's perspective,delay animit's lacking. |
| animNext, to examine color and luster.delay
animYes, yes,delay both are quite standard
for the species. It's rather nice. |
| animNext, to inspect color and luster.delay
animWhat shine! What vibrant colors!delay
It warms this old chameleon's heart! |
| Overall, I'd saydelay fun_00040007animthat this
fun_00030011 deservesdelay.delay.delay.fun_00050007fun_00090007pageBreak
animfun_000B0007colorsizefun_00080004 pointssizecolorsize!size |
| Awwww,anim delaytoo bad, old bean!delay
It's not quite good enough to
set a new record.
animAnyway,delay as agreed, I'll be holding
on to this scrumptious creature for
further examination. |
| animBut don't relax too soon, wot wot!delay
animThere's time to rally and rebound
yet with something even greater! |
| animChin up, though!delay I want you to work
hard and aim for the top prize.fun_00010007
animThis old chameleon has high hopes! |
| animMy stars and garters,delay that's enough
to best the colorthird-placecolor record!pageBreakanimEven my old eyes can see you're
working hard out there.delay animAnyway,
I'll be holding on to this.
colorsizeanimSLURP!sizepageBreaksizesizecoloranimHm?delay Is something wrong, old bean?delay
animI wouldn't dream of snacking on the
bug you worked so hard to find!delayanim |
| animAunt Winnie's whiskers!delay This is just
enough to best the current colorsecond-
placecolor record!
animI can tell you're striving to do your
very best.delay animAs agreed, I'll be holding
on to your prize-worthy friend here.
sizecoloranimSLURRRRP!sizepageBreaksizecolorsizeanimHm?delay You think I'm drooling?delay
animHow imaginative you are!delay It was
probably just the sun in your eyes!delayanim |
| animI hope you keep at it and aim for
first place! And glory! |
| |
| animKippers and crumpets!delay
This changes the colorfirst-place colorrecord!pageBreakanimMarvelous!delay
Congratulations, old bean!pageBreakanimNow before I give you your giftdelay.delay.delay.delay
I'll need to tuck this luscious
creature away for safekeeping.
animsizecolorSLURRRRP!colorsizepageBreakanimHm?delay What's that? I'm salivating?delay
animYou're seeing things! My interest in
bugs is purely scientific!delayanim |
| animWell then,delay I've got a special prize
for you.delay It's a rather smashing
fun_00030011! |
| animKeep up the good work! Try to
break this record with an even
more appetizing bug. |
| |
| animWell, old bean, the time has comedelay
for the awards ceremony to begin.delay
Please make your way to the tent!
animKeep in mind that if you wait too
long,delay the ceremony will be canceled.
You have until color9 p.m.color! |
| animAre you confident with the results
of today's hunt?pageBreakanimI'll be announcing the winners at the
awards ceremony. It's just about
ready!delay Please wait inside the tent. |
| animWe've finally reached the big finale
of today's colorBug-Offcolor.pageBreakanimIf you want to take part in the
awards ceremony,delay please make your
way to the tent and wait inside. |
| The colorBug-Off colorawards ceremony is
about ready.delay Everyone needs to be
inside the tent by color9 p.m.color No later!
animI'd appreciate it if you could wait
inside the tent until the ceremony
begins. |
| Now old bean, I'd like for you
to attend the awards ceremony.pageBreakanimEveryone needs to gather in the
tent by color9 p.m. colorfor it to start.delay
I'd appreciate if you waited inside. |
| animIt's time to get the colorBug-Offcolor
awards ceremony started!pageBreakanimSince you're here in town,delay I ask that
you come celebrate with all the
winners. Go congratulate them!
Everyone must be in the tent by
color9 p.m.color,delay so please go wait inside. |
| |
| animWhat?delay Nothing to share with an old
chameleon?!delay animI feel like you've put
salt in my tea. How disappointingdelay.delay.delay.
animWait a moment.delay Could it be?delay
animIt seems that you don't have a net.pageBreakWell there's your problem! You do
realize you cannot catch bugs
without a net, old bean? |
| I have a soft spot for budding
entomologists, so I'll sell you one
for color500 Bellscolor. delayanimHow about it?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll buy it!
I don't need it. |
| |
| animToday's tournament was very
filling for old Nat.delay Yes, quite.
animOh,delay animI meant fulfilling. Ho ho! |
| animToday's colorBug-Off colorwas a splendid
success, don't you agree? |
| animCongratulations, champion!delayanimpageBreakThat trophy is validation of all your
hard work and determination!delay
Take good care of it. |
| Congratulations on your prize!delay
animYou were close, very close indeed.delay
Next time aim for victory, old bean! |
| animWell, old bean,delay congratulations.delay
You did all right for yourself out
there, and no one can fault you. |
| animThis old chameleondelay can expect good
things from you next time as well,
yes?delay animWhy of course I can...right? |
| animOh I know, old bean,delay the colorBug-Offcolor
trophies are enough to make you
wish for success, right?
animI know a budding entomologist like
yourself can win!fun_00010007 I'll be expecting
good things at the next colorBug-Offcolor! |
| animYou'll get your chance next time.delay
animJust bring me an edible—I mean
EDIFYING—specimen next time. |
| animWell, old bean, you've outshined
all the rest!delay Congratulations!delay
Keep that hunter's spirit honed! |
| animCare to know the current record?pageBreakIt belongs to fun_00000011 for fun_0005000E
fun_00030011,delay worth
a smashing colorfun_00080004 pointscolor. |
| animAs a true bug hunter,delay I want you to
get out there and catch a specimen
even more exquisite than that! |
| Do your best out there, old bean.delay
animNow, off you go! |
| animHmmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I really can't give you
anything good for a specimen of
this caliber.
animSo sorry, old bean!delay But, I must still
keep this as promised! |
| animAunt Nellie's fried tomatoes!delay This is
better than the current first-place
record!delay animAnd what a beaut!
animsizecolorSLURRRRP!colorsizepageBreakanimWhat's that?delay animOh, I won't snack on
your fine specimen when your back
is turned! That'd be awful of me!delayanim
Now, as promised, I'll trade you for
a bully fine item!delay Therefore, take
this fun_00030011! |
| animNext time, bring me an even more
delici—I mean DELIGHTFUL—
specimen to judge. |
| animIf you find another savory specimen,
please bring it for inspection! |
| Very well, my bug-hunting cohort,delay
I will explain everything you need
to know!
animIt's quite simple, really. Simple
indeed!pageBreakYou have until color6 p.m. colorwhen the
tournament ends to catch bugs and
bring them back to ol' Nat.
animAs a seasoned expert in the field of
entomology, I shall carefully inspect
your bug and assign it colorpointscolor.
animI will judge your bug on rarity,delay size,delay
and even luster.pageBreakanimIn other words,delay animwhoever brings me
back the most smashing bug in town
before color6 p.m.color will be the winner!
animIf you are ranked third place or
higher in today's tournament,delay
animfun_000B0007I'll give youanim an award.
Said award shall be presented at a
ceremony following the tournament.pageBreakanimOf course, the prize winners will
receive a rather corking trophy!pageBreakanimI'm sure we'll both savor every
moment of today's tournament!pageBreakanimWhat elsedelay.delay.delay.delay animAh, yes!delay In addition to
the trophies,delay I have some other
delightful prizes prepared for today.
animYou can get one of those prizesdelay
each time you beat the current
first place record.
animAim for the top!delay Break those
records, and reap the rewards! |
| animAre you sure?delay Well, that's a shame,
but I'll hand this specimen back. |
| animToday I hosted the colorBug-Offcolor,delay but it
has sadly ended.pageBreakanimI hope next time you'll swing
your net and join in the fun! |
| animThe colorBug-Off coloris always fiercely
competitive! I think it's lovely to
get so into something like that. |
| animUnfortunately,delay the awards
ceremony was canceled.pageBreakanimI'll make sure to send trophies to
the winners, so don't you worry.delay
See you at the next colorBug-Offcolor! |
| animSadly, today's awards ceremony
was canceled.pageBreakanimHowever, I'll make sure to send the
trophies to the winners a bit later. |
| animToday's awards ceremony was
quite moving.pageBreakSeeing the smiling faces of the
winners is what truly keeps me
coming back to host the event.
animThat and all those delectable
bugs I get to keepdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimAh!delay People who didn't attend the
ceremony needn't worry!pageBreakanimI'll send trophies to any winners
who weren't able to attend the
ceremony posthaste! |
| animAre you curious about the results
of today's colorBug-Offcolor?pageBreakanimI'll send trophies to any of the
winners who couldn't attend,delay
so wait just a little bit longer! |
| |
| animAh,delay the young entomologist returns!delay
Now then, how fares the hunt? delayFind
anything you'd like to show me?fun_0006000F
Look at my collection!
Check this out!
Not at the moment. |
| animfun_000B0007By the queen's beard!delay Could it be?delay
You've fully completed your bug
animfun_000B0007sizeHow sizesizedelayexquisite!sizepageBreakanimThis old chameleon has just the
thing for a bug lover like yourself. |
| animUnfortunately,delay it seems you cannot
carry it at the moment.fun_00010007 animReturn
once you've made room! |
| animThis is an exceedingly rare item
called a colorgolden netcolor.pageBreakI want you to continue to get out
there and catch those bugs!
Diligence and discipline, old bean! |
| |
| Do you happen to have animany other
specimens for me to inspect?fun_0005000F
Check this out too!
Nope. |
| animI see.delay That's quite all right. |
| |
| animOh, so close, yet not!delay animThis specimen
is worth the same amount of points
as the one in first place!
animThe early lizard gets the worm.delay So,
sadly, that makes you second.pageBreakanimHowever, I must still keep this
choice little specimen. Mmm.
Yum yum indeed... |
| animOh, so close, but no!delay animThis specimen
is worth the same amount of points
as the one in second place!
animThe early lizard gets the worm.delay So,
unfortunately, that makes you third. |
| animOh, so close, but no!delay animThis specimen
is worth the same amount of points
as the one in third place!
animThe early lizard gets the worm.delay So,
animunfortunately, this puts you out of
the leaderboard standingsdelay.delay.delay. |
| |
| animGreat bug nets and broomsticks!delay
This beats the colorfirst-place colorrecord!delayfun_00010007
animCongratulations, old bean!
animI'll just put this juicy bug away
for safekeeping now. |
| animFor your prize, let's see now...delay
I'll give you this rather smashing
fun_00030011 in return! |
| animIf you find a bug worth color80 pointscolor or
more,delay I'll give you an even better
prize. Diligence, my fun_0006000E! Diligence!
It's a colorBug-Off colorlimited-edition item!fun_00010007
animNow!delay Get out there and put your
bug-hunting skills to the test!delayanim |
| |
| animWhat an exquisite specimen you've
found!fun_00010007 animHoweverdelay.delay.delay.delayit's not enough to
best the current first-place record.
animThat means I can't give you
that bully prize I talked about.pageBreakanimSorry, old bean.delay However, as
agreed,delay I'll take good care of
this luscious little thing here.
animcolorsizeSLURP!sizecolorpageBreakanimHm?delay Is something wrong, old bean?delay
animI wouldn't dream of snacking on the
thing you worked so hard to find!delayanim |
| animUncle John's monocle!delay
This beats first place!delay
animFor your prize... Let's see...delay
I'll give you this rather cracking
fun_00030011! |
| delayIf you bring me a bug worth
color80 points coloror more,delay I'll give you a
special colorBug-Off colorexclusive reward! |
| animLike trifles at tea!delay What a stunning
specimen you've found!pageBreakanimAh, but wait. How close you aredelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakThis one is worth the same amount
of points as the current first-place
record holder. Dreadful shame it is!
animI can't give you something good
if you don't beat the record.pageBreakanimSorry, old bean.delay However, as
agreed,delay I shall retain ownership of
this specimen for safekeeping. |
| animAwww,delay so close but so fardelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakThis specimen is worth the same
amount as the current first-place
record. What a disappointment!
animI can't give you something good
if you don't beat the record.pageBreakanimSorry, old bean.delay However, as we
agreed, delayI shall hold on to this little
wonder for safekeeping. |
| animAwww,delay so close but so fardelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakThis specimen is worth the same
amount as the current first-place
record. What a disappointment!
animI can't give you something good
if you don't beat the record.pageBreakanimSorry, old bean.delay However, as we
agreed, delayI shall hold on to this little
wonder for safekeeping. |