Num | English |
| fun_00020009 |
| animWh-delaywhoa!delay That's right!delay animDude!delay
What's with you and your coin-
guessing powers? Gimme a break!
animUrghdelay.delay.delay.delay Well, I guess this was all my
idea. delayanimYou get colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor! I gotta
pay up! |
| animOh! You got it wrong! So I win?pageBreakanimWhew! Man, another loss would
have been brutal!delay animSo, OK, I'll pay
you colordelayfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animClose!delay But close doesn't count in
coin flips!pageBreakanimWhew! I can still afford dinner
tonight. That's good! delayanimAnd I get to
buy your stuff for colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animOooh! Tough luck! That's wrong!pageBreakanimAnd now I'll be relieving you of your
fun_00030011 for the low,
low price of colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animAwesome! All right, let's do this!pageBreakanimFor round one we're at colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor.delay
I'm gonna flip the coin now, so get
ready!delay animHeredelay.delay.delay.delaywedelay.delay.delay.delay
fun_000A0007animdelaysizeGO!pageBreakanimsizeTails?delay Heads?delay Which is it?!fun_00000008
Heads! |
| animHuh?delay Really?delayanim Hmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I suppose
colorfun_00090004 Bells colormight be too low for a
starting pointdelay.delay.delay.
animI'm gonna rethink this thing and
circle back to you later, OK?
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHuh?delay No way!pageBreakanimMan, I was hoping I could get that
thing from you real cheapdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimOh! Uh, never mind! Just talking to
myself! Well, see you next time! |
| animSeriously? delayanimI wonder if anyone else
has fun_0002000Efun_00030011 to
sell, fun_00070005. |
| animWhat? Dude, no way!delayanim Is colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor
too cheap?pageBreakanimWell, I'm gonna think about this. But
I'll be back! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00030009 |
| animOho!delay You got it!delayanim Heh! Things are
getting serious! delayanimBut an easy win is
no fun, so I'll get you next flip!
animFor round two we're at colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor!delay
I'm gonna flip the coin now, so get
ready!delay animHeredelay.delay.delay.delaywedelay.delay.delay.delay
fun_000A0007animdelaysizeGO!pageBreakanimsizeTails?delay Heads?delay Which is it?!fun_00000008
Heads! |
| fun_00030009 |
| animUgh!delay You guess right?delaydelay.delay.delay.delay animOK! It's OK!delay
animMan, I'm gonna go broke if the price
gets any higherdelay.delay.delay.
animBut you're definitely mine this time!delay
animRound three could set the price at a
whopping colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor!delayanim Heredelay.delay.delay.delaywedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimfun_000B0007sizeGO!pageBreaksizesizeanimsizeTails?delay Heads?delay Which is it?!fun_00000008
Heads! |
| fun_00030009 |
| animMan, I didn't think it would be this
easy to win.delayanim But, hey, don't look so
down! Next time,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHeh! Sorry! I feel like I'm robbing
you, but that's how the game goes!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThat's a bit muchdelay.delay.delay.delaybut it's worth
the thrill! delayanimAnd I'm not gonna lose
next time!delay animLater, fun_00070005! |
| animNo biggie. I really, really wanted
your fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay
It's totally worth it, fun_00070005! |
| animNo biggie. I really, really wanted
your fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay
It's totally worth it, fun_00070005! |