Num | English |
| animOh! Now, now. Don't go that way.
Way of the chops buster. delayanimShouldn't
take much time to fill you in. OK? |
| animThere. Bam. Thank you. Here goes. |
| animfun_0006000E fun_00000005. VIP members?
Eligible for colorhome-exterior
colorevaluations by the HHA as well.
fun_00040007animWe call 'emdelay.delay.delay.delay
"colorTheme Challengescolor."delayfun_00050007
delay.delay.delay.delayanimYes. Well.delayanim So far. Evaluations? All
about the interior. General scoring
of your home's insides.
animdelayTheme challenges? Test how well
you express colorone particular themecolor.pageBreakfun_00110002Let's see. Biggest difference
between theme challenges and the
evaluations you're used todelay.delay.delay.delay?
animYour colorhome exterior coloris now included.
And inside? Furniture that doesn't
follow the theme? No points!
animYour grasp of the theme. Your
inclusion of the essentials. Your
cleanliness and orderliness.delay.delay.delay.delay
animMy crew? They consider these three
criteria when evaluating your home.
And they use a new scoring system.
animSerious evaluation for the best of
the best. That's what the theme
challenge is about. Bang.
animSo. How 'bout it, fun_0006000E fun_00000005?delay
animGonna go for it? Try your hand at
theme challenges?fun_0001000F
Of course!
Nah. Not interested.
Huh? |
| animHa! Thought you'd say that. |
| animReally? Huh. Did not see that
coming.anim Prefer to keep things as
they are, huh? OK. You're the boss.
animBut listen. When ya change your
minddelay.delay.delay.delaycome see me at my counter.
Inside Nook's Homes. Anytime. |
| animI know. Lot to take in, huh? So. Let
ol' colorLylecolor go over it again. Let's talk
colortheme challenges colorone more time.
animdelayTheme challenges? Test how well
you express colorone particular themecolor.pageBreakfun_00110002Let's see. Biggest difference
between theme challenges and the
evaluations you're used todelay.delay.delay.delay?
animYour colorhome exterior coloris now included.
And inside? Furniture that doesn't
follow the theme? No points!
animYour grasp of the theme. Your
inclusion of the essentials. Your
cleanliness and orderlinessdelay.delay.delay.delay
animMy crew? They consider these three
criteria when evaluating your home.
And they use a new scoring system.
animSerious evaluation for the best of
the best. That's what the theme
challenge is about. Bang.
animSo. How 'bout it, fun_0006000E fun_00000005?delay
animGonna go for it? Try your hand at
theme challenges?fun_0001000F
Of course!
Nah. Not interested.
Huh? |
| |
| |
| |
| animMy crew? They do evaluations every
day. The Happy Home Academy
doesn't joke around. Bang. |
| animDon't worry. My crew? Little rain
won't stop 'em. BRING IT ON. |
| animHa! Snow? My crew's not afraid of
a little snow. BRING IT ON. |
| animMy crew? Out there every morning.
Even a morning like this one. Bang. |
| animMy crew? Not distracted by cherry
blossoms. Such beauty! Makes 'em
excited to grade homes. |
| animWhat? Evaluations? Can't tell you
how they're performed.delayanim That's
top-secret information. Top secret.
animCan only tell yadelay.delay.delay.delaywe store your
home's info in a secure place. Safe.
Sound. No worries. Bang. |
| animBetween us, fun_0006000E fun_00000005? My
crew? They really like your home.
Not easily impressed, my crew. |
| animYour home? Dignified exterior. Just
like a mayor's place should have. |
| animYour home? Grand enough to make
it feel like it could be a mayor's
estate. BANG. |
| animThe Happy Home Academy? Keeps
thorough records, fun_0006000E fun_00000005.pageBreakanimWhen I look through your info? My
heart SWELLS. Splendid home. |
| animHonestly? My crew? A bit of a
mystery to me too.pageBreakanimOl' colorLylecolor kind of admires them. Bam. |
| animHouse of that size? It'd stand out
even among those in the HH
Showcase. Big bang. |
| animHouse of that size? It'd stand out
even among those in the HH
Showcase. Big bang. |