Num | English |
| Ahem. delayanimWhoa! delayanimanimDo I sound just like
fun_00010011 delayor what? |
| animPlease,delay don't be confused.delay I'm
still colorWisp coloron the inside, delayand
that's what counts.
animAnd now we can get down to the
business of granting your wishes!pageBreakSo delayas a thank-you for freeing
me, delayanimI will grant you a colorsingle wish
every daycolor. delayNo more!
animReally,delay it's a pretty standard
genie contractdelay.delay.delay. |
| Umdelay.delay.delay. animAre you still hoping to use an
colorAnimal Crossing amiibocolor,delay then? delayI'm
just not seeing onedelay.delay.delay.fun_00090007 |
| Sodelay tell medelaydelay.delay.delay.animwhat is it you wish for?fun_0001000F
Move here!
Give me something!
Nothing right now. |
| Sodelay tell medelaydelay.delay.delay.animwhat is it you wish for?endTag
Give me something!
Nothing right now. |
| animVery well.delay Now,delay to be clear,delayanim
we are talking about the real
fun_00010011, delayyes?
animI'll get in touch with your friend
right away and communicate
your request. delayanimExciting! |
| animVery well.delay Now,delay to be clear,delayanim
we are talking about the real
fun_00010011, delayyes?
animI'll get in touch with your friend
right away and communicate
your request. delayanimExciting! |
| |
| |
| animOopsdelay.delay.delay.there's just the tiniest
of snagsdelay.delay.delay. fun_0003000Efun_00050005 doesn't
have any vacancies!
animI suppose we could simply ask
someone to leave. delayLike fun_00010011,
for example. delayanimanimWhat do you think?delayfun_0001000F
That's fine.
No! Ask someone else!
Never mind. |
| Very well. delayJust so we're clear,delay
fun_00010011 will be moving out
of town.delay animIs that all right?delayfun_0001000F
That's fine.
No! Ask someone else!
Never mind. |
| animJust between the two of us,delay
fun_00010011 is all set to move
in soon.
animKeep it a secret,delay OK? |
| animJust between the two of us,delay
fun_00010011 is all set to move
out tomorrow.
animKeep it a secret,delay OK? |
| Well, delayanimI suppose it's time for me
to disappear.
Ta-delaydahh!fun_00090007 |
| animWell!delay A please would be nice. delayanimButdelay
you DID release me,'s
a little something for you.fun_0001000F
Accept gift.
Got anything else?
Never mind. |
| All right, delayanimlet's see what I have
for you right nowdelay.delay.delay. |
| animOK!delay Here it is. It's a vintage picture
of fun_00010011. delayEnjoy! |
| animSomething else, delayeh? delayWelldelay.delay.delay.let
me thinkdelay.delay.delay. |
| animAha! delayI've got it. delayPlease accept
this fun_00030011! |
| animI've got just the thing! delayPlease enjoy
this fun_00030011! |
| animNothing?delay Really?!delayanim Well, delaythen why
did you summondelay.delay.delay.pageBreakOh, delaynever mind.delay It's nice to get
out and stretch the old legs.delayanim
Even if they aren't mine!
animWell, delayyou know how to reach me.delay
Ta-delaydahh!fun_00090007 |
| animWhat?! delayCould it bedelay.delay.delay.?pageBreakI'm sorry, delaybut this villager is far
too legendary for me to possess.endTag
Oh, come on!
Wow, OK. |
| animOh,delay I'm terribly sorry, delaybut I can't
possess someone like that. |
| animSigh... delayLook,delay I really can't possess
this villager, delaybut maybe I can find
the real deal for you.
animMeet me at the campground, delayOK? |
| animI'm really sorry, delaybut if I possess
this villager,delay I'll lose all control
of myself! delayanimOr so I've hearddelay.delay.delay. |
| animDo you want to try again?delayendTag
No. |
| |
| fun_000B000DUm, delayexcuse medelay.delay.delay.delay I'm afraid there's
not enough space here for me to
get out of the lamp!
I hate to be a pest, delaybut would you
mind tidying up and trying again?fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DUm, delayexcuse medelay.delay.delay.delay It seems like you
might be hosting guests right now.pageBreakI'm actually a bit shy,delay and I'm
worried that this could get
Would you mind trying again
after your guests have left?fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DUm, delayexcuse medelay.delay.delay. delayYou're expecting
visitors today, delayaren't you?pageBreakWell,delay I'm actually a bit shy, delayand
I'm afraid things could get
awkward with me arounddelay.delay.delay.
Would you mind trying again
after your guests have left?fun_000C000D |
| animUh-ohdelay.delay.delay. I hate to do this,delay but I can't
work with someone whose pockets
are completely full.
animGive me a call when you've made
some space, delayOK?pageBreakAnd now for my dramatic exitdelay.delay.delay.delay
animTa-delaydahh!delayfun_00090007 |
| |
| |
| animSo, delayif you have an colorNFC
reader/writercolor and an colorAnimal
Crossing amiibocolor, delayget 'em ready!
animTurn the NFC reader/writer on,delay
tap your amiibo, delayand here we
goooooodelay.delay.delay.fun_00080007 |
| animSo, if you have an colorAnimal Crossing
amiibocolor, tap it to the bottom screen
now! delayHere we goooooodelay.delay.delay.fun_00080007 |
| animYour wish is my command.delay animHow
can I help you today?fun_0001000F
Move here!
Give me something!
I don't need anything. |
| animYour wish is my command.delay animHow
can I help you today?endTag
Give me something!
I don't need anything. |
| animYour wish is my command.delay animHow
can I help you today?endTag
Let's hang out.
I don't need anything. |
| animYour wish is my command.delay animHow
can I help you today?endTag
Let's hang out.
I don't need anything. |
| animYour wish is my command.delay animHow
can I help you today?fun_0001000F
Come and play!
Give me something!
I don't need anything. |
| animYour wish is my command.delay animHow
can I help you today?fun_0001000F
Come and play!
Give me something!
I don't need anything. |
| animGot it!pageBreakanimOh, looks like the real
fun_00010011 is a little busy right now.pageBreakanimBut don't you worry.delay I'll do my
thing, and fun_00010011 will be here
before you know it. |
| looks like fun_00010011
is relaxing at the fun_00050005
campsite right now.
animHow about we wait another day
before extending an invitation? |
| Hmmdelay.delay.delay.anim I don't think there's enough
room in fun_00050005 to build any
more housesdelay.delay.delay.
animIf you're really desperate, delayyou could
always get rid of a public works
project or twodelay.delay.delay. |
| Oh, delaydarn. delayanimIt looks like there's some
kind of big event going on in
fun_00050005 right nowdelay.delay.delay.
animHow about we wait another day
before inviting fun_00010011? |
Ta-delaydahh!delaypageBreakanimanimSodelay you've summoned medelay.delay.delay.but I
don't believe we've met.pageBreakanimI am colorWispcolor, delaythe colorlamp spiritcolor.delay Nice to
meet you! delaySodelay animshould we grant some
wishes delayor what?delay Let's get into it!
So delayas a thank-you for freeing
me, delayanimI will grant you a colorsingle wish
every daycolor. delayNo more!
animReally,delay it's a pretty standard
genie contractdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimOh, phooey! delayI completely forgot!delay
I've already granted a wish for
someone else in fun_00050005 today.
I'm really sorry, delayanimbut the whole
colorsingle wish every day colorrule is
kinda set in stone.
animNot to worry! delayI'm not going
anywhere. delayJust come see me
tomorrow for another wish!
Until thendelay.delay.delay.
| |
| Waitdelay.delay.delay.animwhy am I all see-through
like this? delayWhat's happening?!pageBreakanimAh! delayI know just the thing.delayanim If you
have an amiibo,delay I could use it to
sort ofdelay.delay.delay.possessdelay.delay.delay.another person.
animIt's not as awkward as it sounds,delay
trust me. |
| animJust so you know,delay I can't remain in
your world like this without another
person to possess.
animBut that's OK.delay animThat lamp is way
bigger on the inside than it looks! |
| animWaitdelay.delay.delay.animyou don't live here, delaydo you?delay
Well,delayanim that's OK, delayI guessdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI am colorWispcolor, delaythe colorlamp spiritcolor.delay Nice to
meet you! delaySodelay animshould we grant some
wishes delayor what?delay Let's get into it!
Waitdelay.delay.delay.animwhy am I all see-through
like this? delayWhat's happening?!pageBreakanimAh! delayI know just the thing.delayanim If you
have an amiibo,delay I could use it to
sort ofdelay.delay.delay.possessdelay.delay.delay.another person.
animIt's not as awkward as it sounds,delay
trust me. |
| animGot it!delaypageBreakanimI'm sure the hardworking Timmy
and Tommy would appreciate
even a short work breakdelay.delay.delay.
animThey should be arriving at the
campground in no time! |
| Oh no! delayanimIt looks like someone
else is just about to move
into fun_00050005.
animWe're going to have to invite
fun_00010011 to move here
another day. |
| Well,delay animI suppose it's back into the
lamp for me, delaythen. |
| Here,delay take these colorMEOW Coupons coloras
a little thank-you.delay animI love granting
people's wishes!
animGets me out of the lamp for a
little while, delayyou see. |
| animAnd now I really must be on
my waydelay.delay.delay. |