
Script : [Characters] NPC_Reset_First

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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fun_00080002Lessee...delay Uh...delay Oh, right. I should
introduce myself proper and such.delay
animThe name's colorResetticolor.
fun_00080002Most people call me Mr.color Resetticolor,delay
on account of me bein' a respected
member of the community and such.
Lookin' forward to workin' with ya!


size.delay.delay.delayCourse,delay this'll probably be the
last time ya ever see me since
there ain't no center or nothin'delay.delay.delay.size
fun_00080002Ahem,delay so, it says here you quit
without saving last time ya played.delay
Care to explain yourself?fun_0001000F
I wanted a do-over.
My batteries ran out.
I had no choice!


fun_00050002fun_0000000DOh, delaya do-over, huh?fun_00010007
fun_00080002Somethin' didn't quite go
your way,delay is that the deal?
fun_00020002Well,delay I guess that's one
way to play itdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut don't ya think that just maybe
it'd be more rewardin'delay fun_00050002to roll with
them punches you're takin'?
fun_00080002That's definitely how I'd most likely
recommend ya play the game.pageBreakDon'tcha wanna do the right thing
and save?delay For the kids?delay For the
whales? C'mon—save the whales!


animAw, man,delay ain't that a kick
in the moleskins!pageBreakfun_00050002'Tween you and me,delay fun_00020002them batteries
don't lastdelay fun_0000000Dquite as long as they used
to when I was a li'l moledelay.delay.delay.
fun_00080002D'ya think I could get ya to be more
careful about charging up in a timely
manner going forward from here?
anim'Preciate itdelay.delay.delay.


fun_00040002fun_0000000DWHAT?!delay fun_00020002Haaaaa,delay that's a darned
shame is what that is!pageBreakfun_00050002I dunno nuthin' about machines,delay
fun_00080002so I can't really help ya out there.pageBreakfun_00080002But I hope from the bottom of my
mole heartdelay fun_00020002that such an awful thing
never happens to you again!


fun_00050002Wassat?delay You were expecting
something a little different?pageBreakfun_00080002Hehdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Yeah, here's the thing.delay
The Reset Surveillance Center?
It don't exist no more.fun_00030002delay


fun_00020002When they were drawin' up the
town budget for this fiscal year,delay
folks were all like:
fun_00060002fun_0000000D"What's wrong with a little reset
every now and then?" "We don't
got the funds for this nonsense!"delay
fun_00020002Blah blah and so on and so forthdelay.delay.delay.
animSo ya see, I ain't here on official
business or nothin'.delay
fun_00050002I'm just volunteerin' this once.
fun_00080002So next time you reset,delay I ain't
gonna pop out.delay
fun_00020002This is it.delay Ol' Resetti's outdelay.delay.delay.


fun_00080002Course, delayif you were to use yourdelay
mayoral powers to restore the
center, delayfun_00050002well that'd be different.
fun_00080002Anddelay if that should come to pass,delay
fun_00020002fun_0000000DI'd be back on the job in full force!
Unstoppable mole power!


fun_00080002Course,delay if you were to lean on the
mayor to bring the center back,
delayfun_00050002that'd be a whole 'nother story.
fun_00080002Anddelay if that should happen,delay fun_00020002fun_0000000DI tell ya
I'd be back and better than ever!
Overwhelming mole power!


fun_00040002But listen to me!delay fun_00080002Runnin' my trap
like a fancy pirate or somethin'!delaypageBreakanimGood luck with all your future
endeavors! fun_00050002Take care now!delay
And buh-delaybye!fun_00090007







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