Num | English |
002 | i10_7 |
003 | fun_00010009 |
004 | animOh,delay fun_00080005!delay You caught me |
005 | animI'm just relaxing and watching the |
006 | animDon't mind me. delayI just stopped to |
007 | fun_00010009 |
008 | animI'm just relaxing and appreciating |
009 | animIt's a fine day to just sit outside and |
010 | Hey,delay have a seat! animdelayI was just sitting |
011 | i10_9 |
012 | animSometimes I like to sneak out here |
013 | animThis is where I come at the end of |
014 | animHey, delayfun_00080005!delay I'd invite you to sit |
015 | animTwo's company, delaythree's a crowd,delay if |
016 | animDon't mind us. delayWe're just sharing |
016 | animDon't mind us. delayWe're just sharing |