Num | English |
| animIf you don't show me what you've
found,delay I'm afraid I can't confirm
whether or not it's mine. |
| animIf you think it's mine,delay I hope you'll
show it to me. |
| animSorry.delay That's not mine.delayanim Good luck
finding the owner! |
| animSorry.delay This isn't mine.fun_00010007 animBut I'm sure
you'll find the owner if you keep
asking around. |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I can't recall ever seeing
this before.fun_00010007anim All I know is that it's
someone else's. |
| animOh!delay This is the book I lost! delayanimI thought
it was gone for good!pageBreakanimI was borrowing it from a friend,delay
so animI'm really glad I get to return it,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animWhere did you find it?! delayanimI've been
looking for this book everywhere! fun_00010007
animWhat a relief!delay This is my treasure! |
| animOh!delay I'd almost given up on ever
finding this again!pageBreakanimI've had this book since I was little.delay
So many wonderful memoriesdelay.delay.delay.delay
I couldn't be happier you found it!anim |
| animHey!delay This IS mine!fun_00010007 animAnd there's an
important recipe inside,delay animso thank
you for finding it for me! |
| animWhat?!delay I dropped this?!pageBreakanimI had something really important
inside,delay animso I'm relieved you found it,delay
fun_00080005. |
| animOh!delay When I realized I'd lost this, delay
animI pretty much gave up on finding it.
fun_00010007animThank you for returning it to me! |
| animHey!delay I looked everywhere in my
house for this,delay with no luck.pageBreakanimNo wonder!delay I must've dropped it
outside somewhere,delay fun_00070005! |
| animWow, delaythis is embarrassing! delayI guess I
must have dropped it somewhere.pageBreakanimIt's half of my favorite pair of
mittens,delay so I'm awfully glad you
found it! |
| animOh!delay This IS mine!fun_00010007 animGreat,delay now I can
keep both hands warm. |
| animOh!delay Good!delay animI was wondering where
I'd left this.delay animThank goodness you
found it,delay fun_00070005. |
| animWow!delay I can't believe I dropped
something this important!pageBreakanimI just thought I'd tucked it away in
a pocket somewhere.pageBreakanimYou really saved the day,
delayfun_00070005! |
| animHey!delay This IS mine,delay fun_00070005!fun_00010007
animRats.delay I had some fresh bread in
there, delayanimbut I'll bet it's all stale now. |
| animThank you so much for bringing it
back to me!pageBreakanimIn terms of a reward,delay this is all
I have on me right now.delayanim I hope you
like my fun_00030011! |
| animThank you so much for returning it!pageBreakIn fact,delay I'd like to give you a reward.delay
It's not much, butdelay how about
my fun_00030011? |
| animThank you so much!delay Please take my
fun_00030011anim as a token
of my appreciation. anim |
| animI'll be careful not to lose it again! |
| animI'll try to keep better track of my
stuff! |
| animI promise to be more responsible
with my things from now on. |
| animI promise to be more responsible
with my things from now on. |